This is pretty interesting. First time I hear about this particular case:
Our last 23 days have been great! Unfortunately we have gotten no where with YouTube's support system. 1 strike has disabled every feature on our account, the YouTube counter DMCA form was not only broken for us, but a different login to the account provided a completely different and WORKING form. Lot's more in the video, and we'll probably have another video or two related to this in the coming weeks about how broken the current system is.
I never was much of a fan of their chanel, outside of watching 2 or 3 videos. But even I have heard about them. They have been on Youtube for very long.
However, it seems this is only the last action by Youtube of many many bad things. Here in Germany for example, since Youtube can't find a way to figure out how to deal with the GEMA,
The Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA; English: Society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights) is a state-authorized collecting society and performance rights organization based in Germany, with administrative offices in Berlin and Munich. GEMA represents the usage rights stemming from authors' rights (e.g., mechanical licensing, broadcast licensing, synchronization licensing) for the musical works of those composers, lyricists, and publishers who are members in the organization. It is the only such institution in Germany and a member of BIEM and CISAC. Other collecting societies include the Gesellschaft der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger (de) (AKM) in Austria and SUISA in Switzerland.
And I feel, it can only get worse over time. If you consider how popular this kind of media has become, how many people share their content, views and opinon over youtube and similar platforms. And yet, how ... ambigious it is. As company. And with their decisions. What if you make most of your living on youtube, and quite succesfully. And suddenly, without giving a reason, they simply shut down your chanel. Impossible? Well. Look above. What are you supposed to do? Fill out a lawsuit?
I really feel like this is something that gets very often ignored today. But it might become a serious issue in the future.
So what do you guys think? Does youtube need a reform?