Pre-existing Post-Apocalyptic PnP RPGs


There have been several Fallout RPGs in the past, the purpose of this thread is to collect them so that we may shamelessly steal take inspiration from them. Where I can find PDFs I'll add them, but a couple of these will have to go PDFless.
This thread isn't for Game Rule proposals.
Exodus (formerly a licensed Fallout PnP)
Jason Mical's Fallout PnP
Fallout GURPS
Fallout Warfare
JE Sawyer's Fallout PnP (This is kind of defunct now, but whatever)
D20 Apocalypse
Gamma World
Apocalypse World
Other Dust
Mutant Future
Darwin's World
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I'm currently using the Exodus system for a early 24th century Fallout D20 campaign. My campaign takes place in Texas and some of the surrounding states, mostly New Mexico and Oklahoma after the NCR pushes the Legion back to Colorado and New Mexico after the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam. Meanwhile, the New Texas Republic has become a major power in the American Southwest, having comprised most of Texas and southern Oklahoma. The main plot will focus on how the NTR will get involved in the NCR vs. Legion war and which side they will go to war with, if not both.

The Exodus system is really streamlined when it comes to character creation, and I think that RPG players who enjoy D&D 3.5E will have a pretty easy time learning the system if they ever wanted to use it.
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I'm currently using the Fallout PnP system. It's great and it's really simple, being loyal to the original games.
Jason Mical's one? I thought Hassknecht said it was quite heavy on the math, though I guess that would explain the loyalty part.
Yeah. Really? The rules are quite simple, and just use a percentile system which is clear. Combat is fun (I use figures and a hexagonal map to make it better) and captures the feel of the original fallout's with ap.
I don't suppose you'd like to post a summary of the Fallout PnP in the gamerule thread?