What's your favorite vidya game/series?


NMA’s only mutie
My list, in no particular order, consists of Metal Gear, Mass Effect, Fallout, TES, Metro Series, Pre-futuristic COD, OG Battlefront Games, Bungie era Halo, Battlefield, and Warframe.

Edit: I forgot The Last Of Us
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My favorite series' used to be Resident Evil, Silent Hills and Fallout. Then they went and ruined them. I don't really have any favorite series' anymore. A series need to be 3+ titles and its current and coming games need to be good and consistent with the rest of the series.

And I have nothing. Everything I liked has been ruined and tainted.
Without any order:
Old TES, old Fallout + FNV, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, KotOR, old Silent Hill, old Resident Evil, Civilization, old Final Fantasy, StarCraft, Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, Suikoden, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, old Front Mission, old Gothic, old Dungeon Siege, Chrono series (Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross), Sid Meier's Pirates.
There are probably a couple more I can't remember.
EDIT: I just read Mr Fish post and he says a series need to be 3+, I put there some "series" that only have 2 games. I don't know if that is relevant or not.
Fallout, KOTOR, The Elder Scrolls, Europa Universalis(Specifically VI and Rome), Zoo Tycoon, The Sims and Little Big Adventure
- Souls series, Dark Souls 2 the best, maybe not as "stellar", as for for the critic to drool on, but objectively the vest video game.
- Borderlands... Yeah. I like it "on paper", as for the setting, concepts and the gameplay before Ng+, OPs, etcetera.
That's why Tales From The Borderlands is my favourite, and the actually playable ones are even.
- Fire Emblem, played the new ones and a bit on GBA.
- Fallout, NV the favouritest.
- Chrono, Dragon Quest, Metroid series
EDIT: Oh and Zelda! Played every 2D one but for the NES and GBA ones
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Metal Gear is my all time favourite series with MGS3 being my all time favourite game.
Fallout is my favourite RPG series, even if I do enjoy 3. (I don't really regard it as a Fallout game anymore through).
I love the mass effect trilogy, even forgave it's ending (although it was shit). That reminds me, I'll need to buy the rest of the ME3 DLC.
Shenmue 2 is also up there, I look forward to its long awaited sequel.
Soilcalibur is my favourite fighting game series.
Also GTA for mindless fun.

Also, while not my favourites, Final Fantasy is it there.
And I've not played enough of KOTOR to really have much of an opinion.
With no order in particular:
Classic Thief, Classic Fallout (New Vegas is among them in my mind), Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Classic Silent Hill, Persona (never managed to try SMT so far), The Witcher, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Prince of Persia (Sands of Time trilogy)
I find it hard to have a real favorite series since there will always be disappointment somewhere along the line. But here are some series that rarely disappoint, I guess:

Mass Effect
Dark Souls
XCOM (both old and new)
Parasite Eve
The Witcher
Dragon Age
Knights of The Old Republic

If Divinity: Original Sin 2 impresses me as much as the first game, then I'll add that to the list as well.
Fallout (New Vegas my fav), System Shock (System shock 2 is my favorite game of all time), and Half life (Half life games are god tier) are by far my top.

honorable mentions: STALKER (Loved shadow of Chernobyl hated the rest), KOTOR (best star wars games period), XCOM (love the x files and love the concept), Mass Effect (space opera also Tali and Garrus are some of my favorite characters in games), and Deus ex (I like the newer ones more than the original sue me :P).
I'll also include the title I believe ruined the franchise if applicable.

-Fallout (tbh there's a lot to hate in Fallout 2 but there's enough good that it's a decent sequel. POS killed the franchise, fo3 resurrected/continued to ruin it
NV redeemed it. Fo4 disgraced it. As it stands fallout as a franchise is mostly garbage)

-Resident evil (re4 is a great game in it's own right but it sent resident evil on a horrible path leading to the disappointingly bad re5 and the horrid re6)

-Silent hill (origins marked the beginning of the end for this one 1-4 are still God-tier though)

Jak and daxter (great the whole time)

Gta (has been consistently entertaining)

TES (skyrim seems to be a beginning of the end as I like oblivion and morrowind quite a bit Tbh)

Dark souls

Bat man arkham (origins was a bit pointless and arkham knight was horrible from a story perspective)
I do not have a "favourite vidya game/series"as that. I have games I like to play and dislike to play, but not one definitve favourite (and honestly, listing all games I had fun with would be a too long list). For a game series to be my favourite, I would need to like every single game, and so far something like that doesn't exist.
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I'd also like to mention half-life and portal as both are nearly 100% perfect imo. And dead space 1&2 are great imo. Sad to say that dead space 3 fails both as an action game and as a horror game.

Alien isolation isn't a series but it's infuriating sequel bait ending implies it will be. Great game and will hopefully become a great series.
Fallout, Jedi Knight, X-Wing, Half Life, Gothic, TES, Deus Ex, Thief.
Oh, and Hitman.
And for fuck's sake, I still want Kingpin to be a series :D
Fallout, Earthbound/Mother, Resident Evil, The Legend of Zelda, Doom, Final Fantasy, and Duke Nukem off the top of my head. All of them besides Mother are hit or miss to varying degrees.
Fallout, Fallout 2, New Vegas
The Binding of Isaac
Elite Dangerous
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Half-Life series
Metro 2033/Redux
Dark Souls