Lived Through the Heat Death

In the NMA Fallout3 forum the question made by Gustav Drangeid on if to save time why not just drop the Real-Time combat from Van Buren had this response from Chad "Briareus" Nicholas:
<blockquote> Actually, dropping multiplayer would give far, far more dev time savings than dropping RT.</blockquote>
So why not drop both?
<blockquote> It's not the dev team's call to make. We HAVE to have MP. We HAVE to have RT. Beyond that we're pretty much free to do what we want I think.</blockquote>
Speaking of Briareus, he had this comment on the BIS Feedback Forum about the thought of anything that increases skill desireability is a good thing:
<blockquote> Not always. The desired goal should be that each skill is just as desired as the next, but no skill is believed to be required. People should not feel the need to get SkillX to RankN each time they play the game, even if they're not playing the archetype that uses SkillX.</blockquote>
<blockquote> Actually, dropping multiplayer would give far, far more dev time savings than dropping RT.</blockquote>
So why not drop both?
<blockquote> It's not the dev team's call to make. We HAVE to have MP. We HAVE to have RT. Beyond that we're pretty much free to do what we want I think.</blockquote>
Speaking of Briareus, he had this comment on the BIS Feedback Forum about the thought of anything that increases skill desireability is a good thing:
<blockquote> Not always. The desired goal should be that each skill is just as desired as the next, but no skill is believed to be required. People should not feel the need to get SkillX to RankN each time they play the game, even if they're not playing the archetype that uses SkillX.</blockquote>