Not enough balanced with the ncr.
I agree that there isn't enough Legion content. I wish that the Prisoner's story was some alternate campaign with
Victor Presper as an NCR antagonist. Caesar, Elijah, and Presper would form a trinity of crazy, genocidal, old men.
Would have worked better if Caesar wasn't such an hypocritical prick.
I don't remember him being particularly hypocritical just being a dick. It is very easy to call someone a hypocrite. A vegan can call a vegetarian a hypocrite. Leftist can call someone a hypocrite for being against abortion but being for capital punishment. I saw a documentary where someone calls people hypocrites for being against government control with things like soda drink size bans but allow corporations to manipulate people to drinking bigger serving of soda. Not everyone has the same priorities and values.
The faction do manage to be bbelievable but not to seem a viable choice for the player, unless he wants to play evil.
No, most evil characters would probably go with Yes Man. Character should actually agree with the ideals of Caesar for this to work. Obsidian knows that the Legion doesn't have that much content and I think that it hides it by tricking people to thinking that siding with the Legion is not an option. Most of the first few people that you encounter only talk negatively about the Legion and imply that they would be hostile towards you. The most likely first encounter with the Legion is in Nipton which gives a bad impression. Also, Vulpes Inculta was fucking asking for it. "As are all crimes. If you feel strongly about it, attack us, and soon you won't feel a thing." The most likely first human companion that people get, Boone, makes all Legionnaires naturally hostile which is a function unique to him but makes sense. Only after playing Lonesome Road do people realized why the Legion isn't naturally hostile towards the Courier when they are normally hostile to the people of New Vegas.
Also, fuck this stupid "all sides need to be equally viable" meme. They did that with Skyrim and I couldn't give two shits about the civil war for these reasons:
- Dragons are about to destroy the world.
- Not much would change if either side wins.
- The Thalmor is the true enemy of both sides yet you can't do anything about it.
- It never feel like things couldn't just been talked over.
- You have only two shit options.
- People act like the war is in some far away place.
- Neither side care about your Dragonborn status outside pest-control and how you can fight for them.
- Ulfric Stormcloak is unkillable until you reach the right point in the right branch of the quest.
New Vegas had four possible options yet people focus on that one particular faction being too evil to join even if it makes the civil war worth caring about. I couldn't give a shit about even saving the world in Skyrim. If the Legion is so shit, why are people still talking about them? Hardly anyone is talking about which side to join the civil war in Skyrim. At least, you can kill Caesar. I think even Dr. Fallout would be pissed off at the Legion if Caesar is given a magic plot armor like Ulfric Stormcloak. This flavor of moral ambiguity is part of that hack's (Emil Pagliarulo) stupid checklist of
deep storytelling. "Let's throw a few lines in the last minute to imply that our super evil faction isn't completely evil even if it contradicts with the rest of the plot." "This quest about helping this ghoul find a nice home is too straight forward? Let's make him evil! Should we add some scripting to reflect that twist? No, that takes too much effort."