Thoughts on Fallout 4

Just out of curiosity, why do you think Sarah is awesome? What is it about her that makes you think that?

We started with a strong opening for Sarah Lyons with the Super Mutant Behemoth fight. Sarah Lyons is a front-line leader who walks the walk rather than just talks the talk. She's also living the dream of protecting the people of the Capital Wasteland from "evil." Her scenes are few in the game but she's willing to stand by you once you join the BOS and fight to the end. Unlike Three Dog, she's not easily impressed either and you have to progress the main quest to earn your respect as well.

She's also perfectly willing to die to save your father's dream, just like you are, even without the family connection. The fact she's a young woman about your character's age also may appeal to many fanboys as she's an easy character to fanfic a later relationship with. It's an interesting contrast to the other main female character you interact with in Amata, who stabs you in the back.

We also find out Sarah has a maternal side, being the surrogate mother for Arthur Maxson.

They hunted the Enclave down as much as they could and Colonel Moore is very willing to have the Mojave Chapter wiped out. I don't see why the NCR wouldn't completely wipe out the BOS in their weakened state if relations aren't fixed.

Well, Moore is a crazy ass extremist. Which is why she's awesome. By contrast, the Ambassador was happy to negotiate a peace-treaty with the BoS. As for the hunting down of the Enclave, the Enclave was planning to murder every man, woman, and child in the world but themselves. I think the BOS is more like a more heavily armored Great Khans to NCR--a bunch of tribals and raiders who just need to be smacked down until they get the message their shit stinks like the rest of us.
  • The combat - big improvement on Fallout 3 and NV, I think we can all agree.
Not the guns though. There are what, 25 different type of firearms in this game? There are almost zero unique weaponry, that just look different from all the others. Kellogg's Pistol is just a Relentless .44, and so on. From the top of my head, the Deliverer is the only unique weapon I can remember.
  • The exploration, really enjoyed this. A varied and fun environment that I found it hard to get bored in.
You need to remember that the game takes place 210 years after a nuclear war. Where are all the settlements, besides the two? Where are the people? Why is their so many decent loot areas, when is should've been ransacked by raiders or just humans?
  • Another improvement on FO3 which was boring blasted rock and dead trees for most of the map. Bethesda wasted a massive opportunity here with the Capitol Wasteland in my opinion.
This, I agree on.
  • The story - I liked it. Controversial sure, but it is my favourite out of all the Fallout games. I liked the characters in it too. When I killed Kellog, I felt a real sense of gratification that I had finally gotten revenge for my wife. And when I assured the Institute would have a prosperous future and helped Shaun achieve his dreams, I felt achievement.
By all do you mean Fallout 3 and 4? Or do you mean all the games? If the second, you belong to the group that Bethesda clearly advistised for: No consequence, only satisfaction. In New Vegas, there were consequence for your action, making everything less satisfaction and like: But I thought I did right!; which is kinda the point of a game with choice and consequence.
  • The factions - most of them at least. All the factions were well put together, with the Institute being my favourite of them all (science for the win). The BoS needed changing and I think that was handled well. The Gunners were a massive breath of fresh air, making a big change from the spiky - punk rock masochist's we have had in the last couple of games. About time we had some new and different raiders.
Oh yes, MORE RAIDERS THANK YOU BETHESDA FOR BLESSING US WITH THIS ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC FACTION THAT DOESN'T DO OTHER THAN SHOOT YOU ON SIGHT. AND ALSO, THANK YOU FOR MAKING THEM MERCENARIES THAT SHOOT YOU AND OTHERS BECAUSE WHY NOT. They aren't even 'different' they are a cheap mans Brotherhood of Steel, gathering technology and thinking they are better than other groups etc.

  • Settlements - nice concept, but far too much emphasis was placed on them and they should never have been marketed as a game making thing. They should be a side activity.
Nice concept? It was created so people could be like 'wow i've played 60 hours! 50 of them on settlements and 10 of them on other settlements that need my help.

