Xbox360Achievements seems to like Dead Money


But best title ever!
And another review for Dead Money quickly emerged, this time courtesy of Xbox360Achievements. The score is a solid 8. Obligatory snippet:<blockquote>Each companion character grants unique perks - just like in the main game – so, Dog or God each give you either a strength or stealth perk respectively, while Dean Domino can temporarily protect you when exposed to The Cloud, and Catherine can extend the time you have before your collar goes off when within range of radio waves. Ah, yes...radios and speakers: possibly the game's worst enemy. For some reason, the radios in this zone have been damaged causing them to broadcast at a frequency that causes the explosive collar to bug out, giving you a limited time before it detonates. Consequently, you'll find yourself desperately running, or backing away and scoping out your routes before advancing, lest your head go 'pop' like an over-ripe melon.


Dead Money clocks in at a good five hours or so, and is well worth investing in if you're thirsty for more New Vegas action. There's plenty of what Fallout does best, with new melee weapons and guns to try out as well as several divergent conclusions to reach once you manage to successfully or indeed unsuccessfully) pull off the Sierra Madre heist. But does Dead Money deliver on the same level as Fallout 3's DLC did? To a certain extent yes, but having played through the DLC episode, we can attest that Dead Money is absorbing while it lasts, yet you might still be left wanting more once the credits have rolled.</blockquote>
The whole idea of those dumb speakers makes me wonder why the evil mastermind doesn't change the collar's frequency. Is there an in-game explanation?
He briefly explains the speakers are interfering with the collars frequencies some how. The precise mechanism behind it isn't explained in detail.
Beelzebud said:
But does Dead Money deliver on the same level as Fallout 3's DLC did?

God I hope not. The Pitt was okay, but the rest of them were not worth the money.

The journalist actually wrote that?

Honestly, I played and reviewed those things and one was even less relevant than the other.
I even feel I have given Broken Steel to much praise in my original review.