Yahoo! Games Fall Games Guide


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Yahoo! Games has compiled a small guide with 20 games to be released this fall, talking about their "hots" and "nots". Fallout 3's one of them.<blockquote>Explore the apocalypse in Bethesda's long-awaited Fallout 3. The sequel to two of the most cherished role-playing games ever, the game infuses the great non-linear gameplay of role-playing epic Oblivion with dark, gut-busting humor, deep character customization, and a new combat system so smart it makes nuclear fission look dumb.

Why It's Hot:
It's Fallout plus Oblivion -- two great tastes that taste great together. Action can be handled in real-time or through the turn-based VATS system, letting both wannabe Rambos and strategy buffs enjoy it equally. The writing is brilliant, the post-apocalyptic world is riveting, and the depth is unparalleled. Need we go on?

Why It's Not:
Good question. We'll get back to you on that when the radiation wears off in a few months.</blockquote>Nice...

Link: Fallout 3 - Fall games Guide @ Yahoo! Games

Seriously now, "why it's hot: it's oblivion + fallout, to great tastes"? More like joining chocolate icecream with a great beef and chips. They both taste great, but won't really go together. The part about both tasting great (the games AND the food) is a moot point.

Also, "we'll tell you when you've bought the game"? SERIOUSLY?!
Morbus said:
Action can be handled in real-time or through the turn-based VATS system, letting both wannabe Rambos and strategy buffs enjoy it equally.
It's a pause.
There are no turns.
Nobody takes a turn.

It's a pause.
The action stops.
You unpause, the action continues.
Kinda like Super Mario Bros.

As far as "strategy buffs" go.
You can't move at all in VATS.
What kind of bullshit is this gut spewing.
You pause and shoot. That's it!
What kind of sad excuse for strategy can this system engender?
Come on now.

Not to mention that enemy attacks have to be nerfed during 'playback' thus encouraging Mickey Mouse strategy.

The sad thing is, the target market for this game will think shit like this really is TB.

Just another glotrified rehash of a Bethesda press kit.
They say we can't criticise the game, since it's not out yet, but they go ahead and crown it as a badass game at the same time.....

The number of game sites that i trust, have narrowed down to 2, everything else has become a piece of corrupt sheize.
That's a 2 minute blog, wow, how utterly shit. Doesn't matter if he praised or put down, a 'review' of that size and structure is fucking stupid.
Not like I was really expecting any in-depth journalism with real 'Pros and Cons' from someone at Yahoo!Games.

The most solid article I ever saw them do was a little before GTA IV came out, and even that was average.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Not to mention that enemy attacks have to be nerfed during 'playback' thus encouraging Mickey Mouse strategy.
Care to elaborate?
I'm baffled at how people consider VATS to be turn based in any way/shape/form. As mentioned, it's a pause in the action. There are no turns.
Morbus said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
Not to mention that enemy attacks have to be nerfed during 'playback' thus encouraging Mickey Mouse strategy.
Care to elaborate?
Todd Howard from the 2ns Fan Interview said:
Another thing we stumbled into, because time is moving forward, is that while you are watching an enemy react to getting shot in this great camera angle, your character can be getting mauled by another enemy. Really frustrating early on as we played it, so we do two things now: 1) depending on the camera chosen we essentially pause the rest of the world, and 2) we have a setting that dramatically reduces the damage the player takes during such an occurrence.
Because of the lack of movement in VATS, they had to nerf adjacent enemy attacks, because it gets annoying when your lack of of strategy results in you getting bum rushed.
Let them have cake! Can't let our console kiddies actually face a fucking challenge. Let's "do what we do best", put training wheels on our corporate McRPG, thus robbing the player of getting his ass kicked once in a while for using half-assed tactics. Never had this problem with before with a 'birds eye view" did we? I have to think nerfing adjacent enemy attacks this way was totally unforseen which only proves that these guys are flying blind. They have no overriding design philosophy. Just make shit up as you go along.

You fucking doubt me, lets see what they use for combat in FO 5 & 6. It'll probably make Barbie Horse Adventures look like Panzer General 2.