  • Elder Maxson - he came across as a cartoon character. This entire thing about him killing a deathclaw at 16 and then killing some massive super mutant overlord at 18 then unifying the Brotherhood and building the Prydwen and and and.....naaah. Just naaaaah. And the fact he is the last of the Maxson line. FFS. I really dont want to kill the final Maxson, Roger was such a badass. Anyway the Maxsons were on the west coast and fucking belong there. The retarded excuse for Arthur on the East coast is his mum wanted him over there because he was a timid child. So your going to send your kid roughly 1800 miles across the country because he is a bit timid. No, come up with a real fucking excuse next time writers. His coat is the most overrated thing ever. Fathers Labcoat is so much better.
The only cartoon character? Not any of those from Reporter to goddess that fights Deathclaws... If you mention Maxson, you gotta mention the 5000 others (oh wait there isn't 5000 or any impressive number, unless Settler #550 counts, but his background isn't very big.)
  • Preston Garvey. Nuff said
Nono. Not nuff said. You liked what he stands for. Why not like him?
  • The Minutemen in general. Pretty pointless faction, with the most boring quests ever.
Yeah, the Railroad got quests like: Get that! Place that! Kill that! Much more immersive than the Minutemen.
  • The Triggermen - fucking stupid, they make no sense at all.
Yes, but the Gunners do? The Gunners are mecernaries. They. Don't. Shoot. Without. Reason.
  • There are about 2 pro BoS and Institute companions and a glut of about 6 or 7 pro Railroad/Minuitmen companions
Why be sad? There is no consequence. Help the Institute? Nick Valentine is fine with you. Only Deacon, Buzz Lightyear and that fuckhead from the Institute will leave you.
Help the Brotherhood? Strong is fine with you, besides Maxson promising genocide against the mutants.
  • Tinker. Fucking. Tom
Yeah. Crazy guy who is very cliche. Just like EVERY character in this game. Name a unique character. I dare you. I DOUBLE DARE YOU.
This isnt a fucking debunk peoples opinions thread its thread where you post your thoughts on the game.
You haven't posted a single thought. So post some or fuck off.

Also learn to use the fucking quote function for fucks sake.
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Well, Moore is a crazy ass extremist. Which is why she's awesome. By contrast, the Ambassador was happy to negotiate a peace-treaty with the BoS. As for the hunting down of the Enclave, the Enclave was planning to murder every man, woman, and child in the world but themselves. I think the BOS is more like a more heavily armored Great Khans to NCR--a bunch of tribals and raiders who just need to be smacked down until they get the message their shit stinks like the rest of us.

The BOS, like the Enclave, are a threat and if the NCR can remove them for good while the BOS is weakened why wouldn't they? That's what they did with the Enclave and we don't even know if they did it purely because of what the Enclave planned or just for the Enclave technology.

EDIT: I'd say for both reasons actually.
This isnt a fucking debunk peoples opinions thread its thread where you post your thoughts on the game.
You haven't posted a single thought. So post some or fuck off.

Also learn to use the fucking quote function for fucks sake.
What's your funking problem? He did post his opinions. In the post you quoted No less.
This isnt a fucking debunk peoples opinions thread its thread where you post your thoughts on the game.
You haven't posted a single thought. So post some or fuck off.

Also learn to use the fucking quote function for fucks sake.
I did post a thought. You could clearly see I hated the game by debunking your 'opinion'.

And also, next time please do not post your thoughts on a forum, where you actually are supposed to discuss what you wrote. Saying something I disagree on, gives me permission, on a forum, to discuss it. Next time, post your opinion somewhere else.
Thoroughly disliked 4. Every positive I can think up will be countered by 2 negative points for the game. It is the game that truly killed the Fallout franchise for me.

I can't even get enthusiastic about Fallout anymore.

