Phobias Thread

I wish I had a phobia of grannies cause this fetish ain't easy on me.
Wink wink.


Damn it, we went offtopic again.

Ok, so my hypochondria. Let me explain how fucking bad it can be. So if I'm lying in bed and I'm ready to go to sleep and I think about my breathing like "is it breathing all right?" then my anxiety kicks in so hard that I can't breathe automatically and I have to breathe manually and it won't stop until I stop thinking about my breathing.

I worry about breast cancer and other lumps since I'm a smoker so if I feel any bit of ache or pain at all I start to overthink my pain so much that it creates phantom pain in my tits and under my armpit. And then I get worried. So I start to touch around that area but I don't feel anything so I touch more and more intensely and then because I'm so rough I end up creating real ache and then I get worried about 'that' ache even though I 'know' that I created it myself but it doesn't matter and I get highly anxious and I can end up inspecting myself for like a week, constantly just fucking up my flesh because I'm so worried.

Like, it can be bad. Real bad. Hypochondria sucks ass. And most of the time I 'know' it is nothing to be worried about but I still can't shake that niggling doubt of "but what if it is something..."

Horrible phobia...
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  • Thanaphobia (Fear of death)
  • Kakorrhaphiophobia(Fear of failure)
  • Insectiphobia(Fear of insects.)
  • Uranophobia(Fear of the afterlife and judgement)
  • Athazagoraphobia(Fear of being forgotten)
  • Haphepobia(Fear of being touched)
Not so much as being scared of being touched but more as getting very annoyed at being touched unless I'm being touched by a significant other or family.

Also I don't fear other humans deaths, just mine. I've seen humans dead and haven't felt too much, but the idea of me being killed before I can do anything big in the world makes me ridicously paranoid, adding to my extreme paranoia.
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Is fear of death really a phobia though? It seems more like common sense. Unless you're like really religious and believe in an afterlife with all your heart. (which I'm not and I don't)
Some people can learn to understand that death's an inevitability and that there's no point in being afraid of it, others are just terrified of dying, rotting and, being forgotten.
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Well I'm religious, a Christian to be precise, and I still have a fear of death. It's not necessarily I fear what's to come after this life but that my life will be cut short. I have my fiance but she's really all I have in this life. We haven't even gotten married yet, and most likely won't until we both finish college, which is a ways away. I want to live long enough to make a family with her, you know? We're basically soulmates, neither one of us have dated anyone before or after each other, and we've been going strong nearly 7 years now. I don't want to leave her so early in life. I think it would break her, just like losing her would break me.

Neither one of us really have any friends outside of the computer. In fact, we met via the computer and we've been long distance dating for 80% of our relationship. She lived in Oklahoma, I live in Mississippi. 600 miles apart but we made it work and we're still making it work. We're basically not just engaged but we're also each other's best friends and also our life lines. If something were to happen to the other it would tear one of us apart. You know what I mean at all? It's tough when you only have one person you can really rely on and count on to love you and stand by you no matter what.

Also thank you very much for sharing your phobias everyone, I know it might be hard for some of you, but I'm getting a lot of data out of this and hopefully a lot of you are getting something out of this thread too, like coping.
Ah... well...

Online dating? No wait, you've met that's fine then. I wish you luck with that, hope you do well there.
Actually, a recent study showed most of the Christian community feared their inevitable death.

So that's cool. The more you know and stuff.

Should hardly be surprising. Extreme fear of death is to me honestly the only explanation why someone would believe all that crazy shit.

That said, I do fear death. A lot. To the point that the only thing I fear more than being alive is to be dead, and which is the biggest reason I haven't offed myself.
Just to be clear, phobias aren't just something you happened to be scared of, but something you're scared of beyond any rational sense. To the point where the anxiety you have over that thing poses a concrete problem in your life.

Thanatophobia isn't just a healthy fear of death, you obssess about it compulsively all the time to the point of crippling unreason.

I'm scared of spiders in the sense that I wouldn't touch one directly, if given a choice. I find them alien and weird, but am not so paralyzed that I wouldn't trap one in a bottle or squash it with a napkin. And sensibly, I'm worried if it's venomous, since I don't really know much about identifying them. But it's not like I check my bed to see if there's a spider there before I go to sleep.

Personally I fear being dead less than actually the pain that dying entails and what it would do to the people around me. If I vaporized in a picosecond, and never see it coming, I won't be around to care that I died. That isn't nearly as scary as say, being mangled by heavy machinery and then bleeding out slowly while you freak out everybody around you.
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Should hardly be surprising. Extreme fear of death is to me honestly the only explanation why someone would believe all that crazy shit.

That said, I do fear death. A lot. To the point that the only thing I fear more than being alive is to be dead, and which is the biggest reason I haven't offed myself.

I mainly fear death because of my paranoia. What if there is a God, what if there isn't? What if Islam is true and Christianity isn't true? What if Buddism is true but Hinduism isn't? If this. If that. Plus I generally like living, tastes and smells are much more "heavenly" to me than going to a perfect place in the clouds or going into a burning hellscape down below.