"Fallout" developed by CD Projekt Red?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Now, before you get your panties in a twist, let me just make this clear that this is not something I necessarily want (although, it'd be better than bethesda), but it was more of an interesting thought I had one day. After playing "The Witcher 3", and being fairly impressed with CD Projekt Red's ability to make an RPG, how do you guys think CD Projekt Red would handle making a "Fallout" game? Do you think the game would be any good? How do you think the game would play ( mechanically speaking and story-wise)?

If you're not familiar with CD Projekt Red, they are a small video game company that made a series of video games called "The Witcher" which was a continuation/adaptation of a series of novels. They are also working on a new game called "Cyberpunk 2077" which is a continuation/adaption of a pen-and-paper RPG called "Cyberpunk 2020". So, essentially, these guys are great at making games based on pre-existing franchises/stories.
It'd be alright I guess. Theres nothing that connects them to the Fallout series so why or how they'd handle the series I don't know. Maybe I'm just biased by I was never really impressed with the Witcher series. It's alright.

EDIT: Also I'd hardly call them a "small" game company. They're "independent" but theres a big difference between CD Projekt and most indie devs.
It'd be alright I guess. Theres nothing that connects them to the Fallout series so why or how they'd handle the series I don't know. Maybe I'm just biased by I was never really impressed with the Witcher series. It's alright.

EDIT: Also I'd hardly call them a "small" game company. They're "independent" but theres a big difference between CD Projekt and most indie devs.
I just meant small as in small compared to companies like EA or Ubisoft.
I think it would be a lot more of a role playing game then anything by Bethesda, it would have most probably better storytelling as well.

If it would be closer to a Fallout game? That's impossible to say. This really depends on how much they spend with the history and idea behind Fallout. Or if they would simply do the same like Beth, adapt the setting to their formula and how they see Fallout. Which might end up in a very great game, but not necessarily one that's close to the old Fallouts. Like if they just made Fallout 3 like the Witcher 1. You know, with one character, linear progression - with the narrative, you can't return to previous locations, and so on.
But it would probably contain NPCs saying your moma sucks dwarf-cock though.
Judging by how closely they are working with the creator of Cyberpunk I would wager a guess that this would also be true of the Fallout franchise, even if it was purely to advise. I also think CDPR would be smart enough to find spots in the world with little to no established lore in order to tell their own unique version of a Fallout narrative. I would also like to see them integrate whore-son into a Fallout game as well as the previously mentioned ghoul cock.
While I feel they are certainly qualified to do it, speaking only in theory, I'm not sure they would want to do it. CD Projekt RED does develop projects based on existing material, which as we've seen so far are books and tabletop RPGs, but they don't seem like the kind of people who would want to work on someone else's project, continuing another legacy rather than building their own like they've done with The Witcher series.

Besides, let's be honest. It's not that CD Projekt RED is especially good that they seem like a good candidate for developing and writing Fallout, it's that nearly everyone else is especially bad at it. I'm not saying they're bad at developing RPGs or anything, but think about how many well-written RPGs have actually been developed by anyone in the past decade. Apart from Obsidian, which developer would you trust more than CD Projekt RED with the Fallout series at this particular moment?

I just meant small as in small compared to companies like EA or Ubisoft.

They're essentially an indie company with the size and budget of an AAA one. That's why they've worked well so far. CD Projekt RED is what happens when you give people who actually wants to make good games so that people can enjoy them the same money companies like Ubisoft have.
Give them 18 months and their own engine. They would still handle it significantly better than Bethesda. It wouldn't surprise me if some at CDPR have played FNV, F1, or F2 to get some more perspective on creating RPGs.
Hey, I found this interesting bit of info and just realised that it says "ex-Bethesda writer who worked on Fallout: New Vegas" and mentions that he is now working on Horizon: Zero Dawn. The only writer I could find for Horizon: Zero Dawn is John R. Gonzalez, who worked for Obsidian Entertainment. Are Obsidian so low-profile that they get interchangeably mistaken with their publishers?

Also, this mention of the rivalry between Bethesda and CDPR prior to and during Fallout 4's release. It's really just a not-serious thing but the article clearly implies CDPR devs have played Fallout 4. Then again, even Hideo Kojima played Fallout 4, so maybe it's just one of those "see what the fuss is all about" kind of games.

