Fallout 4 Bible: Gospel of Anon

Good vid, yeah someone had posted that earlier... sans the commentary from the Beth forums.

I think I'll pass on reading those.
I like to enjoy my saltiness from reading bethesda fanboy posts, but that one is just straight up giving me stomachache.

Nice video share by the way. The amount of dislike had me laughing like madman.
Reading the thread on /r/fo4 and of course the whole argument is "Why can't you just accept change?"

Why are some people this delusional?
My favorite argument ever. Change is good in itself, it's progress and should be accepted, even embraced, without question. It's very comforting to hear that when your house is on fire or when you are diagnosed with a serious illness. Just stop hating and accept the change, it's easier for everybody.
My favorite argument ever. Change is good in itself, it's progress and should be accepted, even embraced, without question. It's very comforting to hear that when your house is on fire or when you are diagnosed with a serious illness. Just stop hating and accept the change, it's easier for everybody.

Fallout hasn't seen thaaat much of a change in my opinion.

A change isn't necessarily what you saw from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3. It is merely a shift. Bethesda hasn't done anything radical new or revolutionary here. They took an old turn based/top-down game and turned it more or less in to a first person shooter. Has been done a couple of times. Not to mention that first person real time combat has been around before Fallout 1 was made.

Maybe I am splitting hairs here ... really. But I just hate it when people always say, you just hate new things! Or you just want old school stuff! When dealing with the changes that Bethesda made, and I am like noooooooooohoooooooouuuu ... they just shifted Fallout to suit their FPS/Real-Time-Open-World formula.
A change isn't necessarily what you saw from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3. It is merely a shift. Bethesda hasn't done anything radical new or revolutionary here. They took an old turn based/top-down game and turned it more or less in to a first person shooter. Has been done a couple of times. Not to mention that first person real time combat has been around before Fallout 1 was made.

Maybe I am splitting hairs here ... really. But I just hate it when people always say, you just hate new things! Or you just want old school stuff! When dealing with the changes that Bethesda made, and I am like noooooooooohoooooooouuuu ... they just shifted Fallout to suit their FPS/Real-Time-Open-World formula.

I mean, I hated real-time first person shooters way before 2008... I've also disliked shoddy storytelling and characterization for even longer.
Good change is good change. Bad change is bad change. To BGS fanboys these two are pretty much indistinguishable for some reason. They see CHANGE and they immediately think any change is always positive and an improvement. Because... "it's not supposed to be like the originals!!!" It's become an excuse for them, since they don't know any better. They just parrot what everyone else says. I really think "if you don't like it then you should just accept it/move on" is just a stupid thing to say to somebody.
Some of those comments gave me cancer. Did these persons even watched the goddam video for more than 30 seconds? Unsurprisingly, some people assumed that the guy was critisizing the FPS gameplay.

Although I like Bethesda's games for what they are, I agree with the uploader.
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