Tiny Tim
Still Mildly Glowing

No, this post was more or less answering to another post that said that there were no incidents of unprovoked killings. I replied that you can easily find some on youtube ( and not just black folks either, your police seems to be killing people way too easily), meaning that in my opinion unless you're biased or aren't searching at all, you can easily see that there's a problem even with a random browsing (combined with the fact that people are protesting, probably with some reason, as well as america's history of racism against blacks that cannot logically have vanished in just a few decades). There weren't any statistics up for debate at the time so i wasn't disregarding any based on youtube videos.This is like Hannibal Buress levels of logic. Somehow, the anecdotal cherry-picking of evidence is more representative than statistics (providing a bigger picture) conducted on the matter.
If I went to liveleak and started looking for evidence that "all black people are violent thugs," and started linking a bunch of videos showing such, would we be coming to the conclusion that "all black people are thugs,: or that I have confirmation bias?
To the stastitic that was posted later by mr fish, i replied with an article using other statistics.
Ok, why exactly should people stop digging up the KKK? Also, the KKK kills people, hangs them, burns them etc and does all that because of racism. You really have to be blind to compare them in any way with people rioting for a fair cause, even if like most of us you disagree with the riots themselves (or even if you disagree with the cause for that matter, because burning cars and looting shops simply cannot be compared to this shit https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...bramSmith.jpg/365px-ThomasShippAbramSmith.jpg ).Maybe when people stop digging up the KKK. Also, when is BLM accountable for anything? When they all merge together into single giant blob of flesh?
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