Kojima production and death stranding thread

I'm just glad Kojima is getting to work on something besides Metal Gear. I love the Metal Gear series but you could really tell from MGS4-onwards that he was getting really fucking sick of making those games. There wasn't even supposed to be an MGS passed 2. And stuff like Snatcher and ZoE show that he is more than capable of doing something other than Metal Gear.
Kojima is showing us weird shit.
I just want to get high watching his stuff.
Kojima is showing us weird shit.
I just want to get high watching his stuff.

On it. Looks trippy as shit. Good choice of actor too. Fuck Konami. MGS is dead. Long live Kojima.

Babies wink opposite eyes...

Sam Fisher Goggles (not reallly)...

Cthulhu/Mist atmosphere with a touch of FMV games...
I think now that Kojima is free from the shackles of Konami, he could finally go Super Sayan Pretentious Stage 4.
dis gun b gud
"I haven't talked much about that, but it was such a difficult time because he was going through a lot last year," Keighley says. He was shocked when he found out – just days before the show – that Konami wasn't going to allow Kojima to attend, and he felt he had to say something, despite the company being a sponsor. "The fact that he finished that game under those circumstances is just amazing. He was locked in a separate room on a different floor than his development team for the final six months of development. He couldn't even talk to them – he had to talk through someone else. That's how that game was finished."


Wow. Konami sounds like a great place to work.
So like dudes have some weird fetuses connected to their navels, but those fetuses can grow and they can have more than one so they are using the fetuses to make armies or something? And black blood? He did say it was gonna be online and multiplayer right? So are players gonna either grow and breed new fetuses like Pokemon or steal the fetuses from players they kill?
The fetuses represent the child within every gamer that inevitably dies when exposed to the real world.
Can't wait for kojima to kojima the shit out of this game. Probably have mads mikkelson giving birth to Norman reedus while Guillermo del toro rides a whale in a river made out of konami's tears.
Watching the trailer was a combination of amusement, excitement and confusion.

I have only ever played MGS5 but I liked it a lot and going by what I have heard about Kojima im interested at most.

Glad I have a PS4 as its prob an exclusive.