Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

Hi, I've been trying to install the megamod since yesterday, however I keep running into an issue.
After running "processdat2.exe" and trying to run the game, I get an error message that says something like "the master datafile can not be found, please insert the disc."

I have tried a few times already all with the same result. I'm using the steam version if that makes a difference.
Hi, I've been trying to install the megamod since yesterday, however I keep running into an issue.
After running "processdat2.exe" and trying to run the game, I get an error message that says something like "the master datafile can not be found, please insert the disc."

I have tried a few times already all with the same result. I'm using the steam version if that makes a difference.

MIB accidently included his cfg file, try this link...


Either that or do what I did and just alter the cfg file in your fallout 2 folder and change the file paths to whatever they are on your computer.
I think there is something not quite working right about the talking heads yet. My Myron definitely doesn't work. I was able to navigate the "errors" in the dialog to recruit him anyways, but even as a companion he still lists: "Error" as his only dialog options.

I didn't know Cassidy even had a new talking head until I equipped him with metal armor. Prior to that his portrait was the same as the last version of this mod, but after equipping him in metal armor, he has a new talking head similar to the one in the RP. So nice that he has a voice now, and that his talking head reflects his new type of armor. Wicked!!

When I first got Vic he would bounce in between his new and old portrait, but he seems to be stuck in his old one right now.

Did Maria get a portrait? That would be bad ass.
No portrait for Miria.

I can't figure out Myron for the life of me. It's like the script is firing and not firing at the same time. Going through the "Error" dialog at the beginning, I see one that reads "ErrorMarcusError". Marcus is the name of my character in the game. So, it is reading the script like it is supposed to, but it is not displaying the dialog properly. I even tried cutting a lot of the dialog out of Myron's dialog file, thinking maybe it had gotten too big. (There was an error I had seen before that led to crashes when you spoke or looked at a critter... I was hoping this was similar, but it didn't work.)

I'll keep working on it...
The problem is with nhMyron.msg. Check this line:
{230}{}{Mmmm-mmmm. Those legs go all the way up?

You are missing a } at the end.

Also, I ran into a weird issue I've never seen before. When targeting (hoovering target pointer over critter) I got strange text in the message window. Something like target number 34746 and bodypart 286574, and when I shot it said something about damage 345764 (made up values as I didn't write anything down). When I restarted the game I didn't see anymore of that. So either some weird one-time glitch where the engine prints out some internal data or there is some problem with some of the random encounters (Unity patrol fighting someone was one of them, can't remember the others). Ever seen anything like that?
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Thanks for all your work MIB, you rock man. Do I need some kind of editor to change the mistake in Myron's code?

So is the new Cassidy supposed to work the way I described above?
How in the world did you find that?! Thank you very much for preventing me from ripping my hair out.

Do I need some kind of editor to change the mistake in Myron's code?

So is the new Cassidy supposed to work the way I described above?

Easy fix. Open the folder data/text/English/dialog. Open nhmyron.msg with Notepad. Go to dialog line 230 and put a } at the end.

Cassidy's default look is the one with the leather armor. So, leather armor and below all appears the same. The artists figured that once you had Cassidy, you probably would not outfit him with anything less than the leather armor he already has.

Also, I ran into a weird issue I've never seen before. When targeting (hoovering target pointer over critter) I got strange text in the message window...

Yeah, I've seen it before... once. In all my games I've seen it only once. I don't remember the encounter exactly, but I think it was robbers or marauders or something like that.
How in the world did you find that?! Thank you very much for preventing me from ripping my hair out.
By carefully going through all the lines in the message file. Nah, that would've been too boring. Just old fashioned trial and error, like removing script file didn't work but removing message file did. Removing everything but the top section in the message file worked, but adding a few more sections didn't. That made it easy to pinpoint the problem.
How in the world did you find that?! Thank you very much for preventing me from ripping my hair out.

Easy fix. Open the folder data/text/English/dialog. Open nhmyron.msg with Notepad. Go to dialog line 230 and put a } at the end.

Cassidy's default look is the one with the leather armor. So, leather armor and below all appears the same. The artists figured that once you had Cassidy, you probably would not outfit him with anything less than the leather armor he already has.

Yeah, I've seen it before... once. In all my games I've seen it only once. I don't remember the encounter exactly, but I think it was robbers or marauders or something like that.

What I was referring to with Cassidy is that in his default state wearing leather armor when you first recruit him, he doesn't have the new talking head activated, it's still the old one without the voice acting. As soon as I equip him with metal armor he switches to the new talking head which includes the voice acting and synced speaking.
Ah. You know, I don't know if the voice was scripted for his initial armor. Or maybe it was an oversight on my part. It's an easy fix, though, and I'll make sure to include the voice for him in leather armor in version 2.46.1.

