Wait, what's this? Another RP update? I thought killap said he was "done"? Well, to quote Don Quixote, "I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done."
So without further ado, I bring you a Christmas present: RP 2.3! Five months ago I released RP 2.2 and basically gave my farewell speech. I suppose that was a bit premature, but I did promise that there would be another update down the road and this is it. This should have been released earlier, given the installer issues for Steam users, but the extra time did allow us to pack in more bug fixes and even a Russian translation.
I wish to thank Mirak for going over RP 2.2 with a fine tooth comb and reporting the majority of the issues fixed this time around. There were quite a few vanilla bugs squashed too. Maybe he'll do the same with RP 2.3 and find even more.
And of course, thanks goes out to NovaRain for his continued dedication to beta test my work.
I feel like at this point the only bugs that exist are typos/grammar errors and of course the array of engine issues. Is this then really the end? Well, never say never.
Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy even more greatness out of Fallout 2. If you have been waiting to play the RP, I highly suggest doing so now. Unless some game breaking issue was introduced recently, this is going to be it for quite some time.
Note: Previous 2.2 save games should be compatible, but to ensure no problems come up please start anew. There are some areas that will potentially break with old saves unless you enter them for the first time. You've been warned.
Bug reports should be added to the Fallout 2 RP bug report wiki. A link can be found below. Posting only in this thread risks your report being lost over time.
Installation instructions:
1. Make a clean installation of Fallout 2 (humongous install). If you are running Visa/7/8, be sure to NOT install in the c:\program files directory.
2. Download and install the RP (only use the manual install if you really know what you're doing)
3. That's it. Don't install anything else, unless you know what you're doing!
Direct links:
Windows installer (recommended): download
Manual install (advanced users): download
My Fallout modding website
Restoration Project technical wiki
Restoration Project bug report wiki
Restoration Project walkthrough
None at this time.
RP 2.3 Change Log: (doesn't include UP changes)
So without further ado, I bring you a Christmas present: RP 2.3! Five months ago I released RP 2.2 and basically gave my farewell speech. I suppose that was a bit premature, but I did promise that there would be another update down the road and this is it. This should have been released earlier, given the installer issues for Steam users, but the extra time did allow us to pack in more bug fixes and even a Russian translation.
I wish to thank Mirak for going over RP 2.2 with a fine tooth comb and reporting the majority of the issues fixed this time around. There were quite a few vanilla bugs squashed too. Maybe he'll do the same with RP 2.3 and find even more.

I feel like at this point the only bugs that exist are typos/grammar errors and of course the array of engine issues. Is this then really the end? Well, never say never.
Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy even more greatness out of Fallout 2. If you have been waiting to play the RP, I highly suggest doing so now. Unless some game breaking issue was introduced recently, this is going to be it for quite some time.
Note: Previous 2.2 save games should be compatible, but to ensure no problems come up please start anew. There are some areas that will potentially break with old saves unless you enter them for the first time. You've been warned.
Bug reports should be added to the Fallout 2 RP bug report wiki. A link can be found below. Posting only in this thread risks your report being lost over time.
Installation instructions:
1. Make a clean installation of Fallout 2 (humongous install). If you are running Visa/7/8, be sure to NOT install in the c:\program files directory.
2. Download and install the RP (only use the manual install if you really know what you're doing)
3. That's it. Don't install anything else, unless you know what you're doing!
Direct links:
Windows installer (recommended): download
Manual install (advanced users): download
My Fallout modding website
Restoration Project technical wiki
Restoration Project bug report wiki
Restoration Project walkthrough
None at this time.
RP 2.3 Change Log: (doesn't include UP changes)
New Content:
• You can now play as a female red head.
• The toaster at the EPA would give you a new ability but it never showed up in your perk list. It now does.
• Russian translation (1C) now included in the installer.
Bug Fixes:
• Fixed several scripting errors with the pump questline.
• All NPCs at the Abbey will now properly attack you if you are caught stealing from them.
• Fixed dialogue scripting errors with the Wooz and Brother Jason questline.
• Corrected an instance where the Brother Samuel and Father Tully questline wouldn't get crossed off.
• Companions now correctly show the church background for the first level of the Abbey.
• Your car now goes with you when you escort Brother Jason to Gecko.
• Correct logic error when talking with Brother Jason about formatting the harddrives.
Broken Hills:
• Corrected a few remaining instances where you could still go on a caravan despite Chad being in jail or dead.
• Fixed dialogue scripting error with Flick and the orphanage questline.
• Anna's diary now once again gives you 100xp for reading it.
• Fixed a nasty issue with the gang church attack that would cause Lara's gang to not initiate combat when reaching the church.
• Agility increasing syringe gets properly removed when used. For real this time.
• Force fields on green level can no longer be shot through.
• Cleaning the right-most fan no longer gives double xp when cleaned.
• Time now passes (2 hours) when you improve your skills by learning from the NPCs you can recruit at the EPA.
• Doctors bag only requires one hypodermic needle to be created (rather than 2), as was intended.
• You can no longer repair the voice computer on the yellow level infinite times.
• Using Gamma Gulp on Lenny (when he's using his new, optional appearance) no longer gives a float of "Error".
• Commander now correctly uses the male proto file rather than a female one.
New Reno:
• You can no longer ask Renesco about heart health pointers until actually first learning about this Bishop
• Fixed crash when boxing or fighting in San Fran when wearing the new player appearance option
• Fixed instance where the pit boss claims you won McGee's fortune despite you not having done so.
• Some female Wright children were missing scripts
• Bill at Salvatore's bar is no longer partially stuck inside the bar counter.
• Eldridge no longer gets stuck when he goes back to get check on his dogs/
• Guards at Carlson's place will now recognize that he is dead (you'll have to leave the map first). Same at Westin's ranch.
• Fixed issues with stealing from Dr. Jubilee's shelf in regards to the pills questline.
• Fixed dialogue scripting errors with Elise in regards to the slaver camp.
• Adding missing script to one of the peasants near the entrance.
• Rangers at the safe houses now properly react to you stealing from them.
• Little girl in Madame Madjeska's house was missing her script.
• Correct out of place dialogue line with Lou about giving Fannie the jet antidote.
San Francisco:
• You can no longer steal from the plant men at Sheng's hideout.
• NPCs at the Hubologist stash now react to you stealing from them.
• Companions now use the proper background (church background) when at the Hubologist stash.
• Installer fixes/tweaks:
-Properly handles Steam installation path if it's in the Program Files directory.
-Installer checks fallout2.cfg to make sure the music path is correct and will correct it if it isn't. This is especially important for GoG users.
-Armors for non-human characters would not get copied over unless the human armor option for companions was also chosen. This has been corrected.
-DirectX 9 is properly enabled for Vista+ setups so that messed up colors don't happen. Basically, things should work even better out of the box now.
• High resolution patch updated to V4.1.7.
• Sfall updated to v3.2.
• Kitsune's default combat setting is now unarmed, per her main abilities. Remember you can always change her (or any NPC) combat settings.
• Added a few minor lines for dumb characters where the game would incorrectly display normal INT lines.
• Fix crashes when using the new optional boxing animations.
• Fixed several instances where an NPC should attack you but instead would still initiate dialogue normally/do nothing if you were out of their sight range (blocked by a scenery piece, etc)
• Numerous typos, grammar, whitespace, and dialogue fixes.
• Several map issues fixed (missing blockers, standing inside scenery, holes in maps, etc)
• Many other issues that never got properly documented over the last 5 months.
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