John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

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Okay I don't know whether this belongs on the news thread or not, but since it does involve someone from New Vegas Development Team, I figured I'd be fitting to post it here!

So yeah, as you can see Fallout New Vegas Lead Creative Designer/Writer John Gonzalez announced a few days ago that he rejoined Obsidian Entertainment. Now even though he immediately clarified that he isn't going to be working on a Fallout New Vegas 2, it does open up a lot of possibilities, I mean he could work on original non Fallout related projects. Or maybe even a future Fallout game besides a New Vegas 2, I don't know what do you guys think of this news?


The Digital Antiquarian on the history of Fallout

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A trip down memory lane with the history of the making of Fallout at The Digital Antiquarian:

It goes through the state of the cRPG genre at Fallouts inception and release, Tim, Leonard and Jason making the game over pizzas or pancakes or whatever, and all the GURPS and Wasteland stuff you all probably already know, plus the usual "Ian blocked a doorway and bursted me in the back, this game sucks actually".
It's good, go read it.

Fallout et tu 1.11 released!

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Lexx has released version 1.11 of Fallout et tu, the mod that let's you play Fallout 1 in Fallout 2's engine. For more info go to this thread.

Here's what Lexx has to say about the update:
Not much to say this time, just wanted to finally get those fixes out in a public release. Some bugfixes (there's always something to fix), and some smaller tweaks. As always it's better to start a new game, especially for the Katja-fix. But it shouldn't be necessary this time.

I've noticed there was a funny exploit... you could keep quest items if you'd barter them to NPCs first, then click the...

Fallout: Yesterday 0.65 released!

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Just in time for the Christmas there's a new release of Fallout: Yesterday. You can read the changelog below and if you happen to know any programmers the team behind the mod are in need of some.

Mutants, the wait is over! Version 0.65 is here! Enjoy! :D

NEXUS MODS DOWNLOAD (login required, 7z Archive)

GOFILE DOWNLOAD (no login required, 7z Archive)

- New Location: Mesa Verde

- New Voiced Companion: Alexandra

- 33 new critter sprites

- Modernized the engine: Animated grass...

Fallout: Yesterday team in need of additional programmers

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Fallout Yesterday, a free implementation of Black Isle's aborted attempt at Fallout 3, codenamed Van Buren, as a total conversion mod for Fallout 2, is looking for programmers in order to speed up the project. If you would like to help them bring the world of Van Buren to life then please contact them on:

We have a thread for the project on our forums and it can be found here. You can also support and follow them on Patreon. We're looking forward to the 0.65 release for Christmas!

Fallout New Vegas day 2024

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Fallout New Vegas Day is an annual event hosted at the real Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, Nevada, November 16-17th. I've combed the web to find some of the better images and posted them here. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it!:ok:
An article about the event
Backup of images and videos





Fallout: Sonora - Vanilla translation done!

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@Cambragol has, after roughly 600 hours work, released the 1.0 version of his vanilla English translation for Fallout: Sonora and it's expansion Dayglow. You can read all about it in this thread as well as on this website or on

He has...

Fallout Day Broadcast

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Happy Fallout Day, everyone!

What's Fallout Day? Well, bombs dropped October 23rd 2077, so it's an opportunity for... something.

Original post by PaxVenire explains further:

Bethesda just blueballed their entire presumptuous fanbase today. A week ago they announced the first (assumedly annual) "Fallout Day" special broadcast for all their fans which they stated would comprise of updates on Fallout 76 and developer interviews. Of course, people immediately got the idea that there was something secret planned for announcement. As the days drew near and the posts for this special broadcast were being advertised, fans conjured up hopes for a Fallout 3 Remaster, Fallout New Vegas Remaster, Fallout 5 announcement, etc. but for once Bethesda didn't lie and all that aired today was a 20 minute video of Fallout 76 slop.

Development stopping for Fallout: Vault 13, the Fallout 1 in Fallout 4 mod

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Fallout: Vault 13 was a mod for Fallout 4 that was to "port" Fallout 1 into the engine of the newer gane. It was in development for a number of years and in August released a demo featuring the first few areas of Fallout 1 in an open world map. However it was recently announced that development of the mod has been stopped


Official Twitter Announcement

Working on NuAshworld - a browser Fallout2-themed MMORPG

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Hey all!

