Is 5-HTP worth taking?

Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
No, I’m not rolling on Ecstasy. I’ve been having mood swings since I quite smoking over the summer and I’ve been a bit depressed, bored, contemplating suicide more then usually. Anyway, I came across 5-Hydroxytryptophan dietary supplements which help with depression and sleep, however it also suppresses appetite which is a big no-no because I’m trying to put on weight. I’m going to ask my chem. major friends and a doctor, but I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with 5-HTP.
Talk to a doctor - don't ask strangers on the internet about this shit, and don't follow their advice.

If you choose to follow their advice though consider this:

The answer is not a pill - the pill deals with the symptoms; not the causes. Find out what bothers you and change that aspect of your life, man.
I can only agree with the others here. I've been having major problems with my sleep, I was always depressed and I barely ate. I had no job or school, so all I did was sit at home and play at my pc, drink a lot and hang out with friends. I start taking sleeping pills and was going to ask for antidepressants. turns out the sleeping pills only made me feel worse - sure, I slept. but the entire next day was like a bad hangover and I just couldn't get up in the morning to do anything anyways.

I've now got a job I'm very happy with and got some basic routines. I sleep a lot better (still a bit hard getting up in the morning after being a nightperson for 6-7 years) and I feel a whole lot better overall.

everyone's different, but it usually boils down to one simple thing: if you're not happy with your situation, change your surroundings and try to find something to do that you have fun doing.
Don't talk to a doctor, Drunky! That would be way out of character.

Just walk over to your local pharmacist, buy everything you can without prescription, and gulp them all down at once with a bottle of whiskey.

Oh, and take pictures.
Get some exercise and read good books. Exercise regulates chemical processes in yer brain, man.
Wooz said:
Get some exercise and read good books. Exercise regulates chemical processes in yer brain, man.
This is the best advice I can give aswell. Regular exercise, something the wears out the whole body is the way to go. I suggest swimming or jogging. Long tiring joggs or swimming. Or find somewhere where they cleave wood and do that, it is a really good way to get out agression and bad thoughts.
Loxley said:
Or find somewhere where they cleave wood and do that, it is a really good way to get out agression and bad thoughts.

Dude, don't inspire Drunky to wield an axe!

Lots of them. You can never overdose on vitamins, what you took in excess, you'll just piss back out.

I take daily doses. A multivitamin and BEFACT, a nice little collection of B vitamins.

Also: water. Lots of it. At least 1.5 litres/day. And no: water does not equal coffee or beer or tea or ranja. I'm talking bottled water or tap water (if it ain't too contaminated where you live).

And stop eating meat. Meat fucks up your brain and intestines.

Drugs are good if they are not chemical. So weed and shrooms are okay, but XTC and speed and coke are bad for you.

-- alec, medicine man
I appreciate all the responses, although i was hoping for personal experiences. 5-HTp is not a drug, its a dietary supplement, at lest thats what they market it as. It's sold for like $5 right next to vitamins, At such a modest retial price, how risky can it really be? Then again, I'm not a pill popper, i wont event take an advil unless i really needed. Exercise would be the way to go, I have an acquaintance that substituted his heroine addiction with the gym, he looks great now. My problem is that I'm lacking time to be consentient; I work 15hrs a week and I'm a full time student, factor in the travel time and the time that i needed to study and do projects. That pretty much only leaves me with Saturday and I'm usually hungover in the morning. I'm going to try to put myself on a program where I'm just going to do pull-ups and other things around the house, that are not too intense.

Also, check out this blog I found on how "Smoking affects same 'feel good' brain chemical system as heroin"

Keep in mind its only a blog.
I like these parts
It's the first time smoking has been shown to affect the human brain's natural system of chemicals called endogenous opioids, which are known to play a role in quelling painful sensations, heightening positive emotions, and creating a sense of reward. It's the same system that is stimulated by heroin and morphine.

The new findings confirm previous animal studies, and add to scientists' previous understanding of how smoking affects the flow of another "feel good" chemical in the brain, called dopamine

Dopamine if I'm not mistaken, gets released as a result of shooting up, exercising, and smoking.

Buxbaum666 said:
Smoking is also as addictive as heroin, if not more. And more people die because of it
I wouldn't know but I've tried quiting smoking for the past 2 years and its a bitch. Cigarettes are easier to come by and they complement a drink so well, which is why there are more smokers then dope heads.