XCOM 2 sucks?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I really enjoyed the first one (remake).

Decided to get XCOM 2 and man I'm not enjoying it at all. Seems too complicated for no reason. Constant alerts popping up to let me know some shit is about to hit the fan if I don't hurry up and do something. Everything has a freaking time limit. It's like it wants to really let me know that I suck.

What's the consensus on it? Does it get better? Is it worth sticking with?
I heard there are mods that remove timers, i never used them i just save scummed till i beat the game and then uninstalled because the dlc’s made the fights tedious. The predecessor was better
I heard there are mods that remove timers, i never used them i just save scummed till i beat the game and then uninstalled because the dlc’s made the fights tedious. The predecessor was better

Shit man. That's a bummer. I remember really enjoying the first one.
I played through it a few months ago and I think it was overall enjoyable. You kinda have to save scum a little bit in order to avoid getting fucked in the ass by RNG and bullshit one-turn kills. But the whole time limit stuff isn't much of an issue once you have mastered how to properly abuse all of the game's mechanics. Most classes have a slew of tricks and combos you can pull to kill a shitton of aliens every turn and breeze through the levels. Snipers in particular are busted due to how you can get basically unlimited kills in a turn with their pistols. It's all about knowing how to set enemies up for the perfect kill spree by using each teammates skills and abilities at the right moment and sequence.
Word of advice though. If you pirated this thing and it came with that awful Alien Hunters DLC, you absolutely need to get the mod that nerfs the bosses that come with it because they are overpowered in ways that are downright broken and retarded.
Yeah i pirated and im glad i did. Was that a form of copy protection?
Nope, they are retarded OP even for people who paid for it. I mentioned piracy only because no one would be dumb enough to actually pay for a DLC that only makes the game worse (unless you buy the full pack thing maybe).