Well, they're mentioned in the game so unless we have a reason to think they're gone, they're probably fine. Presumably either NCR backed away from their territory due to the events in Nevada or the treaty with the BOS and NCR helped make a final peace between them. Either way, I doubt NCR is going to commit genocide on the BOS and even they're not stupid enough to fight to literally the last soldier.
Destroying all of the NCR's gold reserves (which harmed the NCR's economy from 2) and initiating a long war with massive casualties would create enough bad blood to generate the desire to wipe out the BoS.

Consider someone like Cassandra Moore coming into power, someone who was personally hurt by the BoS's thoughtless war. They'd want the BoS massacred and one could argue that the Mojave chapter was the last chapter with all other wiped out or rendered semi-canon (with indeterminable status). With a war-mongering expansionist like Kimball in mind, there is weight in the argument that the NCR continued wiping out the BoS after the BoS lost and would have wiped out the Mojave chapter if not for the Legion.
F4 for me is just more wasted potencial. It could have benn a good RPG but beth just made a glorified shooter.
Not much I liked about Fallout 4, and everything I liked could have been waaaay better with just a tiny bit of effort.
  • Gunplay: Feels more fluid than Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but it's also a severe downgrade from New Vegas. The weapon variety is thin, and the lack of DT statistics and switchable ammunition types makes the gunplay extremely basic.
  • Power armours: They feel good, but they're added way too early, are way too common, and are essentially useless. The system is also extremely basic, with too little variety. Every new power armour is a total upgrade over the next lower tier, and there's only one PA frame that can't be modified. It could have been much more in-depth with different frames for different plates (why the hell should X01 plates fit a T-45 frame, for example) and the ability to mod the frames as well, to increase strength or speed or to lower power consumption.
  • Story: The general idea isn't too bad, with the synths and the whole question of what it means to be human. Of course, none of that is really explored in the game because it was written by Emil "I eat my crayons with paste" Pagliarulo and directed by Todd "The Toddler" Howards, with Pete "Shiteating" Hines fluffing both of them.
The game looks ok, though, for a 2010 game. The animations still suck and the engine still can't handle actual dynamic lights and more than 20 actors on screen, but the art direction is again very good. I felt that the architecture in Fallout 3 looked kinda better, but still, Fallout 4 looks good. Not exactly the highest fidelity possible these days, but nobody believed that would happen, anyway.
So yeah, Fallout 4 might be the laziest game of all time. Every aspect is crippled by half-arsery. In that it's an unredeemable turd that no amount of mods can fix. Skyrim at least was semi-enjoyable for a while and was easy to improve with mods. Fallout 4? No chance.
There are some good ideas, but the execution in nearly every aspect is just poor.

Locations don't stand out.
Gunplay is more fluid.
Variety in nearly all areas is less than in previous games (fewer weapons, enemy types, ammo, ways to complete quests etc.)
Voiced protagonist is a shit idea, limits dialogue options
Voiced protagonist is even more shit due to the fact that you always sound like a generic American white guy/girl
There are a few good voice actors (Stephen Russell)
Most of the voice actors are shit though
The misc section is a fucking mess
The UI in general is a fucking mess
The plot is nonsensical and events rely on a single soldier/lawyer doing menial tasks for factions
The factions are either bland (Minutemen), shouldn't exist (RR), are so poor;y written that even the faction themselves don't know what they're doing (Institute), or the only one that has some decency yet is still poorly written when compared to previous games (BoS)
The colour palette is nicer in F4, but the plastic looking skyscrapers are terrible
Super orcs are terrible
Zombies are terrible
Le 'funny' and 'ironic' radio is the best thing ever; "atom bomb baby" "the end of the world" "uranium fever" "it's all over but the crying" oh man there are so many thematic songs and it's great
I actually like Travis, kinda reminds me of Morty from R&M... but why would you let an awkward teenager be the DJ of your radio station?!
The vaults were piss poor, if Bethesda were going to do wacky social experiments at least make them good experiments
Most of the companions are terrible, except Dogmeat because he's cute and Nick Valentine who actually knows what sarcasm means
The sarcastic dialogue is a bigger fucking joke than the plot of this game
Dialogue in general feels like I'm playing with int 1
Charisma isn't a dump stat anymore, but I hate the fact that it's a dice roll chance
Skills being removed was just a bad idea
The perk tree needs work done
The DLC and Season Pass where some of the worst in any game- worse than From Ashes and Omega
Settlement building is fun until you finish and realize you've spent a couple of hours building a ghost town

