1 thing I hate about Fallout 4

Because I haven't done a hate thread yet, here is my first one.

I hate how Fallout 4 doesn't the model of the weapon I've equipped on my fucking back when I holster it.

Are you being cereal right now? I mean I hate Fallout 4 as much as the next guy, but this is stupider than the "Vault Doors work in a different way" argument.

I mean, go play the originals. Your weapon dissapears as soon as you get hit, but I don't see you complaining about that.
The originals were pre-rendered sprites that had to fit on 650MB CDs. The art deficit was one of my biggest problems with the first Fallouts. I'd argue they should have been on more than one CD, especially after Fallout 2 recycled most of the art and a lot of the minimal amount of new art was of pitiful quality.
I mean, go play the originals. Your weapon dissapears as soon as you get hit, but I don't see you complaining about that.

The originals have the excuse of being made in 90´s with (by now) outdated graphics. Fallout 4, with it´s "next-gen graphics" doesn´t.
The originals have the excuse of being made in 90´s with (by now) outdated graphics. Fallout 4, with it´s "next-gen graphics" doesn´t.
Not to mention Bethesda's money to hire artists and programmers for sequences to work, a good part of what makes the game viable for some of us. What's missing--likely due to poor direction and no fault of the artists--all the more stands out for it.
The originals have the excuse of being made in 90´s with (by now) outdated graphics. Fallout 4, with it´s "next-gen graphics" doesn´t.
Yeah, but I don't think we should judge a game by its graphics or visuals. A Fallout game is a Fallout game because of its roleplaying and dialogue, not because it has new, next-gen graphics.
A Fallout game is a Fallout game because of its roleplaying and dialogue

And that´s where fallout 4 fails completely.

Not to mention Bethesda's money to hire artists and programmers for sequences to work, a good part of what makes the game viable for some of us. What's missing--likely due to poor direction and no fault of the artists--all the more stands out for it.

With people like todd and emil, the results will always be mediocre.
I never played Fallout 4 with the cross-dialogue. I played it with full dialogue through a mod. Now that I am playing Survival I had to get rid of all my mods as the game crashed otherwise, and honestly? The dialogue system is so fucking bad I don't even bother with what choice I make. Like, I don't care. I see those 4 options that tell me fuck all about what I'm going to say and I just don't care.¨

I even skip a bunch of dialogue because of it. I feel so disconnected from the dialogue because of it that I don't even care about listening to it. I'm turning into Pete Hines... Fallout 4, on its own merits, would've been better if they had just ditched dialogue options all together and focused on cutscenes.
I'm fairly sure @JO'Geran is justified in his disbelief, AccountNameM posted like 3 joke threads yesterday, you guys are responding to a thread that's likely actively mocking you and your posting habits.
Otherwise Let The Hate Flow Through You!
Meh... To hate, I would have to care. Nevermind that I don't have to hate someone to disagree with them.
I'm kinda confused, what do you mean disbelief?, I realise how shitty FO4 is, I just think that we shouldn't judge a game by a standard that not even the originals meet.
Fallout 4, on its own merits, would've been better if they had just ditched dialogue options all together and focused on cutscenes.
It's not an RPG, and the token "RPG elements" left in to try and appeal to customers that know better are both insulting and do nothing but hold it back from even being an enjoyable action/FPS game.
Considering in Fallout 3 the weapon was actually holstered in third-person view, yea this is kind of stupid that it's not in Fallout 4.
It's not an RPG, and the token "RPG elements" left in to try and appeal to customers that know better are both insulting and do nothing but hold it back from even being an enjoyable action/FPS game.
Exactly. I think that Bethesda's games would be far better on their own merits if they were to just go full out and not try to tip-toe some kind of balance that simply cannot work with their design philosophy.
I'm just gonna post this for shits and giggles

I'm kinda confused, what do you mean disbelief?, I realise how shitty FO4 is, I just think that we shouldn't judge a game by a standard that not even the originals meet.
I couldn't think of a better word for thinking that the criticism here is unfair.