Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

Yea, at least he acknowledged daddy was dead. Guess he's got some sheriffin' to do now. I wish he had commented something along the lines of "You took my daddy's hat! YOU BASTARD!"

Got the armor at Fort Constantine.

Am I cool or what?

I ought to give you strike for that, you damn youngster.

Besides, this is a pretty version of me, about 16 years ago.

Gawd, I am old.

Lol, awesome. I'll have to go and check that place out. Still havent been there.

And yes you are a big clean shaven, lmao. Kudos on the hat though, nice touch. lol.
Definitely check it out, I found it pretty interesting.

I had to get the cowboy hat. I figured being from Texas it was required.
Being from Texas, it'd be essential.

Is that the church with the rigged shotgun and hanging frag grenades? It looks the same... mind you most of the churches look the same...
Hell if I know, I think it's that Tabernacle one up north.

Once I saw a couple of churches, I decided they were not worth my time.
Hahahaha thats amazing. I'm so IN.

"Every person has the natural right (and the responsibility) to peacefully determine what is right. We are advocates of religious freedom."