Strategy buffs rejoice!
thefalloutfan said:
That's a 2 minute blog, wow, how utterly shit. Doesn't matter if he praised or put down, a 'review' of that size and structure is fucking stupid.

And the brainwash of the uninformed masses through shitty "journalism" continues, at least that it's what i think when i see something like this. This kind of shit happened with Oblivion too right? and every game that's overhyped for that matter.

It's just the way of thinking that "if we say it enough times it becomes true".
JESUS said:
thefalloutfan said:
That's a 2 minute blog, wow, how utterly shit. Doesn't matter if he praised or put down, a 'review' of that size and structure is fucking stupid.

And the brainwash of the uninformed masses through shitty "journalism" continues, at least that it's what i think when i see something like this. This kind of shit happened with Oblivion too right? and every game that's overhyped for that matter.

It's just the way of thinking that "if we say it enough times it becomes true".

Come-on since when has gaming news been journalism? That a magazine like Nintendo Power exists should tell you anything about the industry. Gaming mags are just big advertising platforms. Its like asking actual journalism out of Maxim or Men's Health. The only time when I actually expect gaming mags/sites to be unbiased is when they release reviews. And I must say, by and large they tend to be pretty even-handed. Which isn't to say that its by any stretch of the imagination perfect...but there's nothing perfect in this world...especially if any quantity of money is involved.
Moester said:
Come-on since when has gaming news been journalism? That a magazine like Nintendo Power exists should tell you anything about the industry. Gaming mags are just big advertising platforms. Its like asking actual journalism out of Maxim or Men's Health. The only time when I actually expect gaming mags/sites to be unbiased is when they release reviews. And I must say, by and large they tend to be pretty even-handed. Which isn't to say that its by any stretch of the imagination perfect...but there's nothing perfect in this world...especially if any quantity of money is involved.

Just because you don't buy every crap that mainstream media throw at you doesn't mean others won't (like teenage gamers, gullible as hell since they think they know everything).
JESUS said:
Moester said:
Come-on since when has gaming news been journalism? That a magazine like Nintendo Power exists should tell you anything about the industry. Gaming mags are just big advertising platforms. Its like asking actual journalism out of Maxim or Men's Health. The only time when I actually expect gaming mags/sites to be unbiased is when they release reviews. And I must say, by and large they tend to be pretty even-handed. Which isn't to say that its by any stretch of the imagination perfect...but there's nothing perfect in this world...especially if any quantity of money is involved.

Just because you don't buy every crap that mainstream media throw at you doesn't mean others won't (like teenage gamers, gullible as hell since they think they know everything).

Yeah, well they'll grow out of it eventually. Getting fleeced by a snake-oil salesman is part of growing up. While I don't think these hacks are doing a public service by any means, they're not exactly in league with the devil either.

The job of such magazines is to get people to play games. Period. Like the job of movie mags is to get butts in the theatre, or sports journals to get people to watch the games. Anyone who thinks that any such type of magazine/site isn't part of the business is kidding themselves.
Moester said:
The job of such magazines is to get people to play games. Period. Like the job of movie mags is to get butts in the theatre, or sports journals to get people to watch the games. Anyone who thinks that any such type of magazine/site isn't part of the business is kidding themselves.

Agreed, but they are still journalists, it's just irritating to see the profession (at least most of it), reduced to corporate puppets to boost sales or to lead people as far away from the truth as possible (Fox News=Murdoch=The devil whore).
I really wonder at what audience fluff pieces like this are written for.

Jumping through time like Michael J. Fox in Bill and Ted's magic phone booth...

Surely teens and kids today wouldn't get the Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure reference? So 20 year olds and up?

Come on. It's Gears of War. You have a gun with a chainsaw welded to the bottom. And you can cut dudes in half. It's tough to lose a hand when you're packing cards like those. Well, okay, it's pretty easy to lose a hand when you have a chainsaw welded to your gun, but you get the point.


Haven't we already played this one before? It's going to take some real creativity from the boys at Epic to add a new spin to Gears of War's samey, shooting-gallery gameplay. Don't let us down.

The writer has enough taste to acknowledge the "samey, shooting-gallery gameplay" but yet...It's Gears of Wars, dude!11!