(I know for a fact that there will be at least one delusional psychotic moron here at NMA who will now forever lose respect for CDPR and Kojima for playing Fallout 4. That person, if you're reading this right now, please don't actually post anything anywhere ever because whatever you post would definitely be stupid and make real Fallout fans here at NMA look bad.)
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That'd be pretty silly to lose respect for someone for playing a shit game. I doubt anyone here would feel that way but I could be wrong about that.

Even if they didn't make a traditional Fallout game it would certainly be a sight for sore eyes compared to what Bethesda has been shitting out.
That'd be pretty silly to lose respect for someone for playing a shit game. I doubt anyone here would feel that way but I could be wrong about that.

Remember, we actually do have original Fallout fans who are as illogically fanatical as the average Bethesda fan. Their logic goes along the line of "they play Fallout 4, they must like it, what sellout fucks".

The only reason we don't see those ones very often is because, one, the administration here does a very good job at cleaning their insane rants out, and two, the chance that you have enough intelligence to enjoy something like Fallout 2 and still be an idiot about fanboyism is fairly low. It does happen, though. There's a reason many outside NMA thinks NMA is full of unreasonable dicks and it's these kind of people that creates those reputations.

I know no one here minds because the reputation keeps the rabble out.
That'd be pretty silly to lose respect for someone for playing a shit game. I doubt anyone here would feel that way but I could be wrong about that.

Even if they didn't make a traditional Fallout game it would certainly be a sight for sore eyes compared to what Bethesda has been shitting out.
I don't understand why the idea of a GAME DESIGNER/DEVELOPER well, ... playing games, particularly if they are popular is such a surrpise for some. And even enjoying it! The Horror.
I mean, I would expect that from a high profile developer. Hell any developer. Just as how artists and designers take eventually a look at the work of others. Or a cook trying recipes from other cooks. So you know what people enjoy right now, and what you can maybe learn from it. Actually, I would expect from everyone who's taking his job serious to not go trough the day with blinders, and actually paying attention what happens in his profession. If millions of people enjoy something, it can't hurt to take a look at it.
But even if Fallout 4 can pretty much only serve as example, on how NOT to make RPGs, it would still have some value in that way.

Heh, I remember this article about a game developer talking to students who wanted to get in to game design. His first question, who's playing games, everyone is of course raising their hand. His second question, who played this particular game that is 20 years old. No one. Oh well. Just because a game is 20 years old doesn't mean you can't learn something from it.
I'd trust them. They did well with Witcher, and remember Obsidian isn't the only good role-playing game making company out there.
I really want to see someone do a good Twilight: 2000 adaptation. There's probably not much of a market for a Cold War post-apocalyptic game, though.
Alright, from Kotaku, at the Game Developers Choice awards, the games that inspired the developers that won the GDC awards: http://kotaku.com/the-games-that-inspired-the-worlds-best-game-developers-1765500505

The article said:
The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt Red), GDC Game of the Year

  • “I was always into RPGs and my first automatic answer was Baldur’s Gate, but my friend said Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Baldur’s Gate. For me, I think it’s mostly Fallout 1.” -Marcin Iwinski, Co-Founder
I mean I think it'd be fine, they obviously have some pretty good design talent on staff, but I dunno if they'd want to do it.

Their logic goes along the line of "they play Fallout 4, they must like it, what sellout fucks".
No one with half a brain could possibly care whether their favourite developer played Game X or Y. Do people actually engage in the level of lunatic idol worship over fucking game developers of all people whereby any perceived error of judgement amounts to personal betrayal? I wish they didn't.
Not entirely related, but some developers from CD Project Red are working on an isometric post-post apocalyptic RPG. Whatever the hell that means...

Anyway, it's no Fallout, obviously, but I'm still pretty stoked about it, even though there isn't all that much information about it yet.
No one with half a brain could possibly care whether their favourite developer played Game X or Y. Do people actually engage in the level of lunatic idol worship over fucking game developers of all people whereby any perceived error of judgement amounts to personal betrayal? I wish they didn't.

You wish they didn't, I wish they didn't, but people do and that's life. The "creator betrayal" thing gets brought up more times than it really should, I'm happy I never really see it here.