So... why exactly does Vault 87 have a G.E.C.K.?

The Water Ship

The Water Chip's lesser-known counterpart.
As we all know from Fallout 2 - the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.) was used as a tool to rebuild civilization and came with the necessities of rebuilding it (Seeds, sandcrete, etc.) Which leads to my question.

Why does Vault 87 have a G.E.C.K.?
Most Vaults have G.E.C.K.s on the West coast (At least in 1 and 2) if I remember correctly but for some reason the East coast has none except for the one in Vault 87.

Why would it need a G.E.C.K. when it was solely meant for FEV testing? (Ignore the lore inconsistency with FEV for a moment) It's not like anyone is going to be able to use it because Bethesda Suoer Mutants are... not like the originals. Why would Super Mutants need water, crops, and sandcrete for building?

Let's all discuss this.
the better question is why didn't the other vaults have G.E.C.Ks? you could argue that they were all expiriments. fine. so was vault 87. which begs your question. why does only this vault (87) have a G.E.C.K?
the better question is why didn't the other vaults have G.E.C.Ks? you could argue that they were all expiriments. fine. so was vault 87. which begs your question. why does only this vault (87) have a G.E.C.K?

Yes, all Vaults are supposed to have 2 GECKs, aren't they?
As we all know from Fallout 2 - the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.) was used as a tool to rebuild civilization and came with the necessities of rebuilding it (Seeds, sandcrete, etc.) Which leads to my question.

Why does Vault 87 have a G.E.C.K.?
Most Vaults have G.E.C.K.s on the West coast (At least in 1 and 2) if I remember correctly but for some reason the East coast has none except for the one in Vault 87.

Why would it need a G.E.C.K. when it was solely meant for FEV testing? (Ignore the lore inconsistency with FEV for a moment) It's not like anyone is going to be able to use it because Bethesda Suoer Mutants are... not like the originals. Why would Super Mutants need water, crops, and sandcrete for building?

Let's all discuss this.

Plot convenience. Plus it raises other questions.

Why hasn't the Brotherhood tried to get it? They can spare men for a shitty radio station but not to retrieve a hi-tech terraforming kit?

Why hasn't the Enclave tried to get it? They have the manpower and it's not like anyone would notice. Surely being able to grow healthy plants for mass amounts of people would benefit them.

Why is the G.E.C.K an almost magical piece of tech being able to create life out of literally nothing when the G.E.C.K was established as a starter kit in Fallout 2?

Why is the G.E.C.K kept in a highly irradiated chamber?

Why is it wasted on a purifier when it could have done so much more good if it was used as intended?

Unless we find a 200 years olds super- mutant kid in a fridge, we are assuming even Bethesda super-mutants need to eat and drink.

Fawkes doesn't seem to have access to food unless those mutants who hate him enough to lock him away and smash his computer feed him.
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Well, since all the East Coast vaults were doomed to fail from the start (one never to open, cloning experiments, hallucinogenics, noise, FEV...), why waste your money on getting them a GECK? They're all going to die anyway...

Either that or it's just McGuffinite so you're forced to walk through Little Lamplight, a place Emil was probably super proud of because he felt right at home.

What about the West Coast vaults, though? Of course, the GECK is not a part of New Vegas' story, but shouldn't it be mentioned at least somewhere? There were a few vaults that were not really destined to fail there...
And what about Fallout 4? It even has a working vault, shouldn't they have one?
Why would it need a G.E.C.K. when it was solely meant for FEV testing? (Ignore the lore inconsistency with FEV for a moment) It's not like anyone is going to be able to use it because Bethesda Suoer Mutants are... not like the originals. Why would Super Mutants need water, crops, and sandcrete for building?
Perhaps the experiment wasn't just to create Supermutants, but also to see how they fared in the world, and so the G.E.C.K was to help them along.
Yes, all Vaults are supposed to have 2 GECKs, aren't they?
Vault 8 was supposed to have 2 G.E.C.K's and Vault 13 was supposed to have only 1, however a shipment got messed up, and Vault 8 got 70 spare waterchips, while Vault 13 got an extra G.E.C.K
Vault 8 was supposed to have 2 G.E.C.K's and Vault 13 was supposed to have only 1, however a shipment got messed up, and Vault 8 got 70 spare waterchips, while Vault 13 got an extra G.E.C.K
Naw man it totes was a Sociel Experiment! Fallout has those, right?
Naw man it totes was a Sociel Experiment! Fallout has those, right?
"Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale."
-Dick Richardson, Fallout 2.

Vaults were Experiments right from the beginning.

That being said however, most were simplistic experiments. Vault 13 was isolation, Vault 12 Radiation, Vault 15 how ethnic groups respond to each other. The specifics such as how many G.E.C.Ks they have didn't really matter.
"Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale."
-Dick Richardson, Fallout 2.

Vaults were Experiments right from the beginning.

That being said however, most were simplistic experiments. Vault 13 was isolation, Vault 12 Radiation, Vault 15 how ethnic groups respond to each other. The specifics such as how many G.E.C.Ks they have didn't really matter.
I know, I should have stated how much I loved the Gary vault and that I found the West coast vaults boring instead
I know, I should have stated how much I loved the Gary vault and that I found the West coast vaults boring instead
Remember: They don't give a shit but act like they do when you remember that it's stupid

Maybe it´s standard procedure for all vaults, like a must have list.

Must have a geck, must have a overseer, must be underground etc...
Maybe it´s standard procedure for all vaults, like a must have list.

Must have a geck, must have a overseer, must be underground etc...
gecks are supposed to be standard issue for every vault. as @Hassknecht pointed its much more odd that gecks aren't even mentioned in new vegas or 4.
gecks are supposed to be standard issue for every vault. as @Hassknecht pointed its much more odd that gecks aren't even mentioned in new vegas or 4.

New Vegas I can let slide since the Mojave isn't as irradiated/screwed-up compared to other regions and really only Vault 3, 21 and 34 were still inhabited centuries after the War. Mr House may have taken 21's G.E.C.K if they did have one or perhaps since New Vegas was being established it wasn't necessary (or maybe they did use it and we just don't see New Vegas' food production) and 34's occupants didn't have any intention of going outside aside from when the Boomers left and when the Vault is flooded with radiation. But by then of course it was too late.

Vault 22 would likely not require one given its purpose, Vault 11 may have had one since even Vault-Tec thought the dwellers wouldn't follow with the experiment, Vault 19 was likely predicted to fail given the mental state of its occupants and Vault 3 probably had one but due to their fear of going outside they didn't use it. By the time they did go outside and interact with the wasteland the Fiends killed them all.

I'm just speculating of course. Though it's stated all Vaults had G.E.C.Ks as standard issue (in Fallout 2 I think?), given how healthy the Mojave is in comparison to D.C. G.E.C.Ks don't really need mentioning in New Vegas.

Fallout 4 on the other hand, well not sure if mentioning G.E.C.Ks would be relevant either.


its much more odd that gecks aren't even mentioned in new vegas

Marcus does mention the G.E.C.K when you ask about the tribal, he doesn't talk about what it does though.
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