edit: Oops, forgot there's a future Fallout discussion forum. Pls move this there, I apparently can't move my own thread once it's posted.
(Looked around and didn't see anything identical to this, apologies if there actually is one)
Anyway, I'm bored and feel like depressing myself with how bad Fallout 5 will be, so let's have some fun with predictions. The assumption is that 5 will again be a Beth mothership title and not some sort of spin-off by another studio.
Writing getting even worse is kind of a given, so let's try and be specific on that front, haha. Otherwise, anything is fair game!
Dialogue wheel streamlined further:
Tired of having to work through tedious dialogue button prompts? Want to get back to shooting things in the head? Our new EmotionWheel™ lets you get right back into the action without delay! How it works; you have four options mapped to your gamepad's face buttons, each corresponding to an emotion: Angry, Happy, Sad, Sarcastic. Instead of all that tedious old school dialogue, you now use simple body gestures such as flipping the bird to get your point across! And the best part? All four options do the same thing anyway! Yay!
Dialogue removed:
Thanks to our new EmotionWheel technology, dialogue is a thing of the past! No more boring discussions about how another settlement needs your help! Now, you can simply pick an emotion and get right on with helping those poor settlers out.
Automatic Questing:
Bored of loading screens whenever you need to enter settlements to pick up quests? So are we! That's why we've created our new AutoQuest™ system! Simply move to within one-hundred metres of any settlement and every single Radiant Quest in that location is automatically downloaded to your Pipboy. Great, huh? Now you can spend even more time shooting and looting! And the best part is that all quests are now radiant! Even the main quest! And if for some reason you're too busy looting to finish your quest? No problem! After three in-game days the quest will automatically complete and give you its associated rewards!
Did you think there wasn't enough power armour in our last game? Well, good news! We're adding even more! Power armour on raiders! Power armour on ghouls! Power armour on super mutants! Power armour on Behemoths! Power armour on Deathclaws! Power armour on Radroaches! POWER ARMOUR ON EVERYTHING! EVEN ROBOTS AND SETTLEMENTS!
SPECIAL streamlined:
Why bother with user-selectable SPECIAL stats when every player is 100% perfect? Introducing our new PERFECT system! Because nobody is average in our games.
Peerless. Effortless. Rightstuff. Faultless. Exemplary. Consummate. Toddtastic/Talented. This is you, right? Of course it is! Therefore every player starts the game already perfect, with all perks unlocked!
Streamlined and enhanced crafting:
We're committed to providing you an even deeper crafting experience than our last game. That's why we've created Monocraft™! With this new system you'll never need to fast travel again! Because anything can be modified to do literally anything else! Need a sniper rifle? No problem, just use your Monocraft™ portable crafting station to create one from tin cans and Brahmin meat! In a pinch and need some power armour? Simply use a teddy bear and several bottles of dirty water to create all the power armour in the world! Monocraft™: It's like magic!
Tie-ins with Elder Scrolls:
After creating our new Monocraft™ magic crafting system, we realised that the next evolutionary step for our games had to be melding them into one all-encompassing IP! No longer will you need to wait years for each release of Elder Scrolls or Fallout! No, now you can have them at the same time! People used to make jokes about Fallout 3 being Oblivion with guns? Hah, joke's on them! Need to get to High Hrothgar in a hurry? No problem, just take a Vertibird! Frost Troll giving your problems? Turn it into a puddle of plasma goo! Orc... I mean, Super Mutants kidnapped your husband/wife/other? Feed them to a dragon! Anything's possible in The Fallout Scrolls! As long as you stay within the railroaded bounds we set for you, naturally! Can't have players doing just anything now, can we?
Your favourite factions return:
Speaking of railroading, guess who's back again? That's right! All your favourite factions! Enclave! Super Mutants! Raiders! More Raiders! Pitt Raiders! Mine Raiders! Raiders of the Lost Ark! Raiders Everywhere! Brotherhood of Steel! Airships! Vertibirds! Synths! AI! AI Synths! Rogue Synths! Raider Synths! BoS Synths! A total disregard for the lore of the series!
Environmental storytelling:
Using our patented Envirostory™ system, we'll be able to tell you even more heart-wrenching stories from before the war using artful teddy bear placement, references to ancient sitcoms, and – of course – hundreds of amusing skeletons!
Did you think there weren't enough nuclear explosions in Fallout 3 and 4? We agree! Which is why we've teamed up with Torgue to bring you AllExplode™, a new system that makes every single object in the game explode in nuclear fire! Cars? Check! People? Check! Enemies? Big check! Buildings? Check! Water? Check! Robots and Synths? Check! Everything explodes! EVERYTHING!
VATS improved:
Have you ever thought to yourself: "I'd really like it if I could explode every single limb with a single bullet"? Yes? So have we! That's why we've improved VATS to always be active for every single shot you fire. Now you needn't worry about missing ever again, because all shots have a 100% chance to hit from any distance, and automatically split your projectiles into exactly the right number to hit every single limb plus the enemy's body, head, and – you'll laugh at this one! – even their crotch! But there's more! Utilising AllExplode™, every one of those limbs you just shot off also explodes in nuclear fire!
Go anywhere! Do anything! Except for roleplaying, you naughty player, you, Fallout is all about exploration and looting and shooting, after all! But the real FREEDOM!™ comes from the emancipation of slaves, the looting of Old World museums of FREEDOM!™, siding with the good guys even if you don't want to because FREEDOM!™, and the retrieval of precious Old World FREEDOM!™ artefacts such as the Declaration of Independance, because Fallout is all about the Old World! Did we mention FREEDOM!™?
And more to come! Stay tuned for continued updates spoiling absolutely every single new feature of The Fallout Scrolls 5, not that this matters since it's just going to be Fallout 4 meets Skyrim with guns.
