Your Easter Egg Ideas.

I sincerely hope that with the Wacky Wasteland perk you will get some sort of Fear and Loathing reference. I'm sure there will be something - it's too good to not have a special encounter with it (directly related to Vegas as well).
It would be freaking amazing if i could find the head of Frank Horrigan.

To teabag of course.
I want there to be a roaming cloud of persistent bats. You can never kill them all, and they (slowly) kill you if you're in their area, or "country" if you will. Anyway, your only option for dealing with them is to not cease movement, or "stop" if you will, until you're well away from them.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
I want there to be a roaming cloud of persistent bats. You can never kill them all, and they (slowly) kill you if you're in their area, or "country" if you will. Anyway, your only option for dealing with them is to not cease movement, or "stop" if you will, until you're well away from them.

and they only arrive when addicted to something.

i got another one, while suffering from an addiction to a certain drug (idk) whenever you go into a bar, all the patrons are geckos.
I'd like to hear some drunk on the strip saying "Dogs fucked the Pope... No fault of mine!" or something like that.

Hunter S. Thompson indeed was a genius.
Crucifixion in Vegas is a nice reference to The Stand, but it's already in the main game (Caesar's Legion), so hardly an Easter egg.

I'd like to bump into the Trashcan Man, another character from The Stand. He always rode off into the desert looking for weapons to bring back to Vegas. He was really good at it and eventually found a nuclear silo where he stole a nuke. The radiation killed him, but not before he delivered it to Vegas on his desert buggy. This would be a wicked Easter egg.
SkuLL said:
Crucifixion in Vegas is a nice reference to The Stand, but it's already in the main game (Caesar's Legion), so hardly an Easter egg.

I'd like to bump into the Trashcan Man, another character from The Stand. He always rode off into the desert looking for weapons to bring back to Vegas. He was really good at it and eventually found a nuclear silo where he stole a nuke. The radiation killed him, but not before he delivered it to Vegas on his desert buggy. This would be a wicked Easter egg.
Yeah, Trash as a ghoul would be kinda cool.
Having just watched "The Goon" movie trailer from Comic-Con, I'd love to see a reference to their universe. It fits Fallout pretty well with ghouls, bars/alcohol, gangs, violence, etc... Simply a pairing of the Goon and Franky at the bar with a couple funny lines would be funny. An actual random encounter with a battle of sorts going on would allow inclusion of some fun/unique creatures.

2nd, since Caesar's Legion crucifying people, I think happening upon a row of crucified people singing, "Always look on the bright side" a'la Life of Brian would be hilarious. (after all they've certainly done Monte Python before)
I'd like to meet terry pratchetts death and talk with him after im killed, and at the same time fighting continues.
SkuLL said:
Crucifixion in Vegas is a nice reference to The Stand, but it's already in the main game (Caesar's Legion), so hardly an Easter egg.

I'd like to bump into the Trashcan Man, another character from The Stand. He always rode off into the desert looking for weapons to bring back to Vegas. He was really good at it and eventually found a nuclear silo where he stole a nuke. The radiation killed him, but not before he delivered it to Vegas on his desert buggy. This would be a wicked Easter egg.
FLAGG :aiee:
Faceless_Stranger said:
SkuLL said:
Crucifixion in Vegas is a nice reference to The Stand, but it's already in the main game (Caesar's Legion), so hardly an Easter egg.

I'd like to bump into the Trashcan Man, another character from The Stand. He always rode off into the desert looking for weapons to bring back to Vegas. He was really good at it and eventually found a nuclear silo where he stole a nuke. The radiation killed him, but not before he delivered it to Vegas on his desert buggy. This would be a wicked Easter egg.
FLAGG :aiee:
Some older looking dude with revolvers looking for a man in priest's clothing would be pretty cool, too :D
Maybe mumbling pointless stuff about ka and how the world moved on ^^
O.k so everyone would prefer it if the game was called "Fear and Loathing in New Vegas" .... actually I would too.

If the easter egg does make an appearance I hope it does something this time.
A Todd Howard cameo is crucial since he made the series what it is today. (Also he kindly supplied the NV team with a state-of-the-art engine). 8-)