Thanks, again. Now that I know what that error looks like, I can deal with it if I see it again.

For those who need the Myron fix, you can make it yourself or grab it here:

Just unzip the archive in the same location as your Fallout2 folder.
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I have another problem with Myron, I tried to equip him in combat armor today and he disappears. Sometimes he will reappear when he is running and he looks like he is in combat armor, he also has a new talking head which shows the combat armor, so that's good. However, I caught him when running and told him to remove the armor and he still appears invisible.
Hi i have 4 times first version ambushed by Koga.
I was traveling between Arro and Klamath. Everityme its has ben to close to Aroo. (Luck 1, Level around cca 5, Girl, Sulik and Klint in Party)
Downloaded. Thanks. I will definitely make sure those changes/fixes for Cassidy and Vic are in the next version.

Sounds like there are some missing animation frames for Myron. I've never heard of this problem in the MM, though... and the NPC armor mod has been in there for a while. I guess it's possible some art got deleted. I just don't know how. Give me some time to run this issue down.

I haven't changed anything with regards to the Kaga encounters since maybe version 2.1. I think you are just lucky!
Can you stamp a leather armor for Cassidy's first proto as it's not working to just equip him with one. (vanilla bug, mentioned it 3 pages back but not sure if you saw it.)

Also, tested Myron with combat armor and I had no missing frames, maybe something went wrong with @Hanakoa's install.

Regarding Kaga, the way he is set up, you can meet the same encounter over and over again, unless you kill him. Wouldn't it be better to set Global variable 764 to +1 in his map enter procedure and to 5 in his destroy procedure, and then check in worldmap.txt for < 1, < 2, < 3, < 4, < 5?

Speaking of luck by the way, do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any idea how luck works in regards to encounters? In worldmap.txt all the bad special encounters are listed at the top, with normal encounters in the middle and then the good encounters in the bottom. I did some test before where I removed all the normal encounters, and with luck 1 it pretty consistently (mostly, not always) gave the encounters in an order from top to bottom. It didn't seem hard coded as when I switched the good encounters up top, it went through those first. With a luck of 10 however, the order seemed to be totally random, with no clear predisposition towards the good (bottom) encounters. Also, with only special encounters in an encounter table, the game will give you every encounter once and then crash wen it runs out of options.
So I thought I was beginning to understand how it worked, but then when I added back the normal encounters and did some testing with low luck, it wasn't as predictable anymore. It seemed more random with no predisposition to bad encounters first. I don't know, it's confusing. :shrug:
Actually, I did miss that. I have modified the base proto with the appropriate stats.
About Kaga: Isn't he supposed to be met over and over again, increasing in level as the player character does, trying to kill the player character repeatedly until the highest level is encountered and finally defeated?
Regarding your question about how luck works with figuring out the random encounter, I don't have any idea.
About Kaga: Isn't he supposed to be met over and over again, increasing in level as the player character does, trying to kill the player character repeatedly until the highest level is encountered and finally defeated?
He is, but only once per proto stage. As it is now you can meet his first level several times until you level up enough, and then you can get his next level several times etc. Gvar 764 is used to check if you have killed him, but could also be used to check that you only get one encounter per Kaga-level as I suggested in my previous post.

About the luck thing, yeah I don't think anyone really knows, but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Shame there's so much of what goes on inside the engine that we will never know.
I tried to re-create it as well and was unsuccessful. I'm not sure what happened with Myron that day. I've got him in Power armor right now and he works fine. I'm really enjoying the new portraits reflecting the armor the character is wearing. It adds a lot to the game for me since I typically work slowly through the game and my characters spend a lot of time wearing each armor.

Now being closer to the end though, I'm wondering about something general. Armor obviously works differently in this mod, because I'm in power armor MK2 and an enclave encounter is entirely impossible. I have 130hp, so combat will start, I'll take my 2 shots with the vindicator mini gun, and then I won't make it to my next turn. The gauss pistol guys deal like 60 damage per shot, and there is usually two of them. Is it supposed to work this way? Would taking toughness help me out in anyway, or has the cap changed?

I remember I forgot to clear out the raiders on level 2 of vault 15, so when I went back there I had regular power armor. The raiders had colts and desert eagles and were still shooting me for like 30 damage, I couldn't help but think the armor wasn't supposed to work that way.

I have a little problem. When i want to leave location, where u fight with Tyler gang i got a error.

Someone know, how to fix this problem?
I have a little problem. When i want to leave location, where u fight with Tyler gang i got a error.

Someone know, how to fix this problem?

Yeah, it's a problem with the NPC looting. You have to go into your scripts folder and delete: