Phobias Thread


Wept for Zion
Sorry if there's already a topic like this, I searched to make sure and didn't see anything about it. Anyway:

Everyone has a phobia of something, even if it's just one thing. There's always that one little something or other that sends us into panic mode. What are some of your phobias? I'm curious because I looked at a list of phobias recently, and good Lord, that list just went on and on and on. There's so many phobias and so many different names! Phobias are just one of the things that make us unique! Therefore, I want to see just how many different phobias we have here on this site.

I'll start it off with my phobias:
Katsaridaphobia (fear of cockroaches)
Galeophobia (fear of sharks)
Achluophobia (fear of pure darkness)
Germophobia is a big one for me. I don't need to live in a bubble or anything but if we put it like this: If I go outside right now and I put my finger down on the grass then I will feel a compulsive need to wash my finger. I can't even scratch myself between my legs (groin) without feeling that compulsive need to wash my hands.

I also got a fear of deep water, doesn't even need to be dark water. Can just be a swimming pool. Thanks to watching Jaws when I was a child. Ever since then I feel so vulnerable and fragile and like something's gonna 'get me' while my back is turned that I panic.

And I got a fear of bugs. Spiders and beetles mostly. But I think that it's part of my germophobia. Like, I have no idea what those little buggers are carrying so I don't wanna let them touch me.
It's germs for me too, but only in public places. If I go to the store I spend a good amount of time wiping the cart down with wet wipes and unless I have to I don't touch anything. I also grew up in the southwestern US so I have a healthy respect for rattlesnakes, but I wouldn't call it a phobia per se.
I spent about 2 hours last night trying to come up with one, scanning over archive of phobias. If I have one I'm not sure what it is. I respect fears though. And I understand it isn't something you can just 'get over' so props from me to anyone that has any. I guess if I had to put myself in a situation like mission impossible or Matrix side of a building I would probably faint, but I have never been in a situation like that before.
Being buried alive is the only thing I'm genuinely terrified about so I guess that would be claustrophobia. I get jumpy around snakes, and heights though.

EDIT: Scratch that. I'm terrified of any kind of torture happening to me or somebody close to me. I know these fears are a bit extreme.
I have a bit of a germ phobia and a bit of a spider and insect phobia. Both have gradually been getting better over the years, however. But spiders still creep me the fuck out and if I see one in my apartment, I'll be grossed out for a while and unable to relax until I know it's gone (ie killed or thrown outside, preferably the latter since I don't enjoy killing things).
It's funny you mentioned fear of sharks, I actually have an interest in sharks. Like to watch shark week from the US and other documentaries on sharks. But if I go to the sea over here for a swim and the water is about up to my chest, I start to think that there might be sharks in the water. This inspite of the fact that there are no sharks in the Gulf of Bothnia that's the sea area around Finland. But, yea.
Social anxiety fag here. Generalized anxiety disorder actually. People are probably my worst fear. New people in particular, although anyone can be scary at times. The last two years have been pretty bearable, though. Phobias are something you have to go through in order to defeat them, and it seems to be working. Even when I start panicking, I just sort of accept the panic and continue whatever I'm doing, no matter how awful I feel.
I have no phobias. That isn't to say that I don't fear generic things like insects, heights or darkness -- just that none of these fears are pathological.
Well, I do hate papercuts and uncleanliness a great deal.
Social anxiety for me too but I wouldn't say it's to the point that it's a phobia. I just don't like it.

But that reminds me, I'm a hypochondriac, so yay! Germophobia and hypochondria go well together.