But best title ever!
In case you want to know exactly what possessed someone to run a fake advertising campaign for a fake Fallout 4, the guy that made thesurvivor2299.com has done an AMA on Reddit, explaining that his intention was to force Bethesda to release a trailer for the title at the VGX. Ehr.
Anyway, here's a few notable snippet from the AMA:<blockquote>What made you come clean?
Was it the Bethesda tweet?
Did Bethesda ever contact you about the site?
Yes, today. [note: December 8th]
Why did you do this?
Some men just want to watch the world burn
I wanted to force Bethesda to reveal something during VGX/ on 12/11, and bring /r/Fallout community together (for at least 3 weeks) Unfortunately, this plan Failed.
If you could redo all this, what would you change?
1. Automate uploading process
2. SWIP my IP pool
3. Change RWhois
4. Make clues more complex and entertaining.
What did Bethesda say when they contacted you today?
My lips are sealed.
If Bethesda didn't shut you down, what else did you have planned?
I'm one of these "selfish bastards with a lot of money" so I wanted to release a CGI Trailer. But Pete Killed my plans. Maybe i'll release it later along with the script, so somebody else can use it!
Also, how big of a Fallout fan are you? Have you played them all?
Except Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
When did you first start planning this?
Every morse code and every cipher message were taken from my "The Survivor" Script.
I've created this script on March/April. (56 A4 pages), i wanted to make a big DLC for New Vegas, but i don't have any team so this project is dead.
Why kill it with a Rick Roll? You could've done it in so many ways, and you chose to do it in the most idiotic way possible.
I know. I was drunk.
Couple of questions:
1. The trademark was you as well, right?
2. How many death threats have you received?
3. Would you do it again?
1. Yes
2. At this moment 14.
3. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How long did it take to actually set this diabolical plan into action?
30 Minutes Excluding Cipher/Morse code.
Site has been discovered way too early, I wanted to SWIP my IP adress so every IP check tools would say it's hosted In Bethesda's HQ.
Anyway, here's a few notable snippet from the AMA:<blockquote>What made you come clean?
Was it the Bethesda tweet?
Did Bethesda ever contact you about the site?
Yes, today. [note: December 8th]
Why did you do this?
Some men just want to watch the world burn
I wanted to force Bethesda to reveal something during VGX/ on 12/11, and bring /r/Fallout community together (for at least 3 weeks) Unfortunately, this plan Failed.
If you could redo all this, what would you change?
1. Automate uploading process
2. SWIP my IP pool
3. Change RWhois
4. Make clues more complex and entertaining.
What did Bethesda say when they contacted you today?
My lips are sealed.
If Bethesda didn't shut you down, what else did you have planned?
I'm one of these "selfish bastards with a lot of money" so I wanted to release a CGI Trailer. But Pete Killed my plans. Maybe i'll release it later along with the script, so somebody else can use it!
Also, how big of a Fallout fan are you? Have you played them all?

When did you first start planning this?
Every morse code and every cipher message were taken from my "The Survivor" Script.
I've created this script on March/April. (56 A4 pages), i wanted to make a big DLC for New Vegas, but i don't have any team so this project is dead.
Why kill it with a Rick Roll? You could've done it in so many ways, and you chose to do it in the most idiotic way possible.
I know. I was drunk.
Couple of questions:
1. The trademark was you as well, right?
2. How many death threats have you received?
3. Would you do it again?
1. Yes
2. At this moment 14.
3. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How long did it take to actually set this diabolical plan into action?
30 Minutes Excluding Cipher/Morse code.
Site has been discovered way too early, I wanted to SWIP my IP adress so every IP check tools would say it's hosted In Bethesda's HQ.