What's your favorite vidya game/series?

Honestly can't say anymore if Fallout would be on this kind of list should I make one. There's two great games there, both nearing 20 years of age, and one semi-passable FPS tryout made from the leftovers of something foul that was shat out twice. There are more games in the series that are either bad or irrelevant than there are good ones. Try being a fan of the series with a straight face.
Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex, Splinter Cell, Grand Theft Auto, Hitman, Half-Life.

Been getting into the old Splinter Cells again. Shame Pandora Tomorrow isn't available on Steam or gog.
Can't say I like lot of series, more likely a certain games as a part of the series. But Resident Evil PS1 trilogy was and still amusing at times.

Which ones, old or new?
I'm a big fan of both actually and the table top game. The SNES game was my first introduction to the world.
Honestly can't say anymore if Fallout would be on this kind of list should I make one. There's two great games there, both nearing 20 years of age, and one semi-passable FPS tryout made from the leftovers of something foul that was shat out twice. There are more games in the series that are either bad or irrelevant than there are good ones. Try being a fan of the series with a straight face.

No series goes 15-20 years without some bad entries. Tactics was pretty good. We have 4 good games with 1, 2, Tactics, and New Vegas. 3 and 4 are mediocre as hell, but they broadened the appeal and gave me a Fallout t-shirt I guess. At least the old ones are still there. Not like any of these washed up bastards can produce the same quality isometric CRPG anyway.
Toss up between Fallout or Deus Ex.

I love the Witcher series but it's never touched me the way those two have.
souls series/bloodborne is easily the best, but whoever said that DS2 is the best, you're the worst. unless you're talking about dark souls 1, as it's the sequel to demon's souls. or maybe it was a typo.

I'm really surprised by the love for WoW, I'd really think you guys especially would prefer EQ. EQ is the only game I've ever played for 36 hours straight, and I usually sleep 12 hours a day. I don't think I've ever even been awake for half as long as I've played EQ in that sitting. that was without its expansion packs too. still I can't recommend it, I had to quit cold turkey b/c it was just TOO good. it's either have a life or play that game. fuck MMOs. I played WoW when it was brand new as a senior in high school I think, for an average of maybe 4 hours a week for about 4 months. it sucked and when I had such little money to spend, wasn't worth the subscription in my mind.

I'm also surprised at all the love for MGS, hitman, RE and SH, they used to be my favorites. stealth, strategy, and horror, yeah, that was my childhood. I even beat the famicon MGS games. I actually hate SH2 though, and I know it's supposed to be the best. it's just depressing as hell, and feeling guilt over the death of a loved one myself just makes it impossible to play a 2nd time through. it really turned my stomach the whole time and made me want to just die. I'll also say that the brainless puzzles weren't challenging like in SH1, it gets few points for originality unlike SH1, and pyramid head and the bed are really stupid, pathetic enemies. fuck the simple-minded, basic symbolism too, it gets too much credit. I beat SH1 over 10 times though looking for ways to get different endings - but that's mostly b/c as a kid I didn't own hundreds of games that I haven't even played yet.

the love for GTA was unexpected too, yuck. hold r2 to auto aim and press x to kill? no thanks. but the very first one was great for its arcade aspect, as a kid I kept sheets of paper for each level with locations of all rampages and hidden missions I found and completed everything in every level in single runs without dying. I loved that game. then 2 came and ruined it b/c you could save between missions. that takes all the fun out of it. it was like GTA3 but with graphics closer to 1's and a top down perspective, just awful. I also didn't like the futuristic theme of 2, but for everything else that sucked, it's kind of irrelevant.

oh and the only good FPS games are goldeneye, turok, duke nukem 3d, doom, and quake. if you've played a CoD online deathmatch, you've played a million of them. move on, there's nothing to see there. although the strategy required in overwatch makes it well worth playing a lot of actually... but I'd rather spend my time getting through the rpgs I haven't yet beaten. no really, CoD, battlefield, medal of honor, fuck those games. the war theme isn't creative at all and the "level design" can't even be called level design without those quotation marks.

