You know you are living in 2004 when...

c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
How log has it been since you last went on a hike, spend a couple of days away from technology? I for one yearn for such an opportunity to relax and unwind...

I got two tips. 1) Shut off your computer. 2) Go on a hike this weekend. It's not that hard really.

'A couple of days away from technology' sounds pretty good though - if It meant I didn't have to work or anything, and could paint warhammer all days.
Wooz69 said:
Speaking with someone online lets you focus on what the other person has to say/ what you're saying.

Although most of the communication between two people isn't in what they say. Some study or another said that 96% of the communication between people happens by other methods, although I tend to think that is a bit overreacted.

But still, if you think about it. When two people get together in a bar for instantly, they don't talk about the same things they would when they met online. I mean, face it, 99% of the stuff people say to eachother in real life isn't interesting at all. Talking about stuff is just a way to strenghten bonds between people, and to show you care about them. A bit like the de-flee-ing (or something) monkeys do.
And really, if you would talk about the same things online as you do when you are in a bar, it would be boring as hell.

And it also strikes me how easy misunderstandings can occur by communication over the internet. I mean, a lot of the message you are trying to pass on really does happen with body language. Whether it is the pose of your body, the intonation of your voice or the glimmer in your eyes, it always brings over a message.
And it also strikes me how easy misunderstandings can occur by communication over the internet. I mean, a lot of the message you are trying to pass on really does happen with body language. Whether it is the pose of your body, the intonation of your voice or the glimmer in your eyes, it always brings over a message.
You are so right! When you are talking to the person in front of you you could safely say that the non-verbal communication, gestures, poses, tone of voice, clothing etc. can be more meaningful than the actual talking, not mentioning the fact that it matters just as much how you say it as it does what you say.
What I was trying to say was that the live discussion should be just as interesting as the one on the net, in the least. Just think that some 50-60 years ago people did just fine without chatrooms and forums, now, why can't we do it? Have we become unable to meaningfully communicate with the person sitting next to us? I hope not!

I got two tips. 1) Shut off your computer. 2) Go on a hike this weekend. It's not that hard really.

'A couple of days away from technology' sounds pretty good though - if It meant I didn't have to work or anything, and could paint warhammer all days.
Real soon my friend, I just have two more exams, on the 4th and on the 6th, then I am going to somehow get some money and I will be off to Sinaia or Predeal, these are mountain resorts that are not all that far away! I can't wait!
Talking online can be good for people who would would likely otherwise be discriminated against, though.

For example, people who speak English as a Second Language, or look Arabic (or both), might be discrimintaed against, especially since 9/11. But if they have good English grammar, they can get along fine on the Internet.

People who are especially shy or ugly will also benefit.

And you have a wider selection of people to talk to - if there isn't anybody you know in real life that you get along with perfectly, there might be some Internet user in Malasia or Hong Kong who has the same problem.
That, and if you're deafy you have the ability to read at your own pace without having to ask "what?" every five sentences.

One of the best pluses about chatting online is that you don't have to respond right away either. You're free to take the time to make up what you have to say.
Ozrat said:
One of the best pluses about chatting online is that you don't have to respond right away either. You're free to take the time to make up what you have to say.

And when you have all the time you want, THAT is the best you can come up with?
loss of human contact or the aparent begining of such is rather sad. It's much easier to chat online then to walk up to a stranger and start up a conversation. For those intraverts out there tech has become a god send they can mingle with out the fear of being shut down on approach. However it has led to mass consumption of beer and smokes in my case so that's why I don't go out often.
Ozrat said:
That, and if you're deafy you have the ability to read at your own pace without having to ask "what?" every five sentences.
Ozrat, you ask "what" every two sentences. Or at least you did last time I talked you you. Maybe I just talk too quickly, though.

I find that I just get along better with people online.

Even the people I met on my program's discussion boards online - we became friends there and over MSN - and I didn't start to meet any of them until November.
Talking online can be good for people who would would likely otherwise be discriminated against, though.

For example, people who speak English as a Second Language, or look Arabic (or both), might be discrimintaed against, especially since 9/11. But if they have good English grammar, they can get along fine on the Internet.
I don't think that hiding behind an IP is the solution. And having an accent might make you the target of some puns but that could happen for so many reasons, for example what you say. If I was to say right now that Hitler was a hero and his example should be followed by all of us I would be burned at the stake instantly, and it wouldn't matter what colour my skin was or anything like that. Just for the record the Hitler thing was just a radical example. And why would I want to talk to people who make extreme assumptions based on the color of my skin? Should anyone be ashamed to show his/her face in public because of the color of his/her skin? I think not!
People who are especially shy or ugly will also benefit.
You say they benefit from this, maybe but just in the short run. Instead of helping those who are shy to overcome their problem this only makes them retreat more into the virtual world of the internet, and that is definitely not good. As for ugly people, while physical appearance can have a radical effect when starting a relationship, of any kind, in the long run this influence will fade and other things will matter more. Beauty is only skin deep and so vulnerable and ephemeral.
And you have a wider selection of people to talk to - if there isn't anybody you know in real life that you get along with perfectly, there might be some Internet user in Malasia or Hong Kong who has the same problem.
That I agree with, and that is probably the only good thing about the net, distance is no longer a problem.

