*R O T T E N*
What are your opinions on the video?
It's good
It's not good (but it is)
What video?
Why do you guys keep giving this irrelevantfaggotproud homosexual more attention and views?
He deserves them. He's unbiased, loyal to his fans, and he once said he played Fallout 2 and then said something about wanamingos.
His speculation videos are on point.
And best of all, he's been roasted by everyone's favourite PR guy- Pete Hines.
He really isn't unbiased.
The guy would worship Fallout 4 and start a cult around it.
It was a poor attempt at sarcasm.
I guessed I failed, and before I further shame my family I'm going to go kill myself. If you see my cat, kill it, I want it in Heaven with me.
My fault, I had a feeling it may be sarcasm but wasn't too sure
I take it too far.
But when you go on the Sugarbombed forums, you can't ever get those lost brain cells back.
I might need to have some fun job there
Please for the love of God post your fanfics on F4 subreddit or Sugarbombed.
It's too intelligent for them.
My fanfiction are about identity and beliefs. Betheada fans can't comprehend those sort of themes
Would taking out the vowels make it understandable for the Bethesda fans? Or is that not how it works?
Any references to sex would be a start
Replace all sexual acts with radiant quest completion. You'll get so many upvotes.
I'd upvote.
I don't really think that Al is going to be in the Bethestard treehouse (at least in heart), he is really fed up with Bethesda. When they invited him to their podcast, he was just really making jokes about himself and his channel, kinda like when they invited Chris AvelloneI started loosing respect for Al when he started camwhoring, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and chose to not see his camwhoring, now he is working with MrMattyplays. Whelp, I most certainly will not be watching any of Al's videos any more, I'd unsub, but I never subbed him to start with.
I would like to have a youtuber review video where I or someone else rate and berates youtubers.