Any 40K fans?


I am a massive Warhammer 40k fan, I have over 50 of the books, used to collect white dwarf magazine, and will be getting back into the hobby soon (probably space wolves).
Anyone else a fan?
well i mostly fans of 25k - 30k, not sure if that were counted. i guess the far future aspect is what make it so unique than other space opera. the grimdarkness of 40k doesnt really interest me, as i like the works of fiction based on human strugleness againts huge odd
I like the aesthetic and I've read some interesting stuff about the series but I could never really get into any of the actual media I've been presented with.
Ahh, yes. Back in the day I was well into 40k. I dropped it around the time Games Workshop's money grubbing reached absurd levels.

Imperial Fists all the way.
I've been meaning to get into the hobby aspect of it for years now since I am into model-making in general, but fuck it, GW's prices are insane, especially with online purchases. I understand that they are doing it on purpose in order to force people to actually go to hobby stores and play with their armies there, but for a loner enthusiast with no hobby store in a 300km radius, it's fucking annoying.

Other than that I've played several video games and I like the lore...I used to like it, to be more precise, since what little I've seen with the last few fluff updates isn't really good at all.
Tau empire myself (since their first codex). Haven't done much with it lately because of the aforementioned money-grubbing. I still frequent the forums, though.
Tau empire myself (since their first codex). Haven't done much with it lately because of the aforementioned money-grubbing. I still frequent the forums, though.
i dislike when we lost what basically the only good guy after workshop do some retcon to them. brainwash and eugenic? really workshop?
Long time ago, like early-mid 90s onwards until maybe 2000. Eldar, some Orks, occasional Chaos (mostly in Battlefleet Gothic). Friend of mine worked at our local GW store, he was also one of the few people who managed to get one of those insanely awesome 40K Thunderhawk Gunship models when they originally released, lucky git.

Had a load of fun with it, played Warhammer Quest obsessively with a few friends for a couple of years, eventually couldn't keep up with it because lolmoney. Still love the lore though, had virtually all White Dwarf issues back to the start, read and re-read all the stories in them (and the various Codex books etc)... yeah, I was a massive Warhammer fanatic back in the day :)
I love the setting but I have never played with the armies or read the media. There used to be a store where i lived but now the closest would be over a hour away. I have scoured the lore online and played Dawn of War though. I want to get into the series a little more but with so much media material out there it is hard to know where to start. I like the examine the history of series like this, as in the timeline and course of events getting to where it is now. Do the regular Warhammer universe and 40K overlap?
Do the regular Warhammer universe and 40K overlap?
Nope, beyond superficial similarities like both having Orks or Chaos. Warhammer is a fantasy realm based on a single world, 40K is a separate entity set across the entire galaxy. Unless they changed things in some recent update anyway. I recall hearing they'd completely reset everything to zero and thrown away all the amazing lore they'd built... so yeah, great job, GW.
I've heard things about the 40k series but I've never actually read any of the books/played any of the games. The setting sounds interesting, but if I were to get into it where would I even start? Is it like Vampire: The Masquerade where I can play the game without needing to understand the source material or am I going to have to do a loooot of reading to understand the games whatsoever?
Nothing can stop The Great Devourer.

Lol at this point, what faction that not could stop each other?

i'm imagine the faction is just rock-paper-scissor to each other. take the supposed "big three of apocalypse".

Necron, tyranid, chaos and orks.

Necron > tyranid

Tyranid > Chaos

Chaos > Necron

and Waagh could just outnumber all of the three, and then being reduced due to infighting. poetic cosmic law :D