With no particular order :
- Cataclysm DDA, it's like Fallout 4 in ASCII, more complex and better in any aspect. Even the radiant quests are better and more challenging. Complete crafting system that makes sense (you can't change the caliber of your gun by changing the receiver for example), that allow you to make nearly everything, with everything, craft your own ammo, build your own furniture, or a doom wagon of flaming and shooty death. Stuffing yourself with CBM (cybernetic implant), or drinking mutagen and laughing at the horrible result. The most advanced equipment system, with encombrement rating for each body part. Drugs, alcohol, and chocolate having other stats effects than for fighting, since you will have to take care of your depression and be happy in the apocalypse, or to help with your asthma, or you schizophrenia. More enemies, and more challenging ones than Fallout 4, that force you to think strategically to get those delicious potato chips and the last not rotten frozen pizza in the world. More cool traits (even the negative ones), and skills (yes they understand that in an rpg, character skill is more important than player skill) than Bethesda could ever think of.
Just like any Bethesdian games , you can become the second Jesus of this world, not because it's your destiny since the moment you've started the game, but because your surhuman determination, careful preparation, ability to adapt to any situation, made you into the ultimate survivor. It's probably the only game that can make you feel awesome when you blown up a fungal boom with your stockpile of M72A2 LAW you've been keeping in your car's passenger seat for the right occasion.
100% pure juice of fresh hand picked organic awesomeness for the ridiculous price of 0$ or your regional equivalent.
- Dwarf Fortress, the difficulty is vastly blown out of proportion, it is in fact a fairly easy game, even in vanilla ASCII, without DF Therapist or DF Hack. Now with the amount of tutorials, and the wiki, if you're okay with sinking a few dozens of hours, you should get a hang on the basic of the game, and run a successful fort.
- Aurora 4x, this one is the DF in space. In my opinion, it's tougher than DF, due to having an even more terrible UI, less tutorials, an nearly non-existant wiki, and the fact that you can't wall yourself underground and living forever on plump helmet.
-UnReal World, ever dreamed of clubing baby seal to death, tracking stag for days until you lose it's track, collapse from stravation and sleep deprivation in the dead of the Finnish winter with not enough strength left to make a fire? Living the life of an humble nomadic hunter-gatherer dying from unidentified mushroom, or the more settled life of a farmer in the farm you've built from your hard labor, being a fisher man, or a adventurer eating cannibal because running after your food is too hard? That's the right game for you.