(Xbox Release) Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Thread


Algebraic Geometry and Dandelion Soup
Just got the Xbox release of AOE II: DE, and it still holds up as one of the greatest RTS games, and one of my personal favorites.

The QoL improvements are great, and it's definitely worth buying if you want to jump back into the series or replay AOE II specifically.

Thoughts on the game?
To post something more on topic, i have never played Age of Empires 2. I played the first, Mythology (my favorite in the series) and 3, but never 2. Don't ask me why, but my brother did play a ton of Age of Empires 2 (he did this like way later though, maybe 2012 or so).

I think the fact that i played the first back around its release (maybe 1998), then only got back into the series around 2004/2005 and Mythology was the newest one might explain why i skipped 2. Explains why i played 3 because my brother got it on release back in 2007.

Might just get it on sale, so i just wishlisted on Steam.
AoE 2 was top game in its time, one of the few I played in multiplayer.

Definitive Edition was working poorly on not so bad PC (ThreadrRipper, RTX2080 super), stuttering and glitching.
It shocked me, even more so because original worked on everything with graphics card.
But that was couple of days after launch, so I hope they fixed it.
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