Apparently, this is why Fallout 4 is a good game


The Swiftness of the Ranger

From this Reddit post. I wonder, if they're all enjoying the game so much, why are they wasting their time making this cartoon when they could be playing Fallout 4? Hmm.

Nothing else to say, really.

EDIT: I should add that the original cartoon was presumably not drawn with the intention of mocking NMA, but rather was used by other sources like Bethesda forums and Reddit for mocking people who did not enjoy Fallout 4. Just a disclaimer to make sure the original artist isn't wrongly blamed for it. That is all.

EDIT EDIT: Changed the title to be a bit less unnecessarily confrontational. The original was "Yet another criticism of NMA's mindset by Fallout 4 fans", which may have been inaccurate.
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No, you don't understand. Who gives a fuck about writing, or role-playing or anything like that?

You can shoot stuff!

I can definitely imagine Bethesda implementing the possibility of riding a deathclaw in a DLC.
That cartoon does nothing but show the target audience for Fallout 4 as easily distracted shooty-shooty-bang-bang Borderlands/Call of Duty fans. No one gives a f*** if these fans like Fallout 4. We give a f*** that Fallout 4 is now Borderlands 3. But I can see how someone easily distracted by mindless KILL LOOT RETURN shooty f***ing shooty bang bang Borderlands/Far Cry would not understand that and would instead spend time drawing a silly cartoon that does nothing but setup a Strawman argument that people who don't like Fallout 4 must also want to force others to dislike it.

Most places other than NMA are generally in love with Fallout 4 and of the negative opinions I have seen posted elsewhere, most are followed by ridiculous comments rationalizing all the dumbass design choices such as the dialogue wheel.
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Why are they wasting their time on that? I couldn't tell you why, I mean Fallout 4 sounds like so much fun from what they're saying that it makes you spend more time drawing some shitty cartoon instead of playing popamole Fallout edition.
Sounds like the proper diagnosis for this particular case would be that word the people on the 'Dex use called butthurt.
I don't know why people knock Borderlands. The writing in the sequels was not great but it was decent, and provided a better variety of gameplay then Fallout 4.
Because it's mindless, repetitive "kill loot return" and it never did anything other than that. Borderlands was bad for the same reason Fallout 4 is bad. The difference is Borderlands was not previously an RPG.

Borderlands also started this whole idiotic marketing gimmick of advertising mindless shooters as being "FPS with RPG ELEMENTS" which just meant boring, tedious f***ing upgrade systems. It's a shallow, mindless, repetitive, BORING FPS. But that's ok because that's what it was from the start and it filled that niche of mindless shooters. Sometimes, that's what you want to play - an easygoing mindless FPS. It is NOT ok that Fallout is now like that and now people who like Fallout RPGs have NOTHING.


That's why.
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The best part is that actually this is not that common. I have two friends who are huge fans of Fo3, and Skyrim (and they have never modded) are complete "pagans" about the early games and were hyped as hell of 4. But after the first 100-200 hours, they felt almost as cheated and dissapointed as me!
Maybe my bitterness about the game is a bit contagious, but even past "generation" fans of Bethesda are jumping off the blind bus...
Was the presequel any good? It sounded like shit to me and I never bothered with it because it sounded like a blatant cash grab. I never understood the appeal with Borderlands let alone Borderlands 2, the writing was shit and featured the kill everything quests along with the kindergarten jokes like calling those bullymong things "bonerfarts".

From this Reddit post. I wonder, if they're all enjoying the game so much, why are they wasting their time making this cartoon when they could be playing Fallout 4? Hmm.

Nothing else to say, really.
For clarification, that is a guest comic strip for the webcomic Blaster Nation,
The blonde guy is very much the worst kind of video game elitist ever, basically playing only obscure Sega Dreamcast titles nobody ever heard of.
I'm pretty sure this was not done to make fun of NMA, although Daniel (that character) would probably be right at home on NMA.
People should stop posting stuff without any source references.
Because it's mindless, repetitive "kill loot return" and it never did anything other than that. Borderlands was bad for the same reason Fallout 4 is bad. The difference is Borderlands was not previously an RPG.

Borderlands also started this whole idiotic marketing gimmick of advertising mindless shooters as being "FPS with RPG ELEMENTS" which just meant boring, tedious f***ing upgrade systems. It's a shallow, mindless, repetitive, BORING FPS. But that's ok because that's what it was from the start. It is NOT ok that Fallout is now like that.