Many of you might remember Ashworld (the Polish webgame) from around 2005 or so. It definitely took the Czech and Polish Fallout communities by storm :) That game has gone offline since then because (AFAIK) the developer's HDD has failed and there were no backups. Well, I was very nostalgic about it (it might be that I was 13 when I played it) and hoped there would one day be something similar.

Well, almost two decades later, I'm a grown-up software developer now and decided I can be the one to make it happen. I want to announce that I'm close to launching NuAshworld - my reincarnation of Ashworld :) Screenshots at the bottom of the post.

The world is based on Fallout 2, including the weapons, armor, enemies, SPECIAL, skills, perks, the map, etc.

Similar to other web games, you gain "ticks" in periodic intervals (eg. one per hour) and can use them on various in-game actions: movement on the map, fights, etc. You can gain new equipment from PVM fights, from town shops...

Original inspiration for the Alien Blaster based of Mars Attacks toy?!

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@Crueler Johnny posted a topic back in August with pictures of a Mars Attacks (IMDB) toy gun. The similarities to the Alien Blaster of Fallout are astonishing. Could the design of the Alien Blaster be derived from the toy gun?



What do you think?

New beta for The Sum mod for Fallout: Tactics

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@nadeauhugo has released a new beta version for The Sum, a total conversion project for Fallout Tactics.

Download here
NMA thread here

Fallout New Vegas enters Wikipedia's 'List of video games considered the best'

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Wikipedia's 'List of video games considered the best' is a best game of all time list generated from major publications best of all time lists. To be included a game needs to be part of 6 of those lists. Last month Fallout New Vegas hit the magic 6 and was added. Other Fallout games on there are Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3.

Fallout: Vault 13 - Demo available

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The demo for Fallout: Vault 13 is finally available! It's a Fallout 4 total conversion mod that aims to recreate Fallout.

In the demo you can explore a world space built around the following locations: Vault 13, Vault 15, Shady Sands and the Khans.

If you want to know more about the project you can read an interview that @The Dutch Ghost did with the developers earlier this year.

Fallout: Vault 13 is a total conversion mod for Fallout 4 that remakes and reimagines Fallout 1 in Fallout 4's engine. This demo features the entirety of "The Inyo", the first major open-world area in Fallout: Vault 13.

New translation effort for Fallout: Sonora

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There's a new translation effort of Fallout: Sonora in the works by @Cambragol and the latest update can be found here. As I understand it the translation effort is still in a phase of roughening out the edges and you can find the changelog here. Download is available here.

Fallout: Yesterday v0.6 released!

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A new update for Fallout: Yesterday just dropped, the project that aims to recreate Van Buren as a total conversion mod for Fallout 2. It's version 0.6 now and it comes with a lengthy changelog. You can follow the project on Patreon.

Also available on Nexus.

- Over 30 new quests in Hoover Dam and Maxson Bunker

- Improved party management inside and outside of combat

- 100+ new items and weapons

- 100+ new Traits and Perks. Also improved their descriptions

- Many bugfixes

- Multiple vehicles

- Free-roaming caravans

- Reworked special encounters

- Starvation and dehydratation system on Hard...

Fallout et tu 1.10 released!

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After 9 comes 10 and Lexx has now released version 1.10 of Fallout et tu, the mod that let's you play Fallout 1 in Fallout 2's engine. For more info go to this thread.

The new update comes with a lengthy changelog.

Here's what Lexx has to say about the update:

Lexx said:
Alrighty. New version. Tried to be a little faster this time. I'm actually a little bit surprised about how much has happened since the last time. With every release I'm thinking "well, that's probably it now for a long time..." and then boom, we find more shit to do.

Most notable this time is probably the new mini-mod about the restored / alternative Junktown endings. Those were originally changed, because it was deemed too dark /...

Amazon hands out free GoG copies of Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition until June 12

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Until June 12 you can get yourself a free GoG copy of Fallout 3 through Amazons Prime Gaming. You have to be a Prime member however it is possible to sign up for a free trial period of Amazon Prime, get the game and then cancel your subscription. Then you can also watch the Fallout Show (which I haven't yet).

The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

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IGN's Director of Reviews, Dan Stapleton, is making a case for a Fallout remaster. It's a decent read!

It'll be a long road to Fallout 5 – in the meantime, Microsoft should bring back the games that started it all.


Remastering the originals would fill that gap nicely in as little as a couple of years, if Diablo 2 Resurrected’s three-year development is any indication, and give Fallout fans a Stimpack injection of the good stuff to tide us over.

Fallout renewed for another season

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Fallout has offically been renewed for another season.

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