I'm getting Fallout 1 soon. Are there any bugs/glitches/exploits I should be aware of?

Some of the endings are broken so you can only get the bad endings no matter how many quests you do for a town, as Millim said get the Fallout Fixit and it'll fix everything.
I think you also need an HD patch to run it for modern monitor sizes, I'm not sure if that's included in the Fixit thing, if it isn't just find it yourself.
EDIT Oh and if you dislike the timers I think you can change them in a couple of .ini files, I'll see if I can find a tutorial on that anywhere.
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If you use the Steam Version, you do get the "HD"-patch right away.

FIXT does have an installer with custom choices, i.e. changing the 150 days counter, even remove it completely.
I really recommend installing FIXT and going either with the Purist install option or the Standard. Just check the installer instruction and the forum thread.

There ya go, link for FIXT.
Offhand [though you may have discovered these already by now], the NPC AI [for historical reasons] cannot "see" or consider the PC in combat; do not stand between your NPC and their targets. Do not allow the NPC to box your PC into a tight corner ~there is no way to force them to move in Fallout 1.

*Tip: Fallout has a lot of hotkeys, f1 brings up the built in help. You can type the number of bottle caps you wish to trade, rather than clicking the arrows 999 times.
Offhand [though you may have discovered these already by now], the NPC AI [for historical reasons] cannot "see" or consider the PC in combat; do not stand between your NPC and their targets. Do not allow the NPC to box your PC into a tight corner ~there is no way to force them to move in Fallout 1.

*Tip: Fallout has a lot of hotkeys, f1 brings up the built in help. You can type the number of bottle caps you wish to trade, rather than clicking the arrows 999 times.

With FIXT there's feature to "push" the NPC, it's just a hotkey and it works like a charm.
Not excactly like in FO2, where the NPC walks away, it's more a "teleport-swap".

But like I said, works very good. Another reason to recommend FIXT.
With FIXT there's feature to "push" the NPC, it's just a hotkey and it works like a charm.
Not excactly like in FO2, where the NPC walks away, it's more a "teleport-swap".

But like I said, works very good. Another reason to recommend FIXT.
Sounds great! Do you know if it saps the AP? (as it should)
Did someone say timers? I just bought Fallout, and installed Fixt but I cant stand timers in my games. I havent started the game yet, just got it all installed.
When you get the Fixit patch, set it to Standard. Purist is just if you want it to only fix bugs.

Set most of the timers(Apart from Water Chip and Necropolis) to the highest possible settings, but don't turn them off. This is because it will create some level of genuine risk of losing everything and motive to hurry up, but at the same time you'll be able to complete the game fairly comfortably, without the ridiculous restrictions the base game puts on you.
I adore the timer tbh.
I really wish Fallout 2 had the option to set one.
Im launching the game from the Fallout Fixt exe. but Im not seeing any options in the settings to alter any timers.
Well I figured my problem... When you first install Fixt you have to pick the full custom option in order to change time limits.

I read in one of the read me files that you can go back to the computer terminal for the door to Vault 13 and change some options so as not to have to restart the game but it doesnt work for me.

So I saved my game saves and reinstalled Fixt and I dont think it works unless I start a new game with a new character? Bummer as I was almost done doing a Brotherhood run with my character which eats up a lot of time at the beginning.

Another read me says to rename a file and your old saves will work but doesnt say what to rename it.

I wonder can I save my character now with all her inventory into a new game?