This is completely unrelated, but I didn't find a thread that seemed appropriate for this question that's bugging me. How people feel about the killable children in this game? When I was first playing this game when I was young I didn't think about it at all (they're just sprites, after all) but after recently picking the game up again, and seeing Cassidy blast a little kid to bits with a burst-fire shotgun I thought to myself, "that's kinda fucked up." It bothered me for a while. Sure, you are never forced to kill a kid in the game, none of them are enemies, and even if they are hostile for some reason, you can ignore them. But you can't control your followers, and they just kill whatever is hostile. Watching a little kid die on my screen doesn't sit well with me. I have friends with kids, what would they think if they found out I play a game where kids can be killed in horrible ways? Am I making too a big a deal out of this, or are there others that feel the same way?