Fallout 2 RP 2.2 Evil Hardcore problems (Advice requested)


First time out of the vault
Its really hard to play Hardcore as an Evil character. Either you miss most quests, or you end up with positive Karma anyway. I mean, i tried doing the Gecko quest the Evil way, but i came back to Vault City and lo and behold, Lynnette hates your guts, wont even say why, and you cant become a citizen unless you take that silly test wich i dont have the luck to do (Luck 5, not even with pot i can get to 8 luck). Not like it was easy getting out of gecko after blowing their plant either, so i feel kinda cheated. The only way of becoming a Citizen is being a goody two shoes then? I guess I could skip becomming a Citizen, missing all that sweet loot and the Strength Chip, but it seems to me that the game pushes you too hard into being good. Its not like you can slaughter Vault City until much later, at wich point i guess i could get into the Vault. I supose Vic wouldnt like me killing his daughter either, so thats another party member that ill miss, as im not into cheating my way into the vault using the combat mode exploit. Maybe i could in hindsight have used psycho AND get some mentat hangover to get in the stupid way, but since i already talked with the fellah that does that to you i guess its too late.

Crime doesnt pay, it seems...
Stupid question, is "Hardcore" actually a setting or something in the RP? That sounds interesting, but I've never heard of it, (except with F:NV) and Google isn't helping.
No, it's not a hidden setting. It's just like this - if you die, you start over. If your companion dies - deal with it. No game loads. It's pretty challenging this way.
Well, you could just lay waste to Vault City for some negative karma and get that chip. It can be done, since I've done it before.

I've never tried a hardcore style game because of instability I've had with the game on occasion (freezes, crashes, etc.) Although, I've never had the problems that a lot a people have posted about on the Restoration Project threads. I've always been able to finish a game, in spite those minor inconveniences.
Well, you could just lay waste to Vault City for some negative karma and get that chip. It can be done, since I've done it before.

I've never tried a hardcore style game because of instability I've had with the game on occasion (freezes, crashes, etc.) Although, I've never had the problems that a lot a people have posted about on the Restoration Project threads. I've always been able to finish a game, in spite those minor inconveniences.

That would probably mean loosing Vic, and companions arent abundant for Evil characters...

Now, what you mention is one of the problems with Hardcore play. It really aint THAT challenging, as long as you have high outdoorsman skill (most of the time i Tag it, but it has worked well untagged too, as long as you invest most of your early level points on that, a Kaga encounter can spell doom to you). But you dont tend to save often. That means that after a crash (I usually get 2 or 3 of them per playtrough, half caused by the piece of junk my computer is), you usually have to redo a lot of the game.
You can Hardcore play, and save - just don't load your game unless it crashes...and you have to accept every shitty encounter, and result. Forget taking on Deathclaws.
Ah okay, so a self-imposed "No savescumming +1" playstyle :) I never even knew that word until this forum actually. I'm a shameless savescummer myself :p
Ah okay, so a self-imposed "No savescumming +1" playstyle :) I never even knew that word until this forum actually. I'm a shameless savescummer myself :p

Yeah, i was too. And theres no halfway savescumming for me, either i dont do it at all or i do it too much for my own enjoyment. Thats why i only play hardcore now. Not too hard if you know the game, ive only lost a few characters after the Den. The most painfull one was a Dumb character wich i lost around San Francisco. Never had the patience to go for another one, they get meager skill points AND miss most quests until you have a zillion Mentats. NPCs tend to die a lot tho.

As a side note, you can get to the SAD as an Evil char by finding the map in one of Golgothas graves.
That is an idea to play without reloading, unless the game crashes. That would mean I'd have to take on a whole town if I was caught stealing, I suppose. I would have to be careful about picking fights in encounters, too.

I'm usually a semi-rat bastard character for the amusing dialog options, so Cult Of Personality is a handy trait, especially when you have Berserker and a lot of negative karma. You can usually get away with a lot of stuff, even have Sulik hang around.
No, it's not a hidden setting. It's just like this - if you die, you start over. If your companion dies - deal with it. No game loads. It's pretty challenging this way.

Iron man is another name for this. The Order had iron man threads for both Fallout 1 and 2. The most fun I have had in a Fallout game was an attempt everything, no saves at all Fallout 1 run. Maybe I(or someone) should make a general NMA thread for iron man/hardcore runs.

Order threads:


As for being evil, remember you can pimp out your wife, sell your friends into slavery and there is a little fun thing you can do when you hand a gun to a child in New Reno.
Heh heh, Kilus your links have been cut down to make it seem like it's saying "Man Challenge".

I want to know about this Man Challenge playstyle!