Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

Would using fallout2HR.exe instead of fallout2.exe or changing the stuff in ddraw.ini affect in any way my using MegaMod?

Yes, it will and it won't. HiRes mod should be ok to use. Changing stuff around in ddraw.ini that comes with Megamod could be trouble if you don't know exactly what you're doing. Except adjusting

;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported
Mode=4 => 0

;If using a dx9 mode, this changes the resolution
;The graphics are simply stretched to fit the new window; this does _not_ let you see more of the map
GraphicsWidth=640 => your resolution of HiRes mod
GraphicsHeight=480 => your resolution of HiRes mod
Is Vad's FO2 Save Game Editor compatible with MegaMod?
Yes, just be careful, control your cheating urges;) and don't forget to read the readme for the editor. There are some side effects.
Thx again mate. I have read the readme and will be careful. The only thing I change is normally just carry weight limit. I am a loot whore and I really spend more time organizing inventory than playing If I dont increase the limit. :D
I watched Jordan skin a gecko and gave him sharpened spear. But no pelts drop when I kill geckos.
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  • scr00000.jpg
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Hires map edges need an update.

Drop this file into data/maps folder. Should see the exit grid now.
Map edges for Hires patch are not defined correctly in the latest megamod.

EDIT: Here are few other places (V13 entrance, primitive tribe) that could have missing exit grids and problems with vertibird "parking". Unpack into Data/Maps folder as well.
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at Klamath trapper town there is a manhole you need to put a rope to go down to two room basement below. The amount of ropes is buggy. I had 4 and used it used all. I gave 3 to companions and tried with one and it works with one too. I tried with 8 and it did nothing.
hey guys.

I'm having a crash issue. Running 2.5.1 and on my first encounter with Vic in Den the game crashes.

I saw from earlier posts to replace dcvic.int in data/scripts file, but is that still a fix? And where would I get an earlier script file from?

EDIT: I got the script from 2.44 and it's working perfectly. I am also going to replace dcvicgrd.int as I got another crash the first battle after acquiring Vic, but I'm curious, what does that script control? I realize each companion has one. I'm guessing it controls their combat script...?
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The combat is much easy with Megamod. The radius of the AI kick in when I attack someone is much smaller. ı remember the slavers. When I attacked it vanilla version all slavers agroed and attacked me. But now ı can pick them out as small groups.
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