Fallout: New Orleans trademark registered in Europe

If this is true, it'll most likely be developed by the new studio Bethesda opened up.

Hopefully they have Chris working on it so it doesn't completely suck.
Man, I feel as though I'm constantly being jerked around by this bullshit. Every other week there's some testimony from Developer A saying an Obsidian Fallout's off the table, only for Developer B to say there's still a chance.
If this really is a thing, and with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky working on some mystery project... O.o
When reading the thread title not a single little string of joy got plucked in my cold black shrivelled up heart. I felt nothing but apathy, like "I guess that's happening". Bethesda really succeeded in making me not give a shit about the future of Fallout. We'll see what details comes out of this but I doubt I'm going to get excited cause no matter what is in production (if anything) it will have to follow Bethesda's new fucked up lore so, yknow, whatever.
When reading the thread title not a single little string of joy got plucked in my cold black shrivelled up heart. I felt nothing but apathy, like "I guess that's happening". Bethesda really succeeded in making me not give a shit about the future of Fallout. We'll see what details comes out of this but I doubt I'm going to get excited cause no matter what is in production (if anything) it will have to follow Bethesda's new fucked up lore so, yknow, whatever.
Yea Fallout is honestly done for me. I will probably be playing New Vegas 20 years from now because it's the last actual Fallout RPG ever made.

If Bethesda's marketing people are anything to go by, they love the smell of their own farts so much that they're going to continue making dumbed down garbage and raking in millions from fanboys for the foreseeable future.

New Vegas was a Herculean effort - made in less than 2 years and still somehow a million times better than Fallout 4 which took more than 3 times that long. New Vegas DLCs are the benchmark against which all other DLCs should be judged. I see New Vegas as a loving gift from Obsidian to actual Fallout fans that they made knowing that Bethesda is awful at RPGs and just doesn't "get" Fallout. It would be the best thing in the world to see them do it again, but Beth has their heads so far up their butts smelling their own farts thinking Fallout 4 is a "Game of the Year quality game" that I sincerely doubt Fallout is going anywhere but down the toilet.
It's not even all about the lore. If this thing is real(tm), it'll no doubt follow Bethies fucked up design principles and formulas so even the best of lores would be a fucking bore to explore.
Not to mention every time Bethesda does a new setting, they automatically fill it with as many cliches and stereotypes of that setting like some theme park environment. It's so cheap and dumb.

At least they'll have $50 New Orleans Workshop DLC...
It's not even all about the lore. If this thing is real(tm), it'll no doubt follow Bethies fucked up design principles and formulas so even the best of lores would be a fucking bore to explore.
Well, I'd play it as a spin-off. Like Tactics. Something I consider canon even if it doesn't feel completely like a Fallout game to me. Hell, that's what FNV was for me as well. So dialogue wheel? See Alpha Protocol. Voiced protagonist? I trust Obsidian far more than I do Bethesda with that. Again, Alpha Protocol. Crafting elements? Simply won't bother with it, Obsidian (unlike Bethesda) would make that part optional.

But even with Obsidian at the helm I simply find it hard to give a shit because... Well... It's New Orleans. And what I mean by that is that it will be so far away from the lore of the core region that I just don't see a reason to give a shit about it. I can deal with voiced protagonist if the voice actor isn't garbage. I can deal with a dialogue wheel thingie (see Mass Effect and Alpha Protocol). I can deal with crafting features. I can even see how the perk system could be reformed in a way to make it something of an RPG system.

But I deal with all of this for what exactly? A game that might as well be fan fiction.

I want to see what becomes to the Legion. I want to see whether NCR will collapse or not. I want to see if the Greak Khans formed their mighty empire. There are so many things I want to know and the precious time Obsidian (in this hypothetical situation cause we have no idea if this is even true or not) gets a chance to create a game, what do they do? Set it in a city way away from the rest of the core region.


This kind of shit is reserved for third party developers that you hire for spin-offs, like Micro Forte or that Fallout Extreme project. Ironically, that's exactly what this situation would be. And that puts a bad taste in my mouth. If Obsidian gets a precious chance to develop another Fallout game and they fucking squander it on fucking New Orleans then I just...

I don't know.

I just can't get excited. I can get past the stupid shit they have to deal with because of Bethesda's abomination by the name of Fallout 4 but I get past it for what? New Orleans? Whoop di fucking doo.

The point would be not to get stuck in a repetition. To get a "yet another NCR conflict" or something of that ilk would most likely already taste a bit like cardboard. We know about the predicaments and endeavors of these factions so well already that it would be hard to make them really feel fresh anymore. It's a waste of the setting to think that this - the south-west "core region" - is all there is to it.

This kind of shit is reserved for third party developers that you hire for spin-offs

In all honesty, that's exactly what Obsidian and New Vegas are (or... were) to Fallout and Bethesda. Even despite their adherence to the original lore.

I just can't get excited.

