Hi dude_obj
I´m one member of the german fo:zero mod team, and i like to complete what high_elder started:
Up to this point, we had a small discussion about your mod / name in our team - but we didn´t finish this discussion yet. On our next teammeeting (on sunday), we´ll go on with this topic.
For now, there is no need to worry about changing the name of your mod. While the discussion, our teamleader mentioned, that "fallout:zero" is just a project name. So it isn´t shure yet, if we choose this name for the release. Well, we´ll see after the next meeting.
Just go on with working, i am looking forward to play your mod ^^. We´ll keep contact about the naming-issue.
...oh.. and as the zero-thread on nma is _very_ outdated, i´ll talk to the team about releasing some new gfx-stuff to the community...

I´m one member of the german fo:zero mod team, and i like to complete what high_elder started:
Maybe this guys are not be amused of hearing that you are using the same name. I'll tell them of this issue and you can
Up to this point, we had a small discussion about your mod / name in our team - but we didn´t finish this discussion yet. On our next teammeeting (on sunday), we´ll go on with this topic.
For now, there is no need to worry about changing the name of your mod. While the discussion, our teamleader mentioned, that "fallout:zero" is just a project name. So it isn´t shure yet, if we choose this name for the release. Well, we´ll see after the next meeting.

Just go on with working, i am looking forward to play your mod ^^. We´ll keep contact about the naming-issue.
...oh.. and as the zero-thread on nma is _very_ outdated, i´ll talk to the team about releasing some new gfx-stuff to the community...