Fallout: London trailer

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More Fallout mods! This time for Fallout 4 with Fallout: London, which sets itself in, you guessed it, London. Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins... LONDON!
The trailer opens in the classic Fallout-style of old music to some camera pulling back revealing a ruined London, then a narrator gives some background on the game while being extremely bri'ish.

Looks like a lot of work has already gone into it, the locations shown do look pretty spiffy.

You may now REEEEEE about how Fallout is totally and utterly rooted in Americana and can't ever be set in Europe.

New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

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You guys know New Blood Interactive? You should, they're behind the great retro-shooters (or "boomer shooters" if you like) Dusk and Amid Evil, and they showed a teaser trailer at E3 with some interesting stuff.
Mostly various old-school FPS games like "Ultrakill" and "Fallen Aces", the latter of which showing a pretty neat comic art style, and some other really interesting looking projects, but in between also some interesting and so far unnamed snippets.
One is a car combat game looking very, very much like Interstate '76, which is cool (timestamped to 0:22):

But more importantly, they're showing what appears to be an isometric RPG that looks pretty much EXACTLY like how Fallout pre-war would have looked like (0:17):


That, I absolutely love. Let's hope this is getting anywhere, and Bethesda doesn't decide to sue their asses over this.
People have been suspecting...

Fallout 76 news

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To the few Fallout 76 players here, Bethesda announced a few things at E3.
First is a free update called Expiditions: The Pitt, promising the player to go back to the one marginally good place of Fallout 3, The Pitt.

Why is it already called The Pitt? Who knows, but surely Bethesda will treat this one single decent aspect of their own lore with care and respect.

Also, the DLC "Steel Reign" is set to release next month.

Olympus 2249 announcement, Olympus 2207 english translation and patch!

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The good fellas behind Olympus 2207 are announcing the sequel Olympus 2249!
If you haven't played 2207, don't fear, the sequel will be pretty stand-alone. And apparently it will not be a Fallout 2 TC, but a full-featured game by itself, so that's pretty exciting!

Don't know about you guys and gals, but dat Art Deco/Dieselpunk style is certainly making me happy.
Check it out!

In other news, if you so far haven't played the original TC Olympus 2207 because learning Russian is kind of a big commitment for playing a Fallout 2 TC, fret not, the english translation is now finished and a new version was released.
Check it out here:

UP/RP Update!

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A new update has been released for the Unofficial Mod and Restoration Project for Fallout 2, updating to version 20, with some gameplay changes and general bugfixes. Ever wanted to use the crowbar to, y'know, open doors? Now you can!
Download links and full change logs below:

Looking for a place to put degenerates on a cross? Nipton is still for sale!

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If you have about 2.75 million dollaridoos (bottlecaps likely not accepted) saved up you can buy the town of Nipton.
Just thought I'd let you know, surely someone here has some cash stashed somewhere.

Happy Birthday Fallout: New Vegas!

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So, Fallout: New Vegas was released 10 years ago.
Yeah, it's been this long since we had a decent Fallout game.

That's it. Just noticed that nobody posted the news :D

Fallout is now a fighting game!

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Kind of. I can't say I am surprised Bethesda is now whoring out the last vestiges of RPG left in this once esteemed RPG series. You do realize this is the beginning of the end? What other Fallout abominations are in store for us in the future? Leave a comment and let me know what you think. I still have my hopes for a sellout Fallout RTS or 4X game. I'd buy that for a dollar.

NMA...professional journalism. Always.

NMA's official review of Fallout 76, courtesy of AgentBJ09

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Thanks to @AgentBJ09 for taking the time to actually play Fallout 76 and writing up this comprehensive review!


Kept you waiting, huh?

Let's not waste any time with this. If you are reading this, then you know that Fallout 76 was a money sink, a bad idea, a glitch-fest, and many other negative things. It was a cavalcade of embarrassment of such proportions that only the launch of the Playstation 2 and the Red Ring of Death plague could match up to it.

Well done, Bethesda. Well done.

Even better, because this is an Always-Online game, the usual modding suspects -- you know who you are -- could not come to Bethesda’s rescue and spend their own unpaid time fixing the game, and in turn drive up sales without earning anything themselves.

Seriously modders, stop fixing these busted as hell games for free. Your time and toil is more worthwhile than that and you are wasting it by...

FOnline Engine Development support on Patreon

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Once again I'm asking for your financial support
Wait, no, that meme is over.
@cvet is developing the FOnline engine under the open source MIT license, so for future isometric online-game goodness and improvements to FOnline: Reloaded and whatever may come, check out his pages and consider contributing:
Site: https://fonline.ru
GitHub: https://github.com/cvet/fonline
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fonline

Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released

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So the Wastelander add-on for Fallout: 76 is being released today after a few delays. At adds human NPCs to the game, so it's like 5% on the way to a full game now?


Is anyone here playing Fallout: 76?

Space Wreck - post-apocalyptic space RPG coming August 28th

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I was told to post about this game since it is Fallout inspired and I always do what I am told. Apparently there was an older version that has now been removed since the game was totally overhauled. According to Codex it is pretty good so don't let the simplistic graphics fool you. This was made by yet another Codex poster. There must be something in the water over there. Probably FEV. The smart kind.









Fallout 76: Wastelanders releasing soon

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The Wastelanders expansion will be released for free in April. It does appear to look more like a singleplayer Bethesda Fallout game, so this might please some hardcore fans.