Yeah that's all I've got from the top of my head.
Don't really like Fallout 4, but I guess I got my money's worth? I don't know, the settlement thing pulled me in a little, but the fact it's all over the whole game and and would could've been actual settlement ("Great Green Jewel" my ass), is dumb.

What breaks the game for me, besides their shitty engine, are the logic behind many of the things in Fallout 4. There's the handmade pipe guns being able to fire high caliber bullets especially 50. cal is asking your face to be blown off. They should've just used New Vegas weapon modding instead. Firing right-handed with a left-handed bolt on a sniper rifle. DR instead of DT/DR. Legendary weapons and enemies (Am I supposed to ignore an enemy "mutating" right in front of my eyes like a fucking Psycho from Borderlands?), all I need are explosive "enchantment" and be done with the enemies.

Father Shaun and the Institutes logic and reasoning on synths' capabilities of free will when they literally have a slogan that said "Mankind, Redefined". Also, SUPER MUTANT OUTTA NOWHERE! Virgil finding the cure for super mutants but not Father's supposed incurable disease which he got from wholly sanitary place?

The list goes on but you get the idea.
Also, I want to strangle the Male Solve Survivor for his bipolar disorder and apparent poor understanding of sarcasm. At least the female voice actor sounds tolerable.
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I did post a thought. You could clearly see I hated the game by debunking your 'opinion'.
No you didn't
There are some good ideas, but the execution in nearly every aspect is just poor.

Locations don't stand out.
Gunplay is more fluid.
Variety in nearly all areas is less than in previous games (fewer weapons, enemy types, ammo, ways to complete quests etc.)
Voiced protagonist is a shit idea, limits dialogue options
Voiced protagonist is even more shit due to the fact that you always sound like a generic American white guy/girl
There are a few good voice actors (Stephen Russell)
Most of the voice actors are shit though
The misc section is a fucking mess
The UI in general is a fucking mess
The plot is nonsensical and events rely on a single soldier/lawyer doing menial tasks for factions
The factions are either bland (Minutemen), shouldn't exist (RR), are so poor;y written that even the faction themselves don't know what they're doing (Institute), or the only one that has some decency yet is still poorly written when compared to previous games (BoS)
The colour palette is nicer in F4, but the plastic looking skyscrapers are terrible
Super orcs are terrible
Zombies are terrible
Le 'funny' and 'ironic' radio is the best thing ever; "atom bomb baby" "the end of the world" "uranium fever" "it's all over but the crying" oh man there are so many thematic songs and it's great
I actually like Travis, kinda reminds me of Morty from R&M... but why would you let an awkward teenager be the DJ of your radio station?!
The vaults were piss poor, if Bethesda were going to do wacky social experiments at least make them good experiments
Most of the companions are terrible, except Dogmeat because he's cute and Nick Valentine who actually knows what sarcasm means
The sarcastic dialogue is a bigger fucking joke than the plot of this game
Dialogue in general feels like I'm playing with int 1
Charisma isn't a dump stat anymore, but I hate the fact that it's a dice roll chance
Skills being removed was just a bad idea
The perk tree needs work done
The DLC and Season Pass where some of the worst in any game- worse than From Ashes and Omega
Settlement building is fun until you finish and realize you've spent a couple of hours building a ghost town

Yeah that's all I've got from the top of my head.
Don't really like Fallout 4, but I guess I got my money's worth? I don't know, the settlement thing pulled me in a little, but the fact it's all over the whole game and and would could've been actual settlement ("Great Green Jewel" my ass), is dumb.

