Zombies were people to.

John B.

Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I'm sick and tired of the media personifying zombies as mindless walking corpses, it's time they get the rights that they deserve. my question for all of you is a simple one: should Zombies be given the right to vote? I say they should, but being that I am a zombie sympathizer, I admit that my opinion is strong for the allotment of zombie voting rights. As of yet they have no rights, not even the right to the swet of there brow, or even decent job programs, I am asking you the nma community to state your opinions, on this subject, and ways we can improve the zombies quality of afterlife.
I think a book about a teenage girl in love with an emotional teenage zombie boy (and it's sooo complicated) is in order.

Can't stand zombies, leave them in the ground and let them fade away from popular culture. Or semi-popular culture.
Considering that zombies are always out to kill people, I'd say that they can be put under the same category as convicted felons and therefore denied the vote (at least in many US states).
Not all zombies want to kill people, some just don't know were to find food, so they get it were they can.
John B. said:
Not all zombies want to kill people, some just don't know were to find food, so they get it were they can.

If I kill someone and then claim that it was the only way for me to get food, I'd be pleading insanity, or at least severe mental retardation. Since (as far as I know) the insane and severely mentally retarded have even less voting rights than convicts, it seems like even more of an argument against their voting rights.
There are intelligent zombies, notice that I said some in my previous statement. If nothing else they should at least be able to take a fair test to see if they are mentally capable of voting, but that would cause a way for bigots to deny them there chance, by making the test near imposable.
How can you say that they were at one point or another humans just like us just because they are different doesn't give us to deny them general rights.
John B. said:
How can you say that they were at one point or another humans just like us just because they are different doesn't give us to deny them general rights.
They were human once, but not anymore, as soon as they died, they ceased being human.
Just because they die dose not mean that they have ceased being human, they have simply ceased living and have begun a sort of new life.
John B. said:
Just because they die dose not mean that they have ceased being human, they have simply ceased living and have begun a sort of new life.

Like at the end of the book I Am Legend [spoiler:ed051abdec] where it turns out that the zombies are actually the next society, and the "hero" is sort of a monster from the "olden days."[/spoiler:ed051abdec][/spoiler]
What I am trying to say here is that just because they have a new name doesn't make them anything less than they were when they were alive.
I haven't seen a thread this useless ever since Prosper was banned.

Althought it seems like zombies can have political opinions (CoD Nazi zombies), it doesn't mean they should have the right to vote.
It is not that I do not understand that zombies are thinking beings, but they are unhygenic and spreads diseases and there is no way I shall share a voting booth with them. I suggest we send them to reservation or maybe create zombie homelands that they can live in.
Never trusted Zombies or Andriods. They have no emotions, there fore cannot make an informed decision. And should be destroyed or retired as soon as possible
Never trusted Zombies or Andriods. They have no emotions, there fore cannot make an informed decision. And should be destroyed or retired as soon as possible