One of the best pluses about chatting online is that you don't have to respond right away either. You're free to take the time to make up what you have to say.
So you can lie better, right? The first reaction, that split second thing counts, the rest is nothing but role-play and deceit.
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
that Hitler was a hero and his example should be followed by all of us I would be burned at the stake instantly
Why? Unless you've made some kind of pact to be burned at the steak with your mates, the comment will probably just be frowned upon and some people will cry a bit.

Should anyone be ashamed to show his/her face in public because of the color of his/her skin? I think not!
I think not so to. :D But it happens, so thar.

Beauty is only skin deep and so vulnerable and ephemeral.

Meanwhile people get beaten to death because there fat or a goth. I think some social skills are good, but there's no need to be around people if you hate doing that kind of stuff/too lazy to meet like-minded people. see: german cannibals

That I agree with, and that is probably the only good thing about the net, distance is no longer a problem.

Yeah, the only good thing about the internet. lolla. You could say making the world smaller is a bad thing and fucks up cultures (japan for example)

So you can lie better, right? The first reaction, that split second thing counts, the rest is nothing but role-play and deceit.

perhaps you think so, perhaps other people like some time to think instead of saying stuff on reactions and regretting it. Also you couldn't say all the stuff you could on a forum with most people as they are to stupid or would stop listening after a bit, then say something totally unrelated to what you said.

On a positive side though, it seems real-life is slowly invading the internet: it's stupid.
I blame the NMA/DaC reference in the Fo:PoS credits for the increase in internet stupidity. :P
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
People who are especially shy or ugly will also benefit.
You say they benefit from this, maybe but just in the short run. Instead of helping those who are shy to overcome their problem this only makes them retreat more into the virtual world of the internet, and that is definitely not good. As for ugly people, while physical appearance can have a radical effect when starting a relationship, of any kind, in the long run this influence will fade and other things will matter more. Beauty is only skin deep and so vulnerable and ephemeral

You say they benefit from this, maybe but just in the short run. Instead of helping those who are shy to overcome their problem this only makes them retreat more into the virtual world of the internet, and that is definitely not good. As for ugly people, while physical appearance can have a radical effect when starting a relationship, of any kind, in the long run this influence will fade and other things will matter more. Beauty is only skin deep and so vulnerable and ephemeral
You say they benefit from this, maybe but just in the short run. Instead of helping those who are shy to overcome their problem this only makes them retreat more into the virtual world of the internet, and that is definitely not good. As for ugly people, while physical appearance can have a radical effect when starting a relationship, of any kind, in the long run this influence will fade and other things will matter more. Beauty is only skin deep and so vulnerable and ephemeral.

Well it is a superficial world we live in...
The question is, is it really worse to live in an virtual world, than living in an desolate world? Maybe a stutterer (did I write that word right?) who is afraid to talk to people, has the opportunity to do so. Maybe he has not seen any one of his virtual friends, but at least he has them.
Of course, it is not a question, that having a real live is way better than a virtual one, nothing beats going to the beach in summer (to bad we don't have any over here) or going out for dates or cinema but i guess sometimes you have to choose the least bad thing (it is so stupid to translate proverbs).
It is also a huge benefit for sick people, be it mentally or physical.
Johns Volition said:
Well it is a superficial world we live in...
The question is, is it really worse to live in an virtual world, than living in an desolate world? Maybe a stutterer (did I write that word right?) who is afraid to talk to people, has the opportunity to do so. Maybe he has not seen any one of his virtual friends, but at least he has them.
Of course, it is not a question, that having a real live is way better than a virtual one, nothing beats going to the beach in summer (to bad we don't have any over here) or going out for dates or cinema but i guess sometime you have to choose the least bad thing (it is so stupid to translate proverbs).
It is also a huge benifit for sick people, be it mentaly or physical.

Having a stutter myself I can attest to this. I have friends and go to bars and all that jazz, but have a hard time making complicated verbal arguments without the words getting all confused. I enjoy this format for that purpose but believe that it is a supplement to real human interaction, not a substitute.
and to the subject...
You know you are living in 2004 when...

1. ...You think Ping Pong is a Japanese Anime
2. see a calendar with 2004 written on it (ok that one sucks)
We are living in 2004 and you might get a mail that says:
Attention world! This is God-Gates speaking. Please log off, the world is now rebooting.

I like the fact that I have many friends on-line - people I would not have come to know if it was not for the internet, cause thousands of miles appart us in real world.