Your top 5 presents.

They got me a new mobile phone. Snappy one.

Couldn't stop hearty laughter.

Maybe I'll get laid at last :P

Of course, the 18 inch LCD monitor is nice, too. Some Germans are vending those at nearly 1400€. Needless to say, that's NOT the kind of money that's been paid for mine :D

And the paen I wanted. And that's about it for the useful stuff.

Not to mention that the money for the monitor technically came from my bank account :D

Hey, I still haven't seen Fallout on it. Logging off...

Marek said:
A watch (to be exchanged for more money, as I don't really like watches).
Fable (to be exchanged for another game, yet undecided which).

Man, someone must have gotten your wish list wrong. :P

EDIT: (m)
I stopped making wishlists when my Mum explained that she would never get me torture equipment (courtesy of Spanish inquisition) for my room. I was so depressed that time I had to eat my baby brother to cheer up.
calculon00 said:
Well, don't you have something like 7 or 15 others left after you eat the one?
No... I am all alone... I have no one... :cry:

:( Calculon... would you be my brother? :twisted:
cout<<"If your planning to eat me, you should know that computer chips fragments will FUCK UP your bowels. End start."<<endl<<endl;

return 0;
rats & mice do like to eat electric wiring calculon. (or at least the plastic around em)

be afraid...
They chew through wires yes, but I'd like to see a rat chew through my impregnable 1950's cast-iron casing!
You should know by now that I'm far more powerful than an ordinary rat, Calculon. Just the other day I bat my tail in the Indian Ocean and made such a mess that they are still counting the casualties.
The Producers

An ad for the capitol steps from NPR . After listening to said pogram, I must recommend this to all...

Decent headphones

an Altec Lansing 5.1 speaker set... Unimaginable how much better this sounds versus my old set.

154 kilos... of dust (my kitchen/ bedroom/hallway/bathroom/brother's bedroom are being redone) not really as good as I had thought after hearing 154 kilos... damn.
I got a 512 Mb USB Flash memory to back up my all-important documents and stuff. No more diskettes! Although I have to decide how much space to assign to the private zone and make up a password. Everyone with a stick memory, post your own partitions and passwords here!