mostly I play card games lately like MTG, TESL, and hearthstone. oh and this awful game called fallout 2 b4 moving on to yet another game that I put down b/c I couldn't finish it - the witcher: enhanced edition. I can't wait to get finished with these pieces of shit so I can move on to betrayal at krondor or the sequels to abe's odyssey if I'm rpg'd out by then. actually I still haven't played chrono cross, it'll prob be that. or FF8, I put it down in the first half hour b/c that beginning sucked. FF1 and 4-7 were great though. I also liked X for its story/combat/temples/summons/blitzball/sphere grid, but tactics is the best. if tactics would have had you start hunting more demons after that first one instead of just ending so soon, it might have been my fav game of all time after souls series. a single disc FF after 7... ugh. how about getting a plane like in every other FF after that demon, unlocking other continents to hunt them down in, steal their crystals and use them to become more powerful. it was still almost like a blend of shin megami tensei, FF, and fire emblem though, just perfect except for length. I wish more than anything videogame related that they'd remake and expand it.
No series goes 15-20 years without some bad entries. Tactics was pretty good. We have 4 good games with 1, 2, Tactics, and New Vegas. 3 and 4 are mediocre as hell, but they broadened the appeal and gave me a Fallout t-shirt I guess. At least the old ones are still there. Not like any of these washed up bastards can produce the same quality isometric CRPG anyway.
bethesda made arena, daggerfall, and morrowwind, they're certainly capable of making great games. I haven't played FO4 or oblivion/skyrim yet, but they're probably not as bad as ppl say they are (although the fact that the worlds are getting smaller and smaller doesn't give me a good feeling about them). how often do reviewers give terrible games such high ratings? and it's unanimous. they just can't be as bad as you guys think. the story of fo2 is simple too, and each character has maybe a paragraph of dialogue. it's really just the fact that you can change the content of that paragraph by clicking on shit that causes you to jizz in your pants over it.

look, maybe controlling your whole party, frequent use of items/inventory during battle, and magic users are essential to combat in a turn based rpg, either those things or substitutes for them that don't suck. maybe a post-apocalyptic wasteland where the gameplay consists entirely of shooting at shit isn't the best type of game for a turn based rpg. maybe that world map should actually be open and explorable instead of the equivalent of watching a download bar. turning it into an FPS with an open world seems logical, even if they failed in execution (I imagine b/c a wasteland is a pretty shitty, barren place to be roaming around in.) actually, realistic FPS games with no arcade elements all suck (especially single player ones) and RPG is probably the wrong genre to cross with FPS. FPS games certainly don't need time-stopping technology that exists for some reason w/o related lore or even mention from any character.
Toss up between Fallout or Deus Ex.

I love the Witcher series but it's never touched me the way those two have.
your priests and uncles have weird names. where are you from?
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At this point the only series where I love every game is The Witcher. Paradoxically or not, my love for those games actually stems from my love for books, but overall, the games are pretty good on their own too.

Fallout could hardly be series love, because I only love three games out of...what, six? Seven? But yeah, Fallout.

Command and Conquer too, but that one is dead.

Hotline Miami 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games ever, but 2 games don't constitute the series from what I've read in this thread.

And...that's about it?

When I think about it, I love certain developers and their products more than actual game series. I could list a dozen developers of the top of my a head whose games (3+ of them) I love, but I would have a hard time listing franchises.
souls series/bloodborne is easily the best, but whoever said that DS2 is the best, you're the worst. unless you're talking about dark souls 1, as it's the sequel to demon's souls. or maybe it was a typo.
Dark Souls 2;SOTFS is the best :lol:

Believe me, if you play any of the other games in NG+ cycles or "run out" of things to do and see, you'd see why DS2 is the best in that regard.

All games are equally great out of DS3, that was ineccesary in idea and execution IMO. They just have different strong and weak points.

DS1 has an even more dead Online than Demon's, NG+ is just stat boosts, post-Lordvessel follows exactly what was critizised from DS2 and there are some essentialy broken things. But it's the best Souls game.

DS2 is by far the strongest mechanically, and all what i could rant on would lead to the conclusion that it's the best Game our of the Souls series.

See what I mean?
Mafia, GTA, Half-life, Max Payne, Age of Empires, Hitman...maybe some more but that's enough for now..oh and Telltale's Walking dead was really good imho.
For anyone wondering, my favorite game of all time is Fallout 4. Underrated is what can be used in this forum, it isn't as bad as anyone thinks it is. Can you tell me a fallout game with better graphics, better story, better looting than Fallout 4? Kiss my ass all you guys who are hating his game, it's better than expected. You might say it misses the RPG element, but so did a few other Fallout games but it provides great crafting, an amazing settlement system and great new power armor. Over the top a great underrated game (in this forum) that deserves a lot more. Under all that, New Vegas is also quite good, but the bad gameplay makes Fallout 4 the superior game.
In no particular order:
- Hitman: Blood Money
- TES: Morrowind
- Dawn of War series (except that one expansion pack for the first game).
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Crash Team Racing
- [Insert Pokemon game here]
- Mount & Blade Warband
- The Witcher and The Witcher 3
- Heroes Of Might & Magic V
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Great, two guys with Enclave avatars listing individual games in a thread about game series. Is there an epidemic or what?