I might add more as I think of them, but I guess that'll do for now
(Looked around and didn't see anything identical to this, apologies if there actually is one)
Anyway, I'm bored and feel like depressing myself with how bad Fallout 5 will be, so let's have some fun with predictions. The assumption is that 5 will again be a Beth mothership title and not some sort of spin-off by another studio.
Writing getting even worse is kind of a given, so let's try and be specific on that front, haha. Otherwise, anything is fair game!
Dialogue wheel streamlined further:
Tired of having to work through tedious dialogue button prompts? Want to get back to shooting things in the head? Our new EmotionWheel™ lets you get right back into the action without delay! How it works; you have four options mapped to your gamepad's face buttons, each corresponding to an emotion: Angry, Happy, Sad, Sarcastic. Instead of all that tedious old school dialogue, you now use simple body gestures such as flipping the bird to get your point across! And the best part? All four options do the same thing anyway! Yay!
Dialogue removed:
Thanks to our new EmotionWheel technology, dialogue is a thing of the past! No more boring discussions about how another settlement needs your help! Now, you can simply pick an emotion and get right on with helping those poor settlers out.
Automatic Questing:
Bored of loading screens whenever you need to enter settlements to pick up quests? So are we! That's why we've created our new AutoQuest™ system! Simply move to within one-hundred metres of any settlement and every single Radiant Quest in that location is automatically downloaded to your Pipboy. Great, huh? Now you can spend even more time shooting and looting! And the best part is that all quests are now radiant! Even the main quest! And if for some reason you're too busy looting to finish your quest? No problem! After three in-game days the quest will automatically complete and give you its associated rewards!
Did you think there wasn't enough power armour in our last game? Well, good news! We're adding even more! Power armour on raiders! Power armour on ghouls! Power armour on super mutants! Power armour on Behemoths! Power armour on Deathclaws! Power armour on Radroaches! POWER ARMOUR ON EVERYTHING! EVEN ROBOTS AND SETTLEMENTS!
SPECIAL streamlined:
Why bother with user-selectable SPECIAL stats when every player is 100% perfect? Introducing our new PERFECT system! Because nobody is average in our games.
Peerless. Effortless. Rightstuff. Faultless. Exemplary. Consummate. Toddtastic/Talented. This is you, right? Of course it is! Therefore every player starts the game already perfect, with all perks unlocked!
Streamlined and enhanced crafting:
We're committed to providing you an even deeper crafting experience than our last game. That's why we've created Monocraft™! With this new system you'll never need to fast travel again! Because anything can be modified to do literally anything else! Need a sniper rifle? No problem, just use your Monocraft™ portable crafting station to create one from tin cans and Brahmin meat! In a pinch and need some power armour? Simply use a teddy bear and several bottles of dirty water to create all the power armour in the world! Monocraft™: It's like magic!
Tie-ins with Elder Scrolls:
After creating our new Monocraft™ magic crafting system, we realised that the next evolutionary step for our games had to be melding them into one all-encompassing IP! No longer will you need to wait years for each release of Elder Scrolls or Fallout! No, now you can have them at the same time! People used to make jokes about Fallout 3 being Oblivion with guns? Hah, joke's on them! Need to get to High Hrothgar in a hurry? No problem, just take a Vertibird! Frost Troll giving your problems? Turn it into a puddle of plasma goo! Orc... I mean, Super Mutants kidnapped your husband/wife/other? Feed them to a dragon! Anything's possible in The Fallout Scrolls! As long as you stay within the railroaded bounds we set for you, naturally! Can't have players doing just anything now, can we?
Your favourite factions return:
Speaking of railroading, guess who's back again? That's right! All your favourite factions! Enclave! Super Mutants! Raiders! More Raiders! Pitt Raiders! Mine Raiders! Raiders of the Lost Ark! Raiders Everywhere! Brotherhood of Steel! Airships! Vertibirds! Synths! AI! AI Synths! Rogue Synths! Raider Synths! BoS Synths! A total disregard for the lore of the series!
Environmental storytelling:
Using our patented Envirostory™ system, we'll be able to tell you even more heart-wrenching stories from before the war using artful teddy bear placement, references to ancient sitcoms, and – of course – hundreds of amusing skeletons!
Did you think there weren't enough nuclear explosions in Fallout 3 and 4? We agree! Which is why we've teamed up with Torgue to bring you AllExplode™, a new system that makes every single object in the game explode in nuclear fire! Cars? Check! People? Check! Enemies? Big check! Buildings? Check! Water? Check! Robots and Synths? Check! Everything explodes! EVERYTHING!
VATS improved:
Have you ever thought to yourself: "I'd really like it if I could explode every single limb with a single bullet"? Yes? So have we! That's why we've improved VATS to always be active for every single shot you fire. Now you needn't worry about missing ever again, because all shots have a 100% chance to hit from any distance, and automatically split your projectiles into exactly the right number to hit every single limb plus the enemy's body, head, and – you'll laugh at this one! – even their crotch! But there's more! Utilising AllExplode™, every one of those limbs you just shot off also explodes in nuclear fire!
Go anywhere! Do anything! Except for roleplaying, you naughty player, you, Fallout is all about exploration and looting and shooting, after all! But the real FREEDOM!™ comes from the emancipation of slaves, the looting of Old World museums of FREEDOM!™, siding with the good guys even if you don't want to because FREEDOM!™, and the retrieval of precious Old World FREEDOM!™ artefacts such as the Declaration of Independance, because Fallout is all about the Old World! Did we mention FREEDOM!™?
And more to come! Stay tuned for continued updates spoiling absolutely every single new feature of The Fallout Scrolls 5, not that this matters since it's just going to be Fallout 4 meets Skyrim with guns.
I might add more as I think of them, but I guess that'll do for now

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