Neither can I; this "news" didn't move me one bit. It's been several years since I previously was genuinely "excited" for the series (2009 I think it was). But be that as it may, if there ever was a time to get excited again (not sure if that'll ever happen again), I'd be more so if the series proper would move on with the gradual pace it has, leaving certain things of the past in the past and bringing new shit in to take over the center.
1. The point would be not to get stuck in a repetition. To get a "yet another NCR conflict" or something of that ilk would most likely already taste a bit like cardboard. We know about the predicaments and endeavors of these factions so well already that it would be hard to make them really feel fresh anymore. It's a waste of the setting to think that this - the south-west "core region" - is all there is to it.
Khan Empire is not a known quantity.
We never got to explore Legion's lands.

There are still stories to tell, stories which may very well never be told and will always just hang in the air like a loose thread. I see tons of potential for the west coast and abandoning it just seems wasteful to me. Besides, the Khan Empire would take place in a region we've not been to before and could introduce new factions along with old ones to expand the setting. Same thing with a game set in Legion's aftermath.

Yes, there is a big world to explore out there, but the way I see it should be explored incrementally, branch out from a starting point. That way they can keep updating the lore one what's going on in former areas we've been in in previous games while putting main focus on a new area with new factions that clash with some of the older ones.

So I still don't see the point. This is something I expect out of Bethesda, being so easily bored that they just wanna jump hundreds of miles away from their previous game and barely touch upon cause that's old and boring.

In all honesty, that's exactly what Obsidian and New Vegas are (or... were) to Fallout and Bethesda. Even despite their adherence to the original lore.
Like I said, "Ironically, that's exactly what this situation would be."

Neither can I; this "news" didn't move me one bit. It's been several years since I previously was genuinely "excited" for the series (2009 I think it was). But be that as it may, if there ever was a time to get excited again (not sure if that'll ever happen again), I'd be more so if the series proper would move on with the gradual pace it has, leaving certain things of the past in the past and bringing new shit in to take over the center.
Actually now that I think about it I do get a smidgen of excitement when it comes to fanmade TC mods for Fallout 1/2.
Considering we know Obsidian won't play a part in this, the only way this could get me excited is if Chris Avellone was lead designer or even lead writer.

As much as I loved New Vegas, I prefer to keep the story open ended, I don't really want to know who won.

It's fair to say that Bethesda fucked over the future of Fallout since the cancellation of Van Buren.
But I want to remain optimistic.

Again, I'd only be somewhat excited if Chris is involved in a major way, if not however, then I really don't care.
Besides, the Khan Empire would take place in a region we've not been to before and could introduce new factions along with old ones to expand the setting.
The Khans could still be in a Louisiana Fallout, the Mongols were famous for conquering a huge amount of land in a short period of time after all.
If it happens and looks like Fallout I might become a little bit interested.

Other than that I might as well forget about it before more info comes out.

Still will not fix the fact that betheshit owns the rights. It is funny really Fallout franchise reminds me a bit of Breath of Fire by Capcom.

It had 4 good games, before 5 came out, which was like a Fallout 3 except it was good. Then the franchise became dormant for the ten years until Capcom announced 6 which is hated by most of the fans. The only people who it enjoyed never played BoF game in their life.

I can't help but laugh at the absurd situation we are in. "Finding it, It is not a hard part. It is letting go."
The Khans could still be in a Louisiana Fallout, the Mongols were famous for conquering a huge amount of land in a short period of time after all.

I really find it hard to believe that they'd conquer more land than the Legion in a shorter amount of time.
I really find it hard to believe that they'd conquer more land than the Legion in a shorter amount of time.
Well, there's a good chance the Legion collapses after New Vegas, and Genghis Khan conquered his empire in 21 years.

That looks like more land than there is between Wyoming and Louisiana.
Well, there's a good chance the Legion collapses after New Vegas, and Genghis Khan conquered his empire in 21 years.

That looks like more land than there is between Wyoming and Louisiana.
Genghis Khan didn't need to worry about factions with access to nuclear weapons, sentry bots, high explosives and high tech weaponry though, nor did he need to worry about wasteland monsters.

I simply do not see the Khans just suddenly conquering like a quarter of the US. It could be interesting if it happened, but I don't find it feasible in the slightest. And for them to just ever so conveniently stretch enough to make it to New Orleans feels forced.

I do not see the Legion collapsing completely, I think it'd splinter into multiple factions and the ideals that were the most strongly held in each splinter would be the ones that would be carried over and the Legion, according to the lore at least, is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to their military. Also, the MWBOS is in the way of the Khans reaching New Orleans.

The mongols conquered a lot of land during a completely different time when warfare was far more even and when insane monstrosities didn't roam the land. Just cause the mongols managed to do it doesn't mean that the Khans would be able to.

I'm not saying it is impossible, I just don't find it feasible.

The real world during the mongol era and the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout are not comparable.
Genghis Khan didn't need to worry about factions with access to nuclear weapons, sentry bots, high explosives and high tech weaponry though, nor did he need to worry about wasteland monsters.
Thats not an argument. Every conqueror faced threats. Genghis Khan faced threats relevant to his time, Caesar faces those relevant to his.
Admit Genghis has done a better job.