My Wild-Card plan:
-New Vegas,Freeside and Westside are under the control of the Courier and are considered New Vegas (I think that's pretty much stated in game anyway)
-The rest of the Mojave is totally free and independent of anyone's control other than themselves
-i.e Goodsprings,Primm and whatever other settlements are under their own control and are self-ruled
-Entrance fees to the Strip are halved
-Each "zone" of New Vegas has a "baron" or leader to represent them (e.g Freeside has the King, The Thorn has Red Lucy, The Followers have Julie Farkas and Westside has...whoever.)
-When a major decision or request regarding New Vegas is to be made, one that involves the Barons, the barons and the Courier are to meet in the Lucky 38
-Each baron is of equal political power,but still below the Courier. The Courier is, after all, the leader of New Vegas
-There is no "Voting" system as such, but decisions are made via discussion of the leaders. If there is too much disagreement, the Courier makes the final call.
-The barons are not involved in all decisions, only the ones regarding them directly. The Courier represents and rules New Vegas as a whole
-If the barons so wish, they can request to have Securitrons stationed in their zones (I doubt they'd want that but you never know.)
-Essentially, New Vegas is allowed to be free, but with the Courier acting as it's representative and defender.
-Sharecropper Farms is claimed by New Vegas (As is the nearby water treatment plant) and staffed by local workers, with Securitrons acting as on-site secuirty.
-With the money made from New Vegas, Freeside and Westside are to be cleaned and whatever rubble remains is to be cleared away
-With money from the Courier and an increased number of supplies (Courtesy of the trade agreement with the Atomic Wrangler) The Followers of the Apocalypse are to be helped get back on their feet after the sudden surge and overload following The Second Battle of Hoover Dam and are allowed to expand if they so wish
-With the I-15 cleared of Deatclaws, the Fiends dead and scattered and the Powder Gangers all but annihilated, the trade routes and roads throughout the Mojave become much safer
-The Courier begins talks with the Boomers to establish trade with New Vegas and the rest of the Mojave. How that goes is anybody's guess.
I mean really there's not much to be said. Each town is free and independent (Including New Vegas now under the leadership of The Courier.) and things are pretty similar to what they've always been, but with less Mutants, Deathclaws, Fiends, Powder Gangers or the Brotherhood of Steel. Essentially you just have the Mojave but much safer and without the influence of the Legion or the NCR.