Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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That's how they play it in soviet Russia.
No, we don't. :x

We just will our dialog responses via brain waves into the game and use our superior, to dying West, comprehension abilities to understand Errors. Just like they teach us in middle school according to KGB techniques.
:rofl: :revolution:
In Soviet Russia, Restoration Project plays you!

Speaking of which Drobovik, where's translations of my stuff? KGB is getting antsy.

:revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution: :revolution:
Well, so far my playthrough has gone pretty swell. The goal was to recruit every NPC possible and never participate in combat myself with the exception of using drugs or stimpacks on NPCs. I had initially thought that keeping the dogs/marcus/goris alive would be a pain but it turned out to not be so bad, they were rarely targeted, and if they were, usually not by more than one or two foes. I tried getting as many NPCs as possible without leveling up so that they would max out quicker. The beginning was grueling, but near the end we were unstoppable. Right now my biggest enemies are doorways and party banter.
leandro213 said:
15 :P you missed someone
That's amazing. :notworthy:

One of my favorite "Cheap as hell but fun as hell" things to do in Fallout 2 was run straight to Navarro from Arroyo after completing the Temple Of Trials, and going straight to the point in Navarro that you were confused as a recruit and got Advanced Power Armor. Obviously it breaks the difficulty progression of like the entire game :P
Just spent 10 minutes playing the "push" game to exit the room after riding an elevator at the S.A.D. Good times.
Miria is absolutely horrendous, that 35 hp never increases and she loves to suicide by force field.
Getting into Navarro as a recruit is impossible with this woman, I might just have to get a divorce.
Other than that, the huge army made the game substantially easier (Gee ya think?)
Some crazy hard random encounters would be fun. Something like 12 Enclave troopers with 6 Deathclaws.
I saved then cheated Jinxed in for fun but after 3 enclave encounters I noticed it didn't make much of a difference, sure someone would lose their ammo or drop their weapon every once in a while but it wasn't that big of a deal.
leandro213 said:
I saved then cheated Jinxed in for fun but after 3 enclave encounters I noticed it didn't make much of a difference, sure someone would lose their ammo or drop their weapon every once in a while but it wasn't that big of a deal.
I would play it a bit longer if I were you. Unless Fallout 2 is significantly different -- I almost exclusive work with Fallout 1 these days -- Jinxed can actually make a big difference. Guns exploding is a great example. Once I saw a Super Mutant's rocket launcher explode, killing him and his buddy.

It all depends on chance to hit; that's all that matters. So these will make your enemies critical fail more often:

Player wearing better armor (higher AC means they miss more)
Player having higher agility (AC again)
Enemy's weapon skill level (early- and mid-game enemies will crit fail more often than end-game badasses)
Enemy's stats (Perception affects their chance to hit)

Your point is valid but personally I love Jinxed. It's extremely rare in normal play to see melee cripple their own limbs trying to attack you, or raiders have their weapons destroyed. But with Jinxed it's "common". I've actually had Molerats kill themselves attacking me on a critical failure.
To Killap:
I've already asked this question, but you were busy and probably missed it:
Will there be endings for Umbra Tribe and Abbey depending on actions you made through quests and overall? Maybe you can you consult Chris Avellone (he has active account in twitter, by the way) and/or other former BIS employees who did the design for these areas and ask if there were supposed endings and/or their thoughts. Though a good slide would take a very good writer, a very good graphics artist, and maybe even a narrator as Oppen fairly noticed, the work in my opinion would be worth it and RP will have absolutely finished look.
Sduibek said:
leandro213 said:
I saved then cheated Jinxed in for fun but after 3 enclave encounters I noticed it didn't make much of a difference, sure someone would lose their ammo or drop their weapon every once in a while but it wasn't that big of a deal.
I would play it a bit longer if I were you. Unless Fallout 2 is significantly different -- I almost exclusive work with Fallout 1 these days -- Jinxed can actually make a big difference. Guns exploding is a great example. Once I saw a Super Mutant's rocket launcher explode, killing him and his buddy.

It all depends on chance to hit; that's all that matters. So these will make your enemies critical fail more often:

Player wearing better armor (higher AC means they miss more)
Player having higher agility (AC again)
Enemy's weapon skill level (early- and mid-game enemies will crit fail more often than end-game badasses)
Enemy's stats (Perception affects their chance to hit)

Your point is valid but personally I love Jinxed. It's extremely rare in normal play to see melee cripple their own limbs trying to attack you, or raiders have their weapons destroyed. But with Jinxed it's "common". I've actually had Molerats kill themselves attacking me on a critical failure.

I once played a jinxed, INT 1, LUCK 1 character. After a lot of hard work, I got to Navarro, only to remember I can not dismiss my companions being retarded, so I put it in stand by until I figured out how to deal with that.
Luck 1 and Jinxed, that just sounds awful. Are you a hardcore/ironman type player?
Oppen said:
I once played a jinxed, INT 1, LUCK 1 character. After a lot of hard work, I got to Navarro, only to remember I can not dismiss my companions being retarded, so I put it in stand by until I figured out how to deal with that.

Pop a couple of mentats, disband your party, then rest back down to retardation.
Trephs said:
Will there be endings for Umbra Tribe and Abbey depending on actions you made through quests and overall? Maybe you can you consult Chris Avellone (he has active account in twitter, by the way) and/or other former BIS employees who did the design for these areas and ask if there were supposed endings and/or their thoughts. Though a good slide would take a very good writer, a very good graphics artist, and maybe even a narrator as Oppen fairly noticed, the work in my opinion would be worth it and RP will have absolutely finished look.
I'm not planning any more content for the RP. All that you said is doable though, but without Ron Perlman, we can never truly complete the task of adding new ending slides.
killap said:
Trephs said:
Will there be endings for Umbra Tribe and Abbey depending on actions you made through quests and overall? Maybe you can you consult Chris Avellone (he has active account in twitter, by the way) and/or other former BIS employees who did the design for these areas and ask if there were supposed endings and/or their thoughts. Though a good slide would take a very good writer, a very good graphics artist, and maybe even a narrator as Oppen fairly noticed, the work in my opinion would be worth it and RP will have absolutely finished look.
I'm not planning any more content for the RP. All that you said is doable though, but without Ron Perlman, we can never truly complete the task of adding new ending slides.
Slideshow... slideshow never changes.
Sduibek said:
Luck 1 and Jinxed, that just sounds awful. Are you a hardcore/ironman type player?

Somewhat hardcore, if you mean just trying different/extreme characters for fun. Iron man, not at all, I never finished an ironman playthrough.

leandro213 said:
Pop a couple of mentats, disband your party, then rest back down to retardation.

Yes, that's an option. The problem is I fear they might not join me again if I go that way.
started playing this today but had to stop because as soon as I got the magnum the game crashes every time I fire it

how do I put a save game up here?
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