First time out of the vault

Its really hard to play Hardcore as an Evil character. Either you miss most quests, or you end up with positive Karma anyway. I mean, i tried doing the Gecko quest the Evil way, but i came back to Vault City and lo and behold, Lynnette hates your guts, wont even say why, and you cant become a citizen unless you take that silly test wich i dont have the luck to do (Luck 5, not even with pot i can get to 8 luck). Not like it was easy getting out of gecko after blowing their plant either, so i feel kinda cheated. The only way of becoming a Citizen is being a goody two shoes then? I guess I could skip becomming a Citizen, missing all that sweet loot and the Strength Chip, but it seems to me that the game pushes you too hard into being good. Its not like you can slaughter Vault City until much later, at wich point i guess i could get into the Vault. I supose Vic wouldnt like me killing his daughter either, so thats another party member that ill miss, as im not into cheating my way into the vault using the combat mode exploit. Maybe i could in hindsight have used psycho AND get some mentat hangover to get in the stupid way, but since i already talked with the fellah that does that to you i guess its too late.
Crime doesnt pay, it seems...
Crime doesnt pay, it seems...