First time out of the vault

I was thinking that it would be pretty nice to see something like that, maybe a few years after the war. The downside is there might not be any factions since people would be struggling for survival.
I think that it would take several years (maybe even a decade or longer) for the wasteland to be "livable" in. I mean even 100 to 200 years after the bombs fell there are still places where radiation will kill a human in seconds to a few minutes. The radiation level on the "surface" of the wasteland would be deadly in pretty much everywhere (I guess Las Vegas would be an exception because of Mr House's defense system) for years after the bombs fell.
It would be interesting to see how it was, but we would probably have to play as someone or something that was radiation immune, maybe as a robot/cyborg or a person who was turning into a ghoul for example. Also the wasteland would be full of dead bodies, if we have skeletons galore in Fallout 3 and 4, we would need tons more dead bodies everywhere (radiation would keep them sterile so they wouldn't decompose). There wouldn't be many mutated creatures around. I guess there would be dogs and bears and cows, but I don't think there would be giant rats or bloatflies or giant roaches yet (those would take a long time and probably several generations to mutate to this extent). There wouldn't be many humans alive, probably only people who were turning into ghouls (or already being a ghoul if enough time has passed).
I think a Fallout game right after the bombs wouldn't be an action oriented game, it wouldn't have many NPCs either, it would probably be a mostly exploration and survival game, maybe a more deep and emotional oriented game where we see and reflect about the horrors of war and human insanity, the capability of human destruction and the struggle of seeing civilization destroyed.
If even something as important as the West-tek facility got the shit nuked out of it, what makes you think DC wouldn't get the shit nuked out of it even more? Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I can remember from the lore and (maybe) the Fallout Bible, Washington DC and a lot of the East Coast was supposed to be an extremely nuked out hellhole. Take a look at the West Coast during Fallout 1:THat's not how nuclear bombs work. Even if you could get salted bombs to keep cities uninhabitable for more than a few years, by 2085 it's going to be safe anywhere where there isn't nuclear waste or plant meltdowns. The Glow is the exception that proves the rule: it got the SHIT nuked out of it.
If they had the intro and first hour or so inside the vault would be cool too. I think it would still need to be at least a few years until you can leave thoughYeah, imagine coming out of your bunker, vault, or wherever the hell you survived in and seeing the devestation, the sky is black from the smoke, and the streets are littered with bodies, if done right it could be a horrifying kind of game.
Fallout nukes are portrayed as completely different from the real world ones and radiation in the fallout universe also works completely differently from the real world one.THat's not how nuclear bombs work. Even if you could get salted bombs to keep cities uninhabitable for more than a few years, by 2085 it's going to be safe anywhere where there isn't nuclear waste or plant meltdowns. The Glow is the exception that proves the rule: it got the SHIT nuked out of it. Even in the Divide, radiation wasn't a problem until after all the ICBMs exploded, and it's radiation safe even four years later....it's just all the critters that make it so dangerous.
Fallout only has a half-life of 14 days, even getting to a month like in the Black Rain would be an engineering feat.
No the biggest problem would be lack of people. Everyone would die in 2077 and anyone left in 2078 would have a lot of space to themselves.
Does the canon/lore justify this? With Mr. House, it's explained well and justified by how there's only very few nukes leaving craters across the Mojave. If there's little to no mention about it in the canon/lore, then I don't see how you could ever see it that way, and justify East Coast being not a hellhole as it should be.You can justify the East Coast as it is by the East Coast having better missile defense, and better luck. I'm sure the Chinese did their damnest to make Washington DC a crater....it's just they failed. I can live with it either way.
How about a story about the creation of BoS (and probably the enclave) started from Marxson arrived the FEV facility? That happens around that time and fit the FO lore.I was thinking that it would be pretty nice to see something like that, maybe a few years after the war. The downside is there might not be any factions since people would be struggling for survival.