The Water Ship
The Water Chip's lesser-known counterpart.
As we all know from Fallout 2 - the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.) was used as a tool to rebuild civilization and came with the necessities of rebuilding it (Seeds, sandcrete, etc.) Which leads to my question.
Why would it need a G.E.C.K. when it was solely meant for FEV testing? (Ignore the lore inconsistency with FEV for a moment) It's not like anyone is going to be able to use it because Bethesda Suoer Mutants are... not like the originals. Why would Super Mutants need water, crops, and sandcrete for building?
Let's all discuss this.
Why does Vault 87 have a G.E.C.K.?
Most Vaults have G.E.C.K.s on the West coast (At least in 1 and 2) if I remember correctly but for some reason the East coast has none except for the one in Vault 87.
Why would it need a G.E.C.K. when it was solely meant for FEV testing? (Ignore the lore inconsistency with FEV for a moment) It's not like anyone is going to be able to use it because Bethesda Suoer Mutants are... not like the originals. Why would Super Mutants need water, crops, and sandcrete for building?
Let's all discuss this.