In a recent interview with USGamer Pete Hines spoke about the reception of 76. You can find a snippet of that below, with the full link at the bottom.

Pete Hines said:
"Well, I mean at the end of the day, our intention was always, we're going to put this out there, see what folks think, and then cater the stuff that we do later to their reaction. So, for example, I think we were a little surprised how few people wanted to take part in PvP and how many more they were interested in PvE together. As opposed to, 'I want to test my mettle against you and let's get into a duel.' There's some folks who do, don't get me wrong, but I think it's a smaller percentage of our player base than we thought."

Fallout et tu mod is now out of Beta

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I figure this is worth posting again now that it is out of beta. I'm simply posting what @Lexx has said before for those unfamiliar with the project. Ask him any questions you might have.


Fallout et tu (also called Fallout 1@2, 1at2, or 1in2) is a Fallout to Fallout 2 engine conversion brought to you by Rotators (the people who made FOnline: 2238 and stuff). As the name suggests, the aim of this project is to bring the first Fallout game into the engine of the second while utilizing Fallout 2's features wherever we can (within reason).

Generally we do not try to make a 1:1 copy of the first game. So, if you want to play the 100% real deal, the very pure experience so to speak, you should grab the original Fallout 1 instead of this mod.
However, if you do not mind the one or the other change in mechanics (only improvements, in my humble opinion), then Fallout et tu can be your way to go!

Not to forget: This project is a more accessible modding platform and...

ACCC in 'straya orders refunds for Fallout 76

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The Australian Competition and Consumer Comission has ordered Zenimax to allow certain refunds for Fallout 76. Apparently, ZeniMax tried to weasel out of refunds by claiming that customers can't have a refund if they bought Fallout 76 through the Bethesda Store or a third party retailer. I wonder where you could buy it then and have the right to a refund... But, of course, it was bollocks, and customers do in fact have the right to a refund according to 'straya.
"ZeniMax has acknowledged that they are likely to have misled certain Australian consumers about their rights to a refund when they experienced faults with their Fallout 76 game," said ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court.
Classic :)

Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

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The Bethesda fanbase is in revolt. All the normal Youtube shills, even the ones that once said Bethesda could do no wrong, are actually revolting. For years people begged Bethesda to allow Obsidian to make another Fallout, but they chose to toss it to their B team, creating the abomination known as Fallout 76. Behind the scenes Obsidian slowly bid their time, nearly going bankrupt in the process, until Microsoft swallowed them up, allowing them to continue existing long enough to launch The Outer Worlds.

Obsidian, plagued by low sales with Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, must have thought to themselves – gee nobody is buying these games because they are isometric. Now bleeding money partly due nepotism, partly due to a history of buggy masterpieces that sold poorly, they say screw it we will make our own FPS RPG, but first we need that sweet Microsoft money. It has released to critical acclaim, with a much smaller scale than the average Bethesda game, but also a lot less bugs...

Fallout 1 in my Fallout 2? It's more likely than you think! Fallout Et Tu Alpha Release

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Some news from the ever glorious Fallout 2 modding scene, this time from classy cat @Lexx!
The mod Fallout Et Tu (or Fallout 1@2) implements Fallout 1 in the improved engine of Fallout 2, finally giving you the ability to shove Ian out of the fucking way. That alone makes it the greatest mod ever, but it also has some other quality-of-life improvements carried over from Fallout 2.
It doesn't seek to perfectly replicate Fallout 1, mind you, but it's as good as possible. Most importantly, it improves the modding basis of the game.
For more info, check here:

Post Apocalyptic Grab Bag for Smarch 2019

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Happy Smarch everyone

Post apocalyptic has come back in style in recent months with Far Cry: New Dawn and Metro Exodus, which everyone and their Dogmeat has heard of, but there are tons of games that slip through the cracks, including this one I didn't hear of until today.

Then a tease of this series I'm not too fond of but people like.


But what I am sure you all want to hear more about is this game...


Stay tuned for more ripoffs of better games in the coming months. Cheers.

Mutant Year Zero is part of this month's Humble Monthly along with Borderlands 2 GOTY being on sale for 10 bucks on Steam.

Thanks to...

Ashes 2063 gets an expansion “Dead Man Walking”

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Back in September we reported on the release of Ashes 2063, a Doom total conversion which turns it into a story driven Post Apocalyptic first person action adventure game that takes inspirations and influences from 80s and 90s sci-fi and PA movies as well as games such as the Fallout series, Stalker, and another Doom conversion from back in the day called Strife.

For those of you who played Ashes 2063 and could not get enough of it there is some good news as Doom modder ReformedJoe with permission of Ashes developer Vostyok has been working these last couple of months on a prequel to Ashes 2063 called “Dead Man Walking”.

Some time before the events of Ashes 2063, the scavenger was ambushed during one of his journeys by a newcomer raider gang called the Rippers who after ambushing the scavenger and leaving him for dead in a ditch, have taken off with his bike to unknown whereabouts.


But the scavenger...

Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

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Obisidan Entertainment, recently bought by Microsoft, will announce something on the 6th of December at the Game Awards.
Their website shows the announcement of the announcement with some pleasingly pulpy SciFi artwork and an odd emphasis on "Spacer's Choice".
Pulp SciFi Obsidian RPG? Where do I sign?