This popped up on flickr:<blockquote>This set includes a scan of a brochure from the Kelsey-Hayes Company, Detroit, MI for their pre-fabricated fallout shelters, circa 1963.
The remaining photos are scans of a Life Magazine feature called "Fallout Shelters" from a September 1961 issue. The scanner was not large enough to accommodate the full-sized pages, so I scanned them in parts and arranged them in order as best as possible.</blockquote>Link: Duck and Cover! on Flickr.
Thanks Ausir.
The remaining photos are scans of a Life Magazine feature called "Fallout Shelters" from a September 1961 issue. The scanner was not large enough to accommodate the full-sized pages, so I scanned them in parts and arranged them in order as best as possible.</blockquote>Link: Duck and Cover! on Flickr.
Thanks Ausir.