Are shots to testicles really funny?

Shots to testicles/groin/whatever are NOT about fun.

They're about JUSTICE upon dog killers and stuff.
right, I forgot what the thread is about.

so, it's not funny, but it's useful - hitting an enemy in the groin ignores armor (except power armors), so it's useful when they have helmets, we don't have armor piercing ammo (doesn't matter in fallout 1 though) and chance to hit the eyes are too low. it's logical, since most body armors are hardest on chest and shoulders. so shooting in groin isn't just juvenile joke.
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For the person pulling the trigger, maybe.

For the poor bastard who just got emasculated -- hell no.
Well, as childish as it is, a bit of snickering at some harmless virtual violence isn't so evil every once in a while.Especially if it is critically punching a champion boxer in the crotch and causing him to K.O immediately.

In fac-Oh dear.

Why are you guys talking about Super Mutant ballsacks.

pls stop


Do they even HAVE ballsacks?

I always assumed Super Mutants had no genitalia at all, what with the sterility and lack of secondary sex characteristics, I always just thought they kind of shriveled away as part of the mutation process.

Mutants (well, save from those horridly disfigured) are not sterile in the Fallout universe.

No, they are. That's why the Master's plan would never work.

That was what they thought back in the first installation. In Fallout 2, Marcus reveals otherwise (that it had mostly just been a temporary "fault" in the system).
Official information has stated that Marcus commentary was just a joke and that Super Mutants are sterile.
What does Marcus know anyway.

Groin shots are about the knock downs. And they never work.
Groin shots are about the knock downs. And they never work.
Go for critical hits! Use melee weapons for improved critical chance and grab Better Criticals perk. This way Chosen One will crush the balls of anyone who opposed him with extreme prejudice all the way up their asses. :twisted:

There are many knockdown and knockout hits in the man/groin critical table, so all you need is properly trained character.

They're about JUSTICE upon dog killers and stuff.
Someone has commited unspeakably rude thing? Castrate him and be done with it!
Unfortunately they are not on GoG; Bethesda had them pulled when the lawsuit was settled. They have since re-released them on Steam though.
I would probably be spoiled by lack of first person (started with FO 3).
I think that's fully compensated by excellent music, animations, and overall atmosphere lacking in modern bethesdian Fallout. You really should try it someday, not due to groin shots mentioned in this joke thread, but because both BIS Fallouts are great games on its own. (Try reading the F1 manual for starters, just to see what features are there in first Fallout.)