Learned to love the bomb
I was very excited for Wasteland 2 launch because, like everyone else here, I'm a big fan of the Fallout classics. I really was so very expectant of it that I was willing to - for the first time in my life - pay full launch price for a video game. However, today I saw Wasteland 2 was finally available for preorder on Steam and the moment I looked at the price tag all my hype died on the spot... Full motherfucking retail price... 60 United States Dollars... Do you guys have any idea of how that translates to my regional price? It's a 100 Reais, a sixth of the national minimum monthly wage!
Screw that. 60USD for Wasteland 2? Really!? Is that a joke? If it is, then it is a very distasteful one. That game was made on unity for fuck's sake! And on top of it it has retro graphics and was wholly funded by kickstarter. Inxile makes a cheapass game and now has the nerve to come and charge the big bucks for it? Do they think we are retards or something? They didn't spend on the game 0.01% of what Rockstar spent on GTA 5 or even what Ubisoft spent on Assassins Creed 4 and they are trying to sell it for the same price! This isn't just offensive, it's downright traitorous. With this prohibitive pricing they are pretty much saying they don't want me to buy their game.
Screw that. 60USD for Wasteland 2? Really!? Is that a joke? If it is, then it is a very distasteful one. That game was made on unity for fuck's sake! And on top of it it has retro graphics and was wholly funded by kickstarter. Inxile makes a cheapass game and now has the nerve to come and charge the big bucks for it? Do they think we are retards or something? They didn't spend on the game 0.01% of what Rockstar spent on GTA 5 or even what Ubisoft spent on Assassins Creed 4 and they are trying to sell it for the same price! This isn't just offensive, it's downright traitorous. With this prohibitive pricing they are pretty much saying they don't want me to buy their game.