World map in Fallout II

FalloutDude said:
when i saw it i thought about how stupid you are and then loved it.(it looks the same jackass)

Dude, explore the F1 map and F2 map, and then tell me theyre the same. I mean...F2 map is just so..BROWN.

The F1 map was excelent..I loved exploring it because it had so much effort put in it, the different mountains, different terrain, and in some places there were ruins of cities. I especially loved the coast and the boneyard area...that place looked really nice even though it is the end of the world-ish.

Edit: Take a look at one of the segments it shows the world map. Compare that to F2

Compare: This is fallout 2

See the huge color difference...EVERYTHING IS BROWN!!

Here is another example, not as good as the others but still okay.
That one was fallout 1
Does anyone know if there is a way to slow your movement speed down on the world map ?. I prefer the speed in Fallout 1 :P.
So, you dont like the fact that the F2 map is a little bit bigger than F1?

However, i agree on the detail-difference opinion
Actually I LOVE that its bigger...
Just saying the detail is crap. Dont see what the hell happened...
I also agree that the speed was better before. I mean, now its faster, but a bit less beleivable. I mean, youre a traveler out in the wastes, walking for miles and miles. I mean, sure, you get a car, but why does it have to move at the speed of light?
One detail I don't like about the F2 map is that there are NO signs on the map of the civilization that fell... Which is patently ridiculous, because no amount of nuclear bombardment would erase the existence of vast cities and road networks completely.
ok..this really pisses me off. I went into the plains. I get plains. I went into the mountains. I got plains. I went onto the coast. I got..plains...
I want to go check out the floating cars and junk at the coast, and all I get is a bunch of dirt! Come on..
Stopping right at the cost should give you a map that has water on the left side. You should also see some junk floating in it, etc.

I know there are several maps that contain caves and I could swear that in mountainous areas you should see these types of maps. Perhaps these only come up if you have a random encounter in the mountains..... (cannot remember)
killap said:
Stopping right at the cost should give you a map that has water on the left side. You should also see some junk floating in it, etc.

I know there are several maps that contain caves and I could swear that in mountainous areas you should see these types of maps. Perhaps these only come up if you have a random encounter in the mountains..... (cannot remember)

I'm fairly certain that it will be plains. Random enocounters seem to be the only time you get caves. Correct me if I'm wrong, somebody.
You should remember that the F1 map does not have those little cool locations next to the big ones, for instance golgotha/stables and such. thats a big + for the F2 map
Lazarus Plus said:
One detail I don't like about the F2 map is that there are NO signs on the map of the civilization that fell... Which is patently ridiculous, because no amount of nuclear bombardment would erase the existence of vast cities and road networks completely.
Yeah, In fallout 1 you could see remains of cities and ruins, all you see in fallout 2 is land. :cry:
Again, it's a showcase of the differences between F1 and F2- F1 had a "hand-crafted" feel about the map- while F2's map felt very copy/pasted and rushed (as said earlier, it looks like a modern satellite map that's been "browned-up"), and the developers were extremely lazy in how they handled the terrain differences (or lack thereof).

Hell, those differences apply to the whole of both games. Hand-crafted labors of love beat manufactured, coat-tail riding laziness every time.
Ahhhh, But does anyone know how to config the files to slow your movment over the map down ?
IIRC it's hardcoded, though there is a mod that'll increase the rate of random encounters to 100%, check the downloads.

That's another gripe, in Fallout movement on the world map is fairly consistent no matter the specs of my pc. In Fallout 2 the faster my pc the faster the speed on the world map.
Dude, nice avatar. Did you make it yourself? It is a render of a 3d model I assume... if not, I'm just really tired, let's blame it on that,