What breaks the game for me, besides their shitty engine, are the logic behind many of the things in Fallout 4. There's the handmade pipe guns being able to fire high caliber bullets especially 50. cal is asking your face to be blown off. They should've just used New Vegas weapon modding instead. Firing right-handed with a left-handed bolt on a sniper rifle. DR instead of DT/DR. Legendary weapons and enemies (Am I supposed to ignore an enemy "mutating" right in front of my eyes like a fucking Psycho from Borderlands?), all I need are explosive "enchantment" and be done with the enemies.

Father Shaun and the Institutes logic and reasoning on synths' capabilities of free will when they literally have a slogan that said "Mankind, Redefined". Also, SUPER MUTANT OUTTA NOWHERE! Virgil finding the cure for super mutants but not Father's supposed incurable disease which he got from wholly sanitary place?

The list goes on but you get the idea.
Also, I want to strangle the Male Solve Survivor for his bipolar disorder and apparent poor understanding of sarcasm. At least the female voice actor sounds tolerable.
These are thoughts. Post some next time
tbh it's like 6.5/10
Not bad, but worse than the previous canon games except Fallout 3.

+Power armor is better. Companions/affinity are good. I liked the Lovecraftian sort of stuff (Cabot House, Dunwich Borers, Pickman, etc.), but take it with a grain of salt because I derive an absurd amount of pleasure from that sort of thing. Settlements actually had food/water sources. I like that they had more than 2 voices for each type of unnamed npc. Soundtrack was decent. Radio hosts were decent. Curie is top tier. Armor was better. VATS isn't incredibly overpowered anymore. This doesn't affect me, but console mods are good. People take cover. Damage types. Normal Bethesda massive world. I liked wasteland workshop. Crafting. I liked Vault 88.

Pipe weapons are in the middle. Good concept, but overused.
Voiced protagonist. VA is good, but it limits story mods and roleplay.

-I do not like Shaun or the main story aside from finding the Institute. Lore is fucked. Kid in a fridge would have been better if there were like 50 rads a second around the fridge. I wish as director I could actually have some impact on the Institute's decisions. Why do 3 factions want to nuke the Institute? Where are the cybernetics? Gun animations are silly. Assault rifle is trash garbage and I really hate it. I don't like bullet sponges. There is no RGB hair color slider with presets. I don't want a backstory for my character. Scaled npcs. Perk system. The Institute rejected some good ideas in Advanced Systems. Dialogue system.


Build on existing Institute research into implants/cybernetics to augment human capabilities and lifespan. Previous program met with limited success in a single subject; using a broader array of subjects and new techniques could prove highly effective.


Rejected - Director
Notes: None given"
"Humanity Redefined"
No you didn't

These are thoughts. Post some next time
Do you even know what a thought is? A thought can be many things, including an opinion. I stated my opinion, and my THOUGHTS about your post. Does that make sense?

Edit: Also, i'm not the only one going 'off-topic' here, but you are insulting me because I shat on your opinion. Great.
Yeah I forgot a few things:

Power armour is so much better in terms of movement
Leveled lists are terrible
Legendary enemies and mutations are terrible
The amount of lore inconsistencies are so high that this feels like a cheap spin off

I would talk about the great set pieces that the modelers/designers whatever at Bethesda make, but most of them require mods to be used in settlements. So a further con of the settlement system is how there are too few objects.
I couldn't care less if you shat on my opinion, but at least post something productive too next time you cretin
Oh yes, that comment you just posted was very productive.
Get your head out of whatever hole you're in, and try to search for 'discussion', 'forum' etc. That will teach you something.