That's why.

Fair enough.

I still like the games. You're right they were like that from the start and it wasn't a good idea to put certain elements into a Fallout game.
Fair enough.

I still like the games. You're right they were like that from the start and it wasn't a good idea to put certain elements into a Fallout game.
And there's nothing wrong with liking Borderlands. I personally LOVE the art style and I like some of the writing and characters as well. But there's no character interaction whatsoever and now Fallout 4 is that way.

Fallout 4 decided to clone that and as a result actual Fallout fans dislike Fallout 4 while fans who traditionally LOVED borderlands are in love with Fallout 4.

And I have said here before: If Fallout 4 was actually Borderlands 3, I would call it a tremendous improvement on the series.
For clarification, that is a guest comic strip for the webcomic Blaster Nation,
The blonde guy is very much the worst kind of video game elitist ever, basically playing only obscure Sega Dreamcast titles nobody ever heard of.
I'm pretty sure this was not done to make fun of NMA, although Daniel (that character) would probably be right at home on NMA.
People should stop posting stuff without any source references.

No, I know, but identifying people who didn't like Fallout 4 with stereotypical elitist gamers isn't exactly all that great either.

I've added a disclaimer.
Why care?
And, more importantly, isn't it quite an accurate depiction?

Ha. Ha. Real funny. :roll: :shrug:

I think this thread is only big enough for one opened can of worms, let's not get further into any of those points, I've added a necessary disclaimer to my post.

I'm very well aware of the webcomic Blaster Nation by the way. Doesn't change that the description below the comic strip does show that he's as critical of anti-Fallout 4 people as the particular strip itself is, though.
I wonder, if they're all enjoying the game so much, why are they wasting their time making this cartoon when they could be playing Fallout 4? Hmm.

Eh, this kind of argument is basically just the flipped version of "If you hate F4 so much, why are you still talking about it!?" F4 fans take the time to defend the game for the same reason that we take the time to criticize it - because they care about the subject and they want to make their opinions on it known. There's nothing wrong with that.

My own response to that comic, or general attitude of "Who cares if the roleplaying is dumbed-down, it's fun!" is that F4 simply doesn't go far enough in embracing the dumb fun factor to make up for all but abandoning the roleplaying. All F4 has to offer in that department is exploration and shooting enemies. Riding a deathclaw is exactly the kind of fun variation that Bethesda wouldn't include in the game, probably because it would be harder to code that instead of yet another encounter where you kill a bunch of enemies and leave. For that comic to be accurate, it would show the fan killing a group of raiders and raving about how fun it is - and then we see another frame showing that he's already done that, and nothing but that, hundreds of times before. Suddenly the complainer doesn't seem quite so unreasonable, does he?
Here's the thing, if Fallout 4 was just a shooter and was honest about it, I'm okay with that.
I liked playing Fallout 3. But I didn't really respect it. I was the guy who grew up on Black Isle Infinity titles. So guess what I'm comparing your game to?

It's good insofar in that Bethesda makes sandbox games where you screw around but you really want more meat on those bones. And if you had never called it Fallout, then we wouldn't have those expectations.

I can at least see eye-to-eye with people who like Fallout 4 but can honestly see its flaws. Often enough, people just go, "But it's not a Fallout game" even if they have only vague understanding of the other titles in the franchise. That's an honest assessment.

And it does do too many things badly even if you ignore that Fallout 4 is not a Fallout game.
Plenty of people pointing to Witcher 3 as proof that you can both have the cake and eat it.

Dangling some keys in front of the Fallout 4 fan's face would entertain him.

I don't know why people knock Borderlands. The writing in the sequels was not great but it was decent, and provided a better variety of gameplay then Fallout 4.

I don't think that's it at all. Borderlands is upfront about its formula and doesn't pretend to be anything else.

Fallout 4 is a series of marketing gimmicks stapled together. People make the comparison because it's ripping of gaming trends, namely things like Minecraft and Borderlands. The pandering is kind of insulting honestly.
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Funny I just read that thread on reddit. First comment asks if they can really ride a deathclaw, then everyone agrees that it would be so cool and Beth should make a DLC with a deathclaw horse. The intelligence is just spewing from that reddit thread.