Your ideas for new factions and critters/robots

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

Now that there is a growing interest in Wasteland people on the forums here might have ideas for factions, creatures or robot types of their own.

I am curious what people's ideas are so please post them here if you have them.

Something I think would be fun to see even if its only a small reference is something like the Windmill People from Six String Samurai.
Weird people who dress up in makeshift spacesuits (made from junk and such) and re enact stuff they may have seen in old movies and magazines.
I believe they were intended to be a sort of cargo cult, not really grasping the meaning behind it all, filling up the blanks with their own interpretation.
"Cargo cult"? You just made me picture a BOS-like gathering of USPS operatives, guarding a sacred hoard of parcels that contain untold quantities of pre-war wealth signed for. ;)
Silencer said:
"Cargo cult"? You just made me picture a BOS-like gathering of USPS operatives, guarding a sacred hoard of parcels that contain untold quantities of pre-war wealth signed for. ;)

There was this tabletop RPG called "The End" which featured a group that was dedicated to trying to re-establish the communications infrastructure to their post-apocalyptic wasteland, more or less pretending to be the guys from "The Postman."

The groaner is their name: as they were started by a former FedEx employee and a former UPS employee, the group calls themselves the "Fed-Ups."
Well I have an idea for a faction........ plasmalurks....... a new species of lurks that function as nonhostile beings that live in a settlement called the plasma Taylor....
I would love to see them re-do a few old towns.

It would be nice to see those towns you use to visit in 2